These kids have issues SMH vol. animal abuse

e-detectives FTW...
myfault i grew into this story. lol i became a detective for a second.

anyways look at this pic that i found

Didn't get to watch the vids but judging from the details this is unforgiveable
at first i was sad for the cat, and i certainly still am, but this kid is TOAST

im just glad hes gonna get whats coming to him
I have a feeling he's going to be in the news within 24 hours. It is an understatement to say that /b/ is furious.
Originally Posted by bkdan1

I have a feeling he's going to be in the news within 24 hours. It is an understatement to say that /b/ is furious.

I look forward to reading the news headline about whatever happens to him with a smile on my face.
i dont normally BAAAWWW over stuff, but this is just terrible.

(quoted from another site.)

Cats don't fight back when they know they're beat. They only fight back if they know there's a chance to defend themselves or escape. Otherwise they just take it, hoping it'll be over soon, even if you're gonna kill them. You can even see it in the video. In the end you can see the cat knowing he's lost and gives up, just sits there, and waits for it to be over.
this kid is TOAST. i love the /b/ detectives...cant wait to see what happens to him. I called the numbers and theres no answers...must be scared !#!**+#!
i dont even want to see it.

I'll jump kick anybody abusing any kind of animal

i didn't see the vid but I hear stuff about it...

MICROWAVING? are you %@+*@#* kidding me?

Just scrolled the whole /b/ post and the PETA posts. I hope /b/ obliterates his life.
^its a section of the 4chan imageboard. they come up with pretty much all the memes and gifs you see on niketalk
i see they did this on caturday
...I only got one thing to say to them..."you know you done !+$* up right?"
somebody needs to speak up for the chickens, cows and pigs too... This kid doesn't even look 15 yet.....Reacting to his actions with violence isn'tgonna solve anything....he was still wrong for doing this though.
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