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Covid-19 isn't airborne. But it lives outside of the body on your hands etc and when you rub your eyes etc that's when you are in danger of contracting it. It also isn't killed by using hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer isn't antiviral. (I work in healthcare, if it matters)
Not necessarily suggesting anything besides being open minded, using critical thinking and having a healthy amount of skepticism. I don't want to make it seem like I have all the answers or even half of them. I think it's important to do your own research and not just accept whatever information you are spoon-fed by 'credible' sources.
Yeah in the same train of thought for the most part. I don't 100% agree with DUI Ty that it's a "hoax" but as I said in the General thread, there's so much more coverage of new infected cases than those who are recovering

There was an article posted in there by a Doctor who described the issues Italy hospitals are facing not having enough room to treat the high volume of cases. He urged Americans to pretty much go on lock down and stop living their regular day to day lives. idk, that's tough to accept and thinking about what other liberties we'd be willing to give up in the name of prevention
I would have never thought to experience this kind of history to be honest.

Let's face it: China and its political methods are the cause of it. I have traveled to China for work about 75 times in the last 12 years, the hygenical standards in mainland China are unacceptable und below many standards that we have in Europe and that I know of in the US. I could name 10 different examples at least from the top of my head, weather it is using the same cooking oil for 3 days, the way live animals for consumption are kept and so on, I would never say that I have seen it all in China, but I have seen too much live and I am not the big animal consumer and this has actually made me think over my entire food consumption. The fact that they, as they always do, lie, and try to cover up, when something goes sideways over there is just the worse decision they could have made.

Just think about the last 3 virus outbreakes, H5N1, swine flu, Covid-19. They all originated in China. In my opinion apologies from them do not make us all forget what happened and what is happening right now. I am not considering this from a financial perspective, but rather a human and living perspective. My grandma is turning 89 this year and now I have to worry about her every day, despite me living in a city that has not been hit that hard.

In my opinion China needs to go through a revolution of enlightenment, freedom of speech and hygiene, in my opinion the basic aspects that every human on earth is entitled to. They must abandon their one party system, having a capitalistic economy and communist leadership and what has remained of their corrupt local governing systems.

China is becoming the World's cancer and is infesting everything. This has got to stop!

And this my friends is how the "savior" mentality & imperialism works
Americans wasnt taking this too serious . Shoutout shibadekobe in general he was the leading authority in overseas figures early on- and even then we could tell it was something to worry about.

so insane it has affected our daily lives . We are living in wildwild wild unprecedented times.

Nothing about this virus is unprecedented tho, we've been through several similar virus outbreaks in the past. The reaction to this one is Unprecedented tho, and i'm still trying to figure out why reaction to this is like 10X worse than all the previous ones despite most reports from doctors/scientist we have dealt with Viruses in the past that had higher fatality rates/infection rates.
Rudy Gobert ruined the 2019-2020 NBA season. Let that sink in.

Not here to fight, I legit wanna know....What "solid evidence" has been reported thus far by the mainstream media?
Which part of what's been reported, specifically, do you NOT believe? You don't believe the virus is real? Or you believe it's been caused intentionally?
Nothing about this virus is unprecedented tho, we've been through several similar virus outbreaks in the past. The reaction to this one is Unprecedented tho, and i'm still trying to figure out why reaction to this is like 10X worse than all the previous ones despite most reports from doctors/scientist we have dealt with Viruses in the past that had higher fatality rates/infection rates.
It will probably take more celebs/athletes getting infected and recovering to quell these reactions you are referring to

The coverage is mostly about new infected cases and deaths than recoveries
Which part of what's been reported, specifically, do you NOT believe? You don't believe the virus is real? Or you believe it's been caused intentionally?

I'm asking you.

You stated that you'd question any source without solid evidence. (Me 100%)

So I ask you, what solid evidence have you received thus far? I'm curious to know.
The push for Veganism is gonna go from
Nothing about this virus is unprecedented tho, we've been through several similar virus outbreaks in the past. The reaction to this one is Unprecedented tho, and i'm still trying to figure out why reaction to this is like 10X worse than all the previous ones despite most reports from doctors/scientist we have dealt with Viruses in the past that had higher fatality rates/infection rates.

Social media plays a big part.

They can’t control the information that’s being circulated to the public.
I am familiar with Vietnam, Watergate, the Black Panthers (and many things involving Black America) where conspiracies turned out to be legitimate. And we have volumes of fact-based evidence that tell us that.

I'm also familiar with 90% of conspiracies spouted though that have no basis in fact and that list is endless.

