The word God is nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness.

I personally dont believe and have no problem with people that do because thats thier choice and they are free to do whatever they want.

I do want to know why believers, when something good happens to them are so quick to thank god, etc. Yet, When something bad happens, do you ever think," man +@*% god?" etc.

Maybe you tihnk that in your head i dk but ive never actually heard someone say that when a bad thing happens

I personally dont believe and have no problem with people that do because thats thier choice and they are free to do whatever they want.

I do want to know why believers, when something good happens to them are so quick to thank god, etc. Yet, When something bad happens, do you ever think," man +@*% god?" etc.

Maybe you tihnk that in your head i dk but ive never actually heard someone say that when a bad thing happens

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So simply BELIEVING in God is the reason you are alive today? Ok.

but thats what believing in God is dawg. You accept anything as the will of god
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So simply BELIEVING in God is the reason you are alive today? Ok.

but thats what believing in God is dawg. You accept anything as the will of god
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

I personally dont believe and have no problem with people that do because thats thier choice and they are free to do whatever they want.

I do want to know why believers, when something good happens to them are so quick to thank god, etc. Yet, When something bad happens, do you ever think," man +@*% god?" etc.

Maybe you tihnk that in your head i dk but ive never actually heard someone say that when a bad thing happens

They just chalk it up as, "God is testing me."

but thats what believing in God is dawg. You accept outlandish things as the will of god
If thats how you feel man
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

I personally dont believe and have no problem with people that do because thats thier choice and they are free to do whatever they want.

I do want to know why believers, when something good happens to them are so quick to thank god, etc. Yet, When something bad happens, do you ever think," man +@*% god?" etc.

Maybe you tihnk that in your head i dk but ive never actually heard someone say that when a bad thing happens

They just chalk it up as, "God is testing me."

but thats what believing in God is dawg. You accept outlandish things as the will of god
If thats how you feel man
Originally Posted by Gucci Mane

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So simply BELIEVING in God is the reason you are alive today? Ok.

but thats what believing in God is dawg. You accept anything as the will of god
Basically...Human's are minute, insignificant creautre who can't possibly fathom that their are things that they can't possibly understand so to comfort them, they belief that their is some divine force/god watching over them, guiding them.
Originally Posted by Gucci Mane

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

So simply BELIEVING in God is the reason you are alive today? Ok.

but thats what believing in God is dawg. You accept anything as the will of god
Basically...Human's are minute, insignificant creautre who can't possibly fathom that their are things that they can't possibly understand so to comfort them, they belief that their is some divine force/god watching over them, guiding them.
I believe in a higher power, and an order of the universe in a magnitude we can't even begin to comprehend. I think the word God, and the concept of God is a simplistic form that allows us as humans something concrete to hold on for our hopes and thoughts. As this is my belief, I find that the only true God is oneself. That the only temple we have is our bodies and the reality of the world is created within ourselves. As such, living life to the fullest, really is the best religious practice I can think of.

Also, I think religions that rely on a book seem just outdated, superstitious, and frankly a bit pathetic. It boggles my mind a little bit to think that the word of God could be transcribed into a book. Into something so concrete and fallible.

Honestly, if we all had a selective memory wipe of religion and woke up tomorrow and had to start over. Some higher power would not be what we came up with. We'd come up with a set of rules to live by that benefited humanity the best. Seeing as now their is communication, global democracy, and a way for individuals to have an impact it would become our "tenets."

The bible, etc all seem like something that was created by whoever happened to be in power at a certain point. They had an idea that if they convinced the general mass that they had some birthright, or divine power that control would be far easier. They scribed this down into immutable laws and from their it blossomed into the seeds of religion. Whoever is in power seemed to always use religion as the way to control the masses.

In this day and age when we demand facts something like this could never pass. Unless I see someone walking on water, parting a sea, or even simply levitating I cannot with good faith believe in the concept of religion.

That is not to say I'm an atheist. I have a belief in an order of the universe, a higher power, etc. However, as a quote from a show I watch, "I have no problem with the idea of a higher power, I just don't believe he would be taking attendance" (talking about attending church).
I believe in a higher power, and an order of the universe in a magnitude we can't even begin to comprehend. I think the word God, and the concept of God is a simplistic form that allows us as humans something concrete to hold on for our hopes and thoughts. As this is my belief, I find that the only true God is oneself. That the only temple we have is our bodies and the reality of the world is created within ourselves. As such, living life to the fullest, really is the best religious practice I can think of.

Also, I think religions that rely on a book seem just outdated, superstitious, and frankly a bit pathetic. It boggles my mind a little bit to think that the word of God could be transcribed into a book. Into something so concrete and fallible.

Honestly, if we all had a selective memory wipe of religion and woke up tomorrow and had to start over. Some higher power would not be what we came up with. We'd come up with a set of rules to live by that benefited humanity the best. Seeing as now their is communication, global democracy, and a way for individuals to have an impact it would become our "tenets."

The bible, etc all seem like something that was created by whoever happened to be in power at a certain point. They had an idea that if they convinced the general mass that they had some birthright, or divine power that control would be far easier. They scribed this down into immutable laws and from their it blossomed into the seeds of religion. Whoever is in power seemed to always use religion as the way to control the masses.

In this day and age when we demand facts something like this could never pass. Unless I see someone walking on water, parting a sea, or even simply levitating I cannot with good faith believe in the concept of religion.

