Jun 7, 2009
is it just me? or as time goes on there seems to be more and more bad chicks around and the definition of a fly bop keeps getting badder and badder? from the 80's to 90's, 2000's and now, it feels like the standards for a bad broad have got so crazy that a 90's dime wouldn't even compare to one of today's. and the population also seems to be growing, is this just perception due to the internets age? or is there some truth to this? what could be causing this phenomenon?
na man, its just that you see al these broads online. Also a lot of chicks getting surgery... all of my girls friends have fake boobs... what the hell? thats a lot of broads with fakes, prolly like 5 outta 7 in a crew...

alot of make up and fake eyelashes too

also, style has changed to become more provocative and sexy
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a lot of it has to do with the advancement of technology and having more access. were in the social media era where more females are flaunting their goodies for everyone to see. just so much more visual stimulation now that everyones standards are just bound to be higher.
a lot of it has to do with the advancement of technology and having more access. were in the social media era where more females are flaunting their goodies for everyone to see. just so much more visual stimulation now that everyones standards are just bound to be higher.

Yeah, before the web comparisons were pretty much limited to local women and celebs. With the internet as big as it is you now have access to the hottest of the hot in a global scale.
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na man, its just that you see al these broads online. Also a lot of chicks getting surgery... all of my girls friends have fake boobs... what the hell? thats a lot of broads with fakes, prolly like 5 outta 7 in a crew...

alot of make up and fake eyelashes too

also, style has changed to become more provocative and sexy

i smell you, but where is this coming from? is it a natural thing, that over time ladies have upgraded the previous generations looks and presentation (clothes/makeup/hair)? or do we just live in an age where looks are such an important thing that we are creating or fostering an environment that creates super babes? cuz i know in the 80s girls like kim kardashian (insert who ever you like) weren't the style and i don't even think they existed :lol:. what makes us go from a vanna white/whitney houston to a eva longoria/beyonce? im sure there were girls that looked similar during both time periods.
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Your perception is just being manipulated. Vag and bitties haven't undergone any genetic mutations in the past 20 years if thats what you're asking. Its just that you now got camera phones, makeup, filters, photoshop, plastic surgery, myspace angles, clothes that accentuate certain body parts, social media and the hype machine comprised of a billion simps serenading these broads on their news feeds.

Female traits are just being glamorized, made more attractive than they really are with more and more ways of appealing to our inherent male urges.
100 years ago, an average farmer could probably live for decades without seeing so much as an ankle of a female that wasn't his wife or relative. And now....
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Inter-ethnic marriages are the culprit my friend. The new mixing of gene pools is making some interesting looking women. That Eskimo-Scandinavian-Peruvian-Ghanaian mix was unheard of a few decades ago.
OP i get what youre saying, it could be internet perception

but man NT has made my already high standards even worse

an i agree with the person who said there is def a lot more mixing going on now a days

also looks/dress/surgery/ hell even chicks be goin harder than id say a lot of dudes these days in the gym

in general looks are HUGE these days bigger than ever before imo even with males
daaaaaawg i say this same stuff w/ my patna. Video girls from Pac videos and old Snoop and Dre videos and then women that were sexy in the 80s compared to video models now (obviously a lot are fake) and women that are sexy now is :wow:
It's a generational ideology son.

I'm sure some 70s dudes would think broads nowadays were straight ugg mugs.

Kim K. would walk around the corner....
when you really think about it I dont really see a difference. I just think that the social media plays a big part. They throw on make up and get the right angle and BAMB she looks like halle berry :lol:
when she really looks like halle scary. If the technology and social media was arounf back then I believe it would be the same. Im not a fan of fake shhh anyway so I dont even classify those females as bad. The more natural you are the badder you are IMO.
Your perception is just being manipulated. Vag and bitties haven't undergone any genetic mutations in the past 20 years if thats what you're asking. Its just that you now got camera phones, makeup, filters, photoshop, plastic surgery, myspace angles, clothes that accentuate certain body parts, social media and the hype machine comprised of a billion simps serenading these broads on their news feeds.
Female traits are just being glamorized, made more attractive than they really are with more and more ways of appealing to our inherent male urges.
100 years ago, an average farmer could probably live for decades without seeing so much as an ankle of a female that wasn't his wife or relative. And now....

This. People just concentrate on looks so much more than at any time before. It's sad, actually...but this isn't the thread for that diatribe.
Technology plays a huge factor in the sense of pics. Girls on Tumblr, Instagram, FB, etc. market themselves with a portfolio of bad*** pics making themselves look like flawless in reality they're subpar.

Lighting, filters, and the right angles could make a 6 into a 10.
It's the technology of how makeup has evolved. It is also the clothing that is worn nowadays, there is more skin shown and the curves are more well defined.
Inter-ethnic marriages are the culprit my friend. The new mixing of gene pools is making some interesting looking women. That Eskimo-Scandinavian-Peruvian-Ghanaian mix was unheard of a few decades ago.
shut up, thats not true at all

the mobility/accessibility of the internet mixed with camera phones is the culprit, the coldest girls i have ever seen have been in Miami LA and NY city, Detroit be havin cold ones but they dont compare to the ones i saw when i left the state
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