Things you learned from your ex Vol: at least they were good for something.


Staff member
Jul 27, 2006
-When showering if you dry off in the shower with the curtain still pulled back, it is not as cold when you get out
-How to bbq
-Never date someone who barely speaks english
-To keep hand sanitizer in the car for when you pump gas
-Never date a guy with a female best friend
-If you wet a paper towel and put it over your food in the microwave your food wont dry out

what are some useful tidbits you learned from your ex?

Never follow a girl to church. You could lose your faith and your girl at the same time
Originally Posted by prokid404

Originally Posted by REDUCE523

If you think she is cheating she most likely is cheating.

Pretty Much
On second thought, why wait to find out.. just kill the $%*** and feed her to the neighbors' dog. If !%+# gets hot, put some of her panties intheir trash too.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by soltheman

Girls will do ANYTHING if they believe they're in love.

I've had some of my wildest nights cuz of this fact.. the only thing better than being in love is not being in love while being inside a chick that'sin love..
If she grabs your thing in Walmart, it's time to leave and get back to the house.

Don't let girls drive... and don't let them pick out the music.

Girls generally don't like weed. Oops.

That's all I got off the top of my head.
you can't help anyone who doesn't wanna be helped and there's no ({}) like raw ({})
never get too comfortable and just because she feeds you everytime doesnt mean you should let your self go and gain weight
Don't settle.

I'd always rather be going after the 9s and getting shot down then being with the 7s who think they are 9s
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