This Is Why You Leave Some People The Hell Alone...

Originally Posted by bkmac

Sweet Teasus that was a beating

Must have watched this video 10 times already since last night... I fell asleep laughing at those dumb !+%+@%...

I woke up laughing at them too... I been chucklin all day from the comments on wshh and NT... Son's nod of approval gif is classic
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

he shoudlve hit that white lady too....

if i was the cameraman i wouldve recorded everything.. smfh.. i wanna see more and more of that video...

Low-quality/capacity camera phone fail
Originally Posted by wildmoodswings

 at her slowly rising above the counter, then instantaneously disappearing after being struck. 

Reminds me of violence in a cartoon. 

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Why is that white #$%@* screamin' call the cops...why doesn't she do it instead?

Oh, she too busy screamin

She felt it was her obligation to keep screaming.

Or maybe she doesn't own a phone. Tough economy.
I don't have a problem with him defending himself but when they were already down he continued to swing. He probably blacked out or something. But still, one swing to the head with a metal rod and they're out. No need to go HAM like that.
did dude really put on gloves to not leave his prints on the rod?

They earned that %#%#. All the time working, people think cuz you're professional and smile they can take certain liberties without even knowing your background. Like they don't understand that kingston/bronx bred cat will pop out at any minute.

so true. you never know who you're messing with tho.

this one time i was driving on slauson and dude in front of me was honking at these two chicks in front of him because they were taking their sweet %$# time moving (they were talking to some people on the side walk). so dude keeps on honking telling them to move.. chick stops the car and comes out yelling and kick his car (her passenger was doing the same). homie comes out the car with heat and chick's face went from
in less than .2 seconds. they got in their car and peeled the hell out. aside from fearing that some *#$ might go down i couldn't help but laugh my %$# off because im sure that was the LAST thing those two idiots thought was going to happen.
i'd rather get punched in the face than slapped, i dont know how i would have reacted either. he was in prison for 10 years, you KNOW he had weapons stashed for anything to pop off.
What is Ronald McDonald teaching their employees? 

Originally Posted by Weekz

that was def the mcdonalds at the flatbush junction in brooklyn!!!!

You obviously didn't read the thread.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by illmaticsoulchild


yo thats da part i was TALKIN BOUT

son when straight barbaric on them AG/butch *%!+%%....da extra head nod at da begining was da, i bet they dont ever try that +%# again

a lot of them AG's think they men 
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