Which team is most overrated? (Pick two)

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Well, it's understandable imo until we start seeing young, healthy people dying there's going to be that line of thought

On the other hand I notice plenty of very serious reaction to all of this

I'm wait and see myself, not one way or the other
So young deaths is your measure, gotcha
. Swine flu had a vaccine I believe. I think I remember taking it. SARS I don't think I was ever worried about it making its way to NY

Yea i guess another part of this is that

1) By all accounts Corona virus is less lethal then other viruses we have seen, it spreads quicker due to being Airborne
2) America as a whole doesn't really care until things personally hit us
In this case there's an actual danger to others in spreading misinformation about this, and there's also little downside to being personally cautious in avoiding spreading the virus, and as I said earlier reporting on the virus comes from a pretty wide range of sources both national and international that don't gain anything from making it up (unless you believe in global level fascist takeover conspiracy stuff, I am NOT going there), I'm comfortable going along in this case it's that simple.

I mean of course as members of a pretty complex society we have to make daily choices about what we accept and what we question, sometimes by instinct and sometimes by hard fact.

Also, I do have a relative level of trust for the international scientific/healthcare community, earned trust, a bit different than the trust I have for example American law enforcement, which is earned distrust.
Are you familiar at all with Bill gates' views on population control? Eugenics? Gene editing? His relationship with Jeffrey Epstein? That his dad was the head of planned parenthood? These are the people you place your unwavering faith into without question? Really? These are the people you say have earned your trust? I'm talking about facts, not theories. And again you are saying all that while knowing NOTHING about the event I told you about and just assuming everything must've been peachy since people you 'trust' were there.

(unless you believe in global level fascist takeover conspiracy stuff, I am NOT going there)

I'm not saying I believe this or not. But I'm genuinely curious why you would willfully be so close minded that you flatly refuse to even begin to entertain the idea that it could be that way. How familiar are you with world history to take such a strong stance like that?
Definitely believe this virus in some form was being developed for population control. Whether it was intentionally released, at this point, seems a bridge too far, but honestly who knows. Governments around the world are devious.
Which one are ya?
So young deaths is your measure, gotcha

I think the point is that people with compromised immune systems are exponentially more at risk then those who aren't, a large majority of those people are also ederly.

Those with compromised immune systems have BEEN AT RISK for a longtime in this country, yet somehow we saw no real talk of it. Fast Forward to this virus & people are treating it like the end of civilization.

At least 19 million people have come down with the flu in the U.S. with 180,000 ending up in the hospital, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The flu season, which started in September and can run until May, is currently at its peak and poses a greater health threat to the U.S. than the new coronavirus, physicians say.

Obviously everyone should take steps to ensure their safety & to prevent spreading it, but this isn't some kind of impact we've never seen before, or aren't meant to handle.
Overall there are different degrees of "taking it seriously". It isn't a black and white statement, somewhere in there is a real discussion on prevention and what we're all willing to do to protect ourselves and loved ones
Overall there are different degrees of "taking it seriously". It isn't a black and white statement, somewhere in there is a real discussion on prevention and what we're all willing to do to protect ourselves and loved ones
It really just comes down to this for me.
I’d rather people treat it like a big deal so it doenst become a worse deal. Not taking it seriously is how it becomes a worse deal. Yea some will “over react” or “freak out” but wouldn’t you rather deal with that and things not get worse or everyone just keep doing whatever and **** gets worse

prevention > treatment

let’s try to maximize prevention as much as we can by taking this as a big deal
It really just comes down to this for me.
I’d rather people treat it like a big deal so it doenst become a worse deal. Not taking it seriously is how it becomes a worse deal. Yea some will “over react” or “freak out” but wouldn’t you rather deal with that and things not get worse or everyone just keep doing whatever and **** gets worse

prevention > treatment

let’s try to maximize prevention as much as we can by taking this as a big deal
Depends on how dark society can get in response to your underlined question

This is the crux of what I'm getting at
Depends on how dark society can get in response to your underlined question

This is the crux of what I'm getting at
As long as no one is over reacting to the links of trying to attack people on a mass scale or at all hopefully in cool with a lil overreacting
Hopefully a treatment for the virus is discovered soon. The virus is very serious and I hope you stay safe.
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