THIS IS JUST TERRIBLE... animal abuse*warning very graphic video*

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

You just now finding out about this?
for real...

There goes PETA again with their exaggerations...
Are you serious??? excuse me for being thoughtful, I post afukkin video of an animal being abused and you care more about the title of the thread??? you're pathetic man
Originally Posted by roman736

Who cares? Its an animal.

Let me kick you 12 %+++@!# times on your chest to see if you'll like it .. or better yet slam your newborn baby to the ground head 1st and laugh whiledoing it. Yes this are animals, but just because we kill them and eat them does not mean we have to make them suffer before hand.

I guess the people doing this arent animals themselves .. SMH
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Originally Posted by roman736

Who cares? Its an animal.

Let me kick you 12 %+++@!# times on your chest to see if you'll like it .. or better yet slam your newborn baby to the ground head 1st and laugh while doing it. Yes this are animals, but just because we kill them and eat them does not mean we have to make them suffer before hand.

I guess the people doing this arent animals themselves .. SMH
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Originally Posted by roman736

Who cares? Its an animal.

Let me kick you 12 %+++@!# times on your chest to see if you'll like it .. or better yet slam your newborn baby to the ground head 1st and laugh while doing it. Yes this are animals, but just because we kill them and eat them does not mean we have to make them suffer before hand.

I guess the people doing this arent animals themselves .. SMH

You ever try to get a pig to move when it doesn't want to? Didn't think so.
dont worry bout faij.

His posts are always useless.

It's a disturbing video, and those who see nothing wrong with it are ******ed. I'm no tree-hugger or pro-PETA, but I hate seeing people abuse anythinginnocent and taking pleasure in it, animal or not.
Originally Posted by 11wordisbond

I don't mess with swine. Probably the most "unclean" out of all animals. Still there's no excuse to mistreat em.

I have my issues w/ PETA but no person or animal should be treated that way.
You ever try to get a pig to move when it doesn't want to? Didn't think so.

There are ways to move animals w/o physically hurting them. People with animals do it all the time and it doesn't involve kicking or prodding. As you sawthe violence did not help the situation at all.
I'm a member of PETA. People for the Eating of Tasty Animals!
really messed up how they kill them tho. should just do it quick and painless. pigs are some of the cutest animals when they are clean.
damn this is terrible. i assumed and judged the video before i watched it. i thought it was some type of extremist PETA ad or something. but god damn, seeingthose piglets being slammed repeated on the ground like that, and getting a metal rod jammed up their #*!!....... that's painful to watch. not to mentionthat mofo kept beating the handicapped pig with a metal rod. that pig had broken legs.... regret watching this vid. my heart hurts
roman736 wrote:
Originally Posted by Black Milk

roman736 wrote:
Originally Posted by Black Milk

roman736 wrote:
Who cares? Its an animal.
So murdering humans is ok, also. i mean, humans are just animals, right?

Yeah that's OK too. It's called the death penalty and abortion.

Looks like you are not familiar with the definition of murder

Killing pigs is murder?

You are a

Ill #@$# if I was you
no animal should be treated like that, regardless if many people eat them. their death should be quick and painless.... not prolonged.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Originally Posted by roman736

Who cares? Its an animal.

Let me kick you 12 %+++@!# times on your chest to see if you'll like it .. or better yet slam your newborn baby to the ground head 1st and laugh while doing it. Yes this are animals, but just because we kill them and eat them does not mean we have to make them suffer before hand.

I guess the people doing this arent animals themselves .. SMH

You ever try to get a pig to move when it doesn't want to? Didn't think so.

%@% .. My dude Im Puertorican raised in Puerto Rico my family on mad land and pigs are one of the many animals on that farm .. so yes I deal with pigs and hogsand it does not take 12 kicks or metal rods to move them .. SO %@%% ..

By the way is a tradition in Puertorico to raise a pig and kill them to roast them on the bar for xmas so I have also killed a pig .. but this is abuse to thextreme! Let me kick your moms a few time in the face when she dont want to get her fat #$* out of bed and lets see if she likes it!
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Originally Posted by roman736

Who cares? Its an animal.

Let me kick you 12 %+++@!# times on your chest to see if you'll like it .. or better yet slam your newborn baby to the ground head 1st and laugh while doing it. Yes this are animals, but just because we kill them and eat them does not mean we have to make them suffer before hand.

I guess the people doing this arent animals themselves .. SMH

You ever try to get a pig to move when it doesn't want to? Didn't think so.

%@% .. My dude Im Puertorican raised in Puerto Rico my family on mad land and pigs are one of the many animals on that farm .. so yes I deal with pigs and hogs and it does not take 12 kicks or metal rods to move them .. SO %@%% ..

By the way is a tradition in Puertorico to raise a pig and kill them to roast them on the bar for xmas so I have also killed a pig .. but this is abuse to the xtreme! Let me kick your moms a few time in the face when she dont want to get her fat #$* out of bed and lets see if she likes it!
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Originally Posted by roman736

Who cares? Its an animal.

Let me kick you 12 %+++@!# times on your chest to see if you'll like it .. or better yet slam your newborn baby to the ground head 1st and laugh while doing it. Yes this are animals, but just because we kill them and eat them does not mean we have to make them suffer before hand.

I guess the people doing this arent animals themselves .. SMH
Why would I let you do that? Btw, it's not "this are animals," but rather "these are animals." We use "this" forone object (singular) and "these" for more than one object (plural). Here is a quick explanation of such rules of grammar:
i can't force myself to watch the vid, but isn't the boy Vick serving time for this? why are they allowed to get away with it?
chinese fur farms.. these animals are being skinned ALIVE and STILL KICKING literally

nothing can stop the fur trade in a country that doesnt care about animal and rights
Originally Posted by melomanDNVnuggets

Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

You just now finding out about this?
for real...

There goes PETA again with their exaggerations...
Are you serious??? excuse me for being thoughtful, I post a fukkin video of an animal being abused and you care more about the title of the thread??? you're pathetic man
Please, save that talk man... "if you eat hot dogs you support what those people are doing" argument is absurd... PETA is an extremistorganization and this is just another one of their ways to shock and awe their way into getting their unbelievably unrealistic message.

Do a little research before you get mad at me for not falling for PETA's propaganda....

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