Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

  • Clippers

  • Celtics

  • Seventy Sixers

  • Bucks

  • Rockets

  • Nuggets

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  • Nets

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Have any of you ever seen that **** before? Never in my life in any game have I seen a dude courtside right next to the basket throwing a towel in the air behind the glass backboard at the same time a player was going up with free throws. Maybe people sitting behind the backboard who are doing **** like that but nobody courtside that close to the basket. I’m just trying to ask a question on whether or not this is even legal or if anybody else has seen this before.
man, tell your boys to go look at a dryer spin for a few hours and learn to block a towel from messing up their focus

Lemme put my old head hat on now and complain about today’s players being soft. This is what Larry Legend had to deal with when he went to the line:

Holding up objects compared to throwing an object in the air are 2 complete different things but im done on this topic cause i dont care bout the towel

players are paid to make FTs which should be gimmies.. he missed i can move on
They let NBA fans say and yell all sorts of vile **** to players courtside and you dudes think they're going to take issue with a towel being thrown in the air after a shooter shoots a free throw?

Lemme put my old head hat on now and complain about today’s players being soft. This is what Larry Legend had to deal with when he went to the line:


i don’t remember if it was basketball or another sport but wasn’t there a guy who’s wife/girlfriend was a model and fans distracted him with her bikini shots? :lol:
broad street bullies

flyers fan were always crazy and still are... if they were to win a stanley cup again i can guarantee the parade would have the most people show up

more than the phillies in 08 and more than the eagles in 17

we a diehard fanbase some fanbases dont know what its like
I've literally been quoted calling pop a top 2 or 3 coach of all time on this site, I'm not underplaying him at all.

With that said for years people acted as if Pop's coaching was the driving force for the Spurs being elite, when in reality once those ELITE PLAYERS were no longer there he's had middle of the pack results.

This is true of every coach, but again for years in several different areas people acted as if Pop was the exception to the rule, like him & his system were somehow immune to the rule. The past three years he hasn't had elite talent and has had average results. Only point i'm trying to make is Pop is reliant on stars just like every other coach and now we could finalls put that BS narrative to rest.

But the Spurs drafted guys and developed them into elite players. Duncan is the ONLY one (not counting David Robinson because that's a different era) that was supposed to be great coming into the NBA. If the one consistent over those years is Pop then yeah I gotta say he is the driving force.
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