This is why dudes get killed

What caused that to happen though? I'm so clueless (yes, sorry - I'm not from Chicago).

But damn, son asked if the earrings were real too :lol:.
@buggz05, I feel your posts but don't get caught out in Cali bro, every hood is the same
And Oakland and many parts are on the same ish right now(just more regional and if you are not from there you don't hear about it)
These youngins are just outta control no matter where you go...
since when did sucker punching someone make you bad?

if this is the way our youth is acting, we have some big problems ahead.
Strong avi/post irony
Its a big difference in gettin knocked out m what happen in that video. Dude got punched n stayed down and took his **** off. Dude was terrified like he had a gun to his head.
not when you a rapper being videotaped tho.
i don't think that really matters in the scheme of things 
 being a rapper doesn't mean ya gotta die for people you never met to maintain your level of cred.....cred don't spend in the afterlife bruhs

There's really nothing to learn from this. I posted this out of frustration more than anything. Clearly a set up(A filmed one at that). Dude is an aspiring rapper outta Chicago. Knowing how **** go and with this being in the public eye over a belt now dudes got static. **** happens everyday ever hour. Glad I ain't around that crab **** anymore.

"That ain't how it supposed to be but thats the way its gone go". smh
i don't think that really matters in the scheme of things 
 being a rapper doesn't mean ya gotta die for people you never met to maintain your level of cred.....cred don't spend in the afterlife bruhs
if youre a rapper u should be bangered up at all times. no lackin.
if youre a rapper u should be bangered up at all times. no lackin.

You sound like one of them kids from the burbs that drives through the hood cuz you think it's cool.

Bangered up?!

Rappers are the last ones who need to carry a hand. They are always gonna get tested and they will 90% of the time try to prove it because idiots like you won't buy they're records if what they say isn't what they live. The smart thing to do is lay it down. OG's been taught us don't turn a robbery into a homicide. Give them what they want, you'll be alive tomorrow and still rich minus a chain or watch. You run they blastin. You don't give it up they blastin and takin it anyway. What you want is for rappers to not give it up and just start a gun fight anytime and any where.

My gun stays in the house. I don't like to go to places where I need a gun. Been there done that.

The older you get the easier it'll be to understand that.
That would be a wrong guess.

And the homey had two or three homeys that were basically circling and surrounding the dude who was robbing him. The young DJ Nate had no chance. He was most likely set up. Homey rode off into the sunset and everything with the perfect camera shot.
I definitely feel you and every city has different cultures but at the end of the day it's the same mentality whether we're talking the Chi, Oakland, Watts, Newark, B-More, STL, etc. I get what you're saying about strongarm robbery being more "menacing" but that's kind of the point. Where I'm from, people get robbed, shot, killed every day too. Difference is, if you let somebody take what's yours with no weapon & no fight, you're considered food. Now you have a reputation as someone who will not even fight to protect themselves or their property.You can expect it to happen again whenever anybody wants what you have. Think Yung Berg.

You lose no respect getting stuck up because it's happened to the best of us. You SHOULD be afraid to fight against a gun or other deadly weapon. You shouldn't be scared to fight where no weapon is produced. I can even understand running if you can get away. I can't understand getting chipped up & almost stripped while not even defending yourself cuz the dude "might have a gun". Following that logic, I'd hate to see what happen to the young boy if them boy-boys ever press him on the yard. He better never go to jail.

Around my way, dude would have to man up or move out. First things first tho, he needs to mow his lawn. Grass so tall he ain't see all them snakes around him.
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You sound like one of them kids from the burbs that drives through the hood cuz you think it's cool.

Bangered up?!

Rappers are the last ones who need to carry a hand. They are always gonna get tested and they will 90% of the time try to prove it because idiots like you won't buy they're records if what they say isn't what they live. The smart thing to do is lay it down. OG's been taught us don't turn a robbery into a homicide. Give them what they want, you'll be alive tomorrow and still rich minus a chain or watch. You run they blastin. You don't give it up they blastin and takin it anyway. What you want is for rappers to not give it up and just start a gun fight anytime and any where.

My gun stays in the house. I don't like to go to places where I need a gun. Been there done that.

