This Is Why You Leave Some People The Hell Alone...

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

dude grew up in prison. prolly fight all the time and use to not taking *%!$ from no one.
That's what I keep thinking. I'm not a defense attorney or anything but my dude spent 10 years in prison. There's no telling what kind of **%* he's seen or been through. He probably learned real quick that when you have two attackers advancing towards you there's no time to think and you just act and make sure that you're the one standing at the end of it. I really hope they can make a good case for him 
The fact this was all caught on tape is going to work in his favor (to a degree)

Otherwise, the girl's "version" of what happened + their injuries + their gender + the testimony of the lady who kept screaming (but not doing anything
) + his prior record = nobody believing his side of the story
Are we forgetting this guy just did 12 years in a Maximum Facility . He probably just caught a flashback after being slapped and blacked out on everything , and went into Attica survival mode. They said he was saying stay down or something like that lol.

And yes they deserved it who hops over a counter like a goon. If he gets a good lawyer he can get anger management but I don't know how the parole board will view the situation.

Those girls were the aggressors in the situation slapped the man and hopped over the counter like O Dog in menace to society .
It's just so funny to me how they thought they could act tough and punk a McDonald's employee not knowing they were messing with a man-slaughterer
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Calvin wasn't playing. 

"Calvin got a job?"   

If the guy gets a good lawyer, he can beat a lot of time. Not to say he'll get off scott free. But a decade in prison? I'm sure there are enough true stories he could tell about being jumped and assaulted and plenty his lawyer can fabricate over that 10 year span. Plus he not only stayed behind the counter, but went futher back to get his weapon. If he had run from behind the counter attacking them then I could see it being a complete wrap for him.

It's going to fall on the judge and jury. There's nothing clear-cut about this. The judge will definitely take into account the fact that he was in his place of business and was not looking for trouble. That's major for a dude with priors. If this was on the street and the dude was just running around looking for trouble then he wouldn't stand a chance.

Unfortunate situation all-around #wegottadobetter
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Not a single McDamb was given that day.

 boooy u stoopid


When keeping it real goes wrong. They kept it real, but he kept it realer.

McIntosh served more than a decade in prison after being convicted of shooting and killing Oshan Litchmore, 17, a classmate at Bronx's Evander Childs High School in 2000, when he was only 19 years old. The two teens were outside Macy’s at the Galleria Mall in Westchester when they got into an argument.
The fatal bullet passed through Litchmore and hit an 8-year-old passerby in the leg.

McIntosh, who presently lives in the Bronx, was sentenced to 10 to 12 1/2 years in prison. He was paroled last March and has been working in the Village McDonald's since then, according to police sources.McIntosh is due back in court Oct. 18.

You never know.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

these fast food places need to do something to protect their workers doesn't happen often but when it does what does the company expect you to do? 
That place should do what the Popeye's and Subway near me does, put 3 inch ballistic glass between the customers and register.
Also put a sign, Beware of Employees.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Not a single McDamb was given that day.

 boooy u stoopid


When keeping it real goes wrong. They kept it real, but he kept it realer.

McIntosh served more than a decade in prison after being convicted of shooting and killing Oshan Litchmore, 17, a classmate at Bronx's Evander Childs High School in 2000, when he was only 19 years old. The two teens were outside Macy’s at the Galleria Mall in Westchester when they got into an argument.
The fatal bullet passed through Litchmore and hit an 8-year-old passerby in the leg.

McIntosh, who presently lives in the Bronx, was sentenced to 10 to 12 1/2 years in prison. He was paroled last March and has been working in the Village McDonald's since then, according to police sources.McIntosh is due back in court Oct. 18.
You never know.

Hold up i didn't read that part of the article, but either some exact #%%# like this happened, or this is the shower posse cat i used to go to Harry S. Truman HS with that shot his homeboy in the mall.  I remember some of them dudes talking bout dude that got killed like "he was a f***** anyways".
Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by moundraised23

 boooy u stoopid


When keeping it real goes wrong. They kept it real, but he kept it realer.

McIntosh served more than a decade in prison after being convicted of shooting and killing Oshan Litchmore, 17, a classmate at Bronx's Evander Childs High School in 2000, when he was only 19 years old. The two teens were outside Macy’s at the Galleria Mall in Westchester when they got into an argument.
The fatal bullet passed through Litchmore and hit an 8-year-old passerby in the leg.

McIntosh, who presently lives in the Bronx, was sentenced to 10 to 12 1/2 years in prison. He was paroled last March and has been working in the Village McDonald's since then, according to police sources.McIntosh is due back in court Oct. 18.
You never know.
Hold up i didn't read that part of the article, but either some exact #%%# like this happened, or this is the shower posse cat i used to go to Harry S. Truman HS with that shot his homeboy in the mall.  I remember some of them dudes talking bout dude that got killed like "he was a f***** anyways".


The drama began about 12:30 a.m. Thursday when the two customers — Denise Darbeau, 24, of Queens, and her pal, Rachel Edwards, 24, of Brooklyn — entered the popular fast food spot, near Sixth Avenue, and began giving McIntosh a hard time, police sources said.
In the video, Darbeau, 24, of Queens, is clearly heard cursing at McIntosh after the cashier told her he had to scan a $50 bill to make sure it was authentic before he would give them their food.

That's when all hell breaks loose.

An agitated Darbeau is seen slapping McIntosh across the face, prompting him to lunge forward and shove the two women.

Darbeau leaps onto the counter and clears the other side while Edwards retreats to the other end of the restaurant, according to the video. Suddenly, McIntosh reappears on the video, brandishing a metal rod, which he slams onto Darbeau's head.

The video, which has audio, is peppered with patrons screaming and wailing in horror and the chilling sound of the metal rod repeatedly whipping through the air and hitting Darbeau and Edwards."Stop it! Stop! Stop! Oh my God!
duke did a little nod of satisfaction after taking another swing

it was like he was soaking in the moment.

"ohhh theyll remember me THIS time!"
Originally Posted by throwback1718

I'm not really good at law but why was he charged for manslaughter and not second degree murder?
He probably bargained and they plead him down. He is 19. There's specific definitions for 2nd degree murder and manslaughter. DA might've interpreted it in such a way to give him that deal. Lot of details left out so there's a lot of variables.
Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild


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