That is not to say I'm an atheist. I have a belief in an order of the universe, a higher power, etc. However, as a quote from a show I watch, "I have no problem with the idea of a higher power, I just don't believe he would be taking attendance" (talking about attending church).
*Puts on kicks, ties up laces, begins walking, laces become untied*

*Bends over, ties them again*

*Few more steps, becomes untied again*

"God is testing me today."  
*Puts on kicks, ties up laces, begins walking, laces become untied*

*Bends over, ties them again*

*Few more steps, becomes untied again*

"God is testing me today."  
Follow up question......why is Scientology so bogus? I've read up a little on it, and while it obviously has it's far out ideas, it doesn't strike me as really that much more ridiculous than anything with Christianity or Muslims beliefs. If the people following Scientology currently are the very initial "founding" class then they seem quite normal considering the extremity of starting a new religion.
Follow up question......why is Scientology so bogus? I've read up a little on it, and while it obviously has it's far out ideas, it doesn't strike me as really that much more ridiculous than anything with Christianity or Muslims beliefs. If the people following Scientology currently are the very initial "founding" class then they seem quite normal considering the extremity of starting a new religion.
so faith and believing is one of the principles of it not? that is my religion and that is what keeps me going everyday. Keep in mind that i said that this reflects MY personal belief. I am not entitled to prove anything nor make you believe what it is i do believe. That's all I am going to say about this. Debating over religion is one of the most endless battles known to man.

*ignores DCAllamerican posts for the rest of his NT life which i hope ends quickly*

so faith and believing is one of the principles of it not? that is my religion and that is what keeps me going everyday. Keep in mind that i said that this reflects MY personal belief. I am not entitled to prove anything nor make you believe what it is i do believe. That's all I am going to say about this. Debating over religion is one of the most endless battles known to man.

*ignores DCAllamerican posts for the rest of his NT life which i hope ends quickly*

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

so faith and believing is one of the principles of it not? that is my religion and that is what keeps me going everyday. Keep in mind that i said that this reflects MY personal belief. I am not entitled to prove anything nor make you believe what it is i do believe. That's all I am going to say about this. Debating over religion is one of the most endless battles known to man.

*ignores DCAllamerican posts for the rest of his NT life which i hope ends quickly*

You aren't entitled to prove anything because you can't prove anything. Don't throw that out there as if you are CHOSING to not prove anything God related. Faith based remember. And I simply asked you why you felt like you would be DEAD (physically) if you didn't believe. I see plenty of non-believers walking this earth each and every day.

And I mentioned that you would still be alive and ticking, I was speaking about the physical you. Meaning your heart would still be beating. It is just funny to think that you HONESTLY/LOGICALLY believe that if you weren't a Christian that you wouldn't still be walking this earth. But why am I trying to get you to admit anything logic related?
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

so faith and believing is one of the principles of it not? that is my religion and that is what keeps me going everyday. Keep in mind that i said that this reflects MY personal belief. I am not entitled to prove anything nor make you believe what it is i do believe. That's all I am going to say about this. Debating over religion is one of the most endless battles known to man.

*ignores DCAllamerican posts for the rest of his NT life which i hope ends quickly*

You aren't entitled to prove anything because you can't prove anything. Don't throw that out there as if you are CHOSING to not prove anything God related. Faith based remember. And I simply asked you why you felt like you would be DEAD (physically) if you didn't believe. I see plenty of non-believers walking this earth each and every day.

And I mentioned that you would still be alive and ticking, I was speaking about the physical you. Meaning your heart would still be beating. It is just funny to think that you HONESTLY/LOGICALLY believe that if you weren't a Christian that you wouldn't still be walking this earth. But why am I trying to get you to admit anything logic related?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

so faith and believing is one of the principles of it not? that is my religion and that is what keeps me going everyday. Keep in mind that i said that this reflects MY personal belief. I am not entitled to prove anything nor make you believe what it is i do believe. That's all I am going to say about this. Debating over religion is one of the most endless battles known to man.

*ignores DCAllamerican posts for the rest of his NT life which i hope ends quickly*

You aren't entitled to prove anything because you can't prove anything. Don't throw that out there as if you are CHOSING to not prove anything God related. Faith based remember. And I simply asked you why you felt like you would be DEAD (physically) if you didn't believe. I see plenty of non-believers walking this earth each and every day.

And I mentioned that you would still be alive and ticking, I was speaking about the physical you. Meaning your heart would still be beating. It is just funny to think that you HONESTLY/LOGICALLY believe that if you weren't a Christian that you wouldn't still be walking this earth. But why am I trying to get you to admit anything logic related?
Good question DC why are you?

Why are you so against religion?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

so faith and believing is one of the principles of it not? that is my religion and that is what keeps me going everyday. Keep in mind that i said that this reflects MY personal belief. I am not entitled to prove anything nor make you believe what it is i do believe. That's all I am going to say about this. Debating over religion is one of the most endless battles known to man.

*ignores DCAllamerican posts for the rest of his NT life which i hope ends quickly*

You aren't entitled to prove anything because you can't prove anything. Don't throw that out there as if you are CHOSING to not prove anything God related. Faith based remember. And I simply asked you why you felt like you would be DEAD (physically) if you didn't believe. I see plenty of non-believers walking this earth each and every day.

And I mentioned that you would still be alive and ticking, I was speaking about the physical you. Meaning your heart would still be beating. It is just funny to think that you HONESTLY/LOGICALLY believe that if you weren't a Christian that you wouldn't still be walking this earth. But why am I trying to get you to admit anything logic related?
Good question DC why are you?

Why are you so against religion?
Originally Posted by red mpls

The irony of the constant barrage of threads like this is that those making them seem just as, if not more, obsessed with religion and God than the so-called religious fanatics... and are convinced that your point of view is the correct one just as much as the staunchest of believers... and attempt to force your beliefs on others just as much as those you mock and insult.

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