The older you get the easier it'll be to understand that.
I agree that anybody with common sense, rapper or not, should give up any material possession to prevent being shot. I also agree that rappers are the last ones that need to be strapped because they are the first ones that will be searched and arrested. Cops would rather lock up a famous rapper than his unknown weed/gun carrier friend. Lastly, agree 100% about carrying. I'm in NJ and unless you're a cop it's almost impossible to get a carry permit.Carrying around here is more likely to get you locked up than anything else. Good rule of thumb is, if you're going somewhere where you feel like you need to be strapped, don't go.

That said. I saw no weapon of any kind in this video. The strap would'nt have helped DJ Nate cuz he was too scared. He woulda had it on him he woulda got robbed for that too. 
^ none of what I wrote was really pertaining to the OP more of response the 13 yr old suburbanite parading on NT like he's a goon. His SN is Pack Man :rolleyes
Why them dudes around him snakes? In my hood there was a sayin if you not willing to stand up for yourself why should I?

Nate got snaked yes but he set there and helped dude get the belt off him and answered questions **** I don't know about y'all but that's a clear head and his heart pump kool aid.
Hand guns are legal in Chicago with a permit. You can't leave your house and carry, but the conceal carry just got passed so it will be legal to carry pretty soon.
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^ none of what I wrote was really pertaining to the OP more of response the 13 yr old suburbanite parading on NT like he's a goon. His SN is Pack Man
Nah, I saw where you were coming from and agreed with all of it. This is what happens when 12 year olds are growing up looking at Chief Keef as an OG figure. Their solution to all of life's problems is "Shoulda had the strap on him. NO LACKIN'!! BANG BANG!!!" and thinking they sound cool.  You hit the nail on the head & I realize you weren't referring to the OP.
Why them dudes around him snakes? In my hood there was a sayin if you not willing to stand up for yourself why should I?

Nate got snaked yes but he set there and helped dude get the belt off him and answered questions **** I don't know about y'all but that's a clear head and his heart pump kool aid.
The OG's def used to tell us that wasn't nobody gon help us if we couldn't help ourselves. I agree 100% with that. Still though, you know who your homies are and what they're about. Some of my closest peoples are not fighters and I would not expect them to fight because I already know their not built that way. If I know my homie ain't a fighter, no way I'ma sit there and watch this happen. I'ma laugh at him about it later and try to toughen him up but letting this happen makes all of them look bad... unless they were in on it. Nobody even raised their voice and it sound like they was lowkey laughing about it while it was happening. Then, to top it off, it must have been the cameraman, whoI assume is one of his homies, who uploaded the footage to youtube.

His heart def pump kool-aid and I don't support anything about the way he handled (or didn't handle) his business in this footage but his mans were obviously either in on it or not too mad that it was happening. Uploading it tou youtube was the icing on the cake. Them boys snakes. L's all around for EVERYBODY in this video. 
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After watching it again, this dude DJ Nate looking like something off the menu in this vid. He wasn't knocked out or concussed. He was scared. Everybody's not a fighter so it is what it is, but he was aware of exactly what was going on. When dude said don't touch me he moved his hands. He took the belt off himself. He was fully conceous and fully aware of what was going on. He was just too scared to defend himself. Rather get robbed than get beat up but wound up getting both. Ain't like he got jumped. He made a decision to protect his face and not fight back. He even told the guy that his earrings were fake so they wouldn't get ran too. He was very aware and chose to do what he did... nothing.

Where'd you get your PHD?
bruhhhh WTFFFFFF!!??

first if those are his boys how they just let that happen

second, if i dont see a gun i aint giving my ishhh up like a busta.. im punchin and kicking yo *** back even if you bigger. efff that :smh:

at the end of the day i cant stand any dude who goes around robbing people. its just maaaad LOW
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videos like this, and basically majority of Worldstar is the reason that young african americans are influenced to follow the stereotype that the strong community leaders are trying to destroy :smh:

can't even fathom if there was a website that promoted athletes, music, celebrities and common people finding footage of beautiful things in our society... and THOSE videos were the ones were people rushed to film it and yell "wooorlllllddddddstaaarrrrr" (cue in Lennon "Imagine") :smokin
I ain't the toughest man walking but no one will be putting thier hands in my pockets.
He's 5'7" a buck 20 soaking wet and got caught off guard, you all need to chill
Wow thats crazy :smh:. Dude dapped him up and then sucker punched him and took his belt :x Chicago is just raw. I know this can happen anywhere, but I have never seen one dude press someone in a group.
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