So no, I am not saying that I offhand believe anything I'm told to be true. I am saying that I'd question any source and I don't believe in regurgitating conspiracy theories without solid evidence. As far as Bill Gates' event, I'm sure you can find volumes of academic articles with scientists telling us that we are underprepared for the next pandemic, that doesn't mean they started it, just that they turned out to be right.
I'll be the first to admit that there is a ton of garbage in the 'truther' space. Like the ratio of garbage to quality content is worse than ESPN. Combine that with the fact that people who consider themselves 'woke' tend to have a condescending attitude towards people who don't and I understand why the temperature is what it is. But it can be difficult and frustrating to get people to consider examining the information they're given beyond just a surface level. Just look at your last sentence. Look at how quickly and easily you dismiss what I told you as insignificant and place your complete trust into your 'reliable' sources seemingly without even thinking about it. I'm not even claiming that what I told you was significant or not but just that mindset and thought process to handle it that way is interesting to me. Like without knowing ANYTHING about the event you automatically reaffirmed your trust and faith in your sources and refused to consider any idea that could potentially breach that trust. That's fascinating to me.
It will probably take more celebs/athletes getting infected and recovering to quell these reactions you are referring to

The coverage is mostly about new infected cases and deaths

Unfortunately this is true, however on the other side of this is someone notable public figure passing because of this & it's gonna be kicked up to a whole other level in terms of fear mongering
I'm asking you.

You stated that you'd question any source without solid evidence. (Me 100%)

So I ask you, what solid evidence have you received thus far? I'm curious to know.
That the virus exists?

Multiple different governments, journalists from different sources (including different nations), independent scientists, and doctors that have come in contact with the virus in person?
Unfortunately this is true, however on the other side of this is someone notable public figure passing because of this & it's gonna be kicked up to a whole other level in terms of fear mongering
That's true and someone in the General thread suggested that Tom Hanks and his wife will be able to have access to treatment and medicine that perhaps a regular person wouldn't

Wonder how true that is more or less and how much these treatments cost and how exactly we are treating those infected
The push for Veganism is gonna go from

Social media plays a big part.

They can’t control the information that’s being circulated to the public.

That def plays a part in it too, but Ebola was just in 2016 & while it was certainly a huge deal & people took precaution.... I don't remember it getting to this level of chaos
Nothing about this virus is unprecedented tho, we've been through several similar virus outbreaks in the past. The reaction to this one is Unprecedented tho, and i'm still trying to figure out why reaction to this is like 10X worse than all the previous ones despite most reports from doctors/scientist we have dealt with Viruses in the past that had higher fatality rates/infection rates.
. Swine flu had a vaccine I believe. I think I remember taking it. SARS I don't think I was ever worried about it making its way to NY
I'll be the first to admit that there is a ton of garbage in the 'truther' space. Like the ratio of garbage to quality content is worse than ESPN. Combine that with the fact that people who consider themselves 'woke' tend to have a condescending attitude towards people who don't and I understand why the temperature is what it is. But it can be difficult and frustrating to get people to consider examining the information they're given beyond just a surface. Just look at your last sentence. Look at how quickly and easily you dismiss what I told you as insignificant and place your complete trust into your 'reliable' sources seemingly without even thinking about it. I'm not even claiming that what I told you was significant or not but just that mindset and thought process to handle it that way is interesting to me. Like without knowing ANYTHING about the event you automatically reaffirmed your trust and faith in your sources and refused to consider any idea that could potentially breach that trust. That's fascinating to me.
In this case there's an actual danger to others in spreading misinformation about this, and there's also little downside to being personally cautious in avoiding spreading the virus, and as I said earlier reporting on the virus comes from a pretty wide range of sources both national and international that don't gain anything from making it up (unless you believe in global level fascist takeover conspiracy stuff, I am NOT going there), I'm comfortable going along in this case it's that simple.

I mean of course as members of a pretty complex society we have to make daily choices about what we accept and what we question, sometimes by instinct and sometimes by hard fact.

Also, I do have a relative level of trust for the international scientific/healthcare community, earned trust, a bit different than the trust I have for example American law enforcement, which is earned distrust.

This is exactly what that Italian Doctor was getting at, suggesting that the healthy need to do more. It's an understandable point of view. I guess I fear the thought of being required to be locked down. It's a slippery slope

Here's the article for anyone interested

i think it's ok to question the way a country like china manages its waste and pollution, its hygienic customs, its food consumption and sweep-it-under-the-rug style public health services when some of world's the largest medical outbreaks have originated there. not everything is a conspiracy

how about the AIDS/HIV outbreaks in America?? You can’t a compare a country with 1 or 2 billion people, to America which has about 400+ million? Ironically, we have more prisoners and inmates than China. And we’re highly outnumber. They can control crime in china, but America can’t :lol: :lol: :lol: :rofl:

when y’all start to realize that we’re all in this TOGETHER and only see things from a domestic point of view, then people would be more empathetic
At this point, if you don't see the seriousness of a virus that is exponentially increasing, doesn't have adequate testing and has no vaccine in the foreseeable future.... IDK what to tell you

I've seen people compare it from anything to the flu to drunk driving. We are in the early stages of this, and still have 1.5 to 2 months of this going on strong. We don't know how high the numbers will and can get.
At this point, if you don't see the seriousness of a virus that is exponential increasing, doesn't have adequate testing and has no vaccine in the foreseeable future.... IDK what to tell you

I've seen people compare it from the the flu to drunk driving. We are in the early stages of this, and still have 1.5 to 2 months of this going on strong. We don't know how high the numbers will get.
Well, it's understandable imo until we start seeing young, healthy people dying there's going to be that line of thought

On the other hand I notice plenty of very serious reaction to all of this

I'm wait and see myself, not one way or the other
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