This Is Why You Leave Some People The Hell Alone...


Wasn't expecting him to come out with a golf club.

He just wanted to make sure he was on par with their ruthlessness.
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by AirForce1King

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

....why when violence breaks out there's ALWAYS some random white person screaming STOP at the top of their lungs?

- reminds me of that video of that white lady's 'oh so beloved' family dog messing with that fawn, then the mother deer came�along and stopped the %@!$ outta that dog. ole lady in the background screaming STOP!!
� that dog knew better...and got taught a lesson. same case here, they got what they deserved�let the events pan out.


Rewatch the video my guy. The dog didn't do a thing... stated he got too close, thats what he did, and it was enough for that mother deer.

- it is a known fact to stay away from animals and their young, dog comes up creepin and that deer let his %++ have it, just in case he was on some nonsense. we know...that dog knew.

"reminds me of that video of that white lady's 'oh so beloved' family dog messing with that fawn"

Huh? Cat was messing with it. Dog was damn near a block away. I understand the deer's reaction, cause he was just protecting his young from an unknown that could become a threat. But the dog "messing" with the fawn? Nah son.
Dang he went crazy on him but he did jump the counter which is way out of line. That woman though
not doin anythin but screamin
Originally Posted by MJair

GREENWICH VILLAGE —  A McDonald's cashier is caught on a horrific cell phone video using a metal rod to brutally beat two female customers who'd jumped the counter of his West 3rd Street restaurant early Thursday during a fight over their order.

The cashier, who police said had previously served a decade for manslaughter, beat the women so badly that one suffered a fractured skull and broken arm in the shocking attack, which was captured on a customer's cell phone and then posted to YouTube.

Police have charged the cashier, identified as Rayon McIntosh, 31, with felony assault, along with criminal possession of a weapon. Both women were charged with menacing, trespass and disorderly conduct. McIntosh is being held at the Manhattan Detention Complex on $40,000 bail, according to the Department of Correction website.

The drama began about 12:30 a.m. Thursday when the two customers — Denise Darbeau, 24, of Queens, and her pal, Rachel Edwards, 24, of Brooklyn — entered the popular fast food spot, near Sixth Avenue, and began giving McIntosh a hard time, police sources said.


[h4]The McDonald's on West 3rd Street, near Sixth Avenue (DNAinfo/Ben Fractenberg)[/h4]

In the video, Darbeau, 24, of Queens, is clearly heard cursing at McIntosh after the cashier told her he had to scan a $50 bill to make sure it was authentic before he would give them their food.

That's when all hell breaks loose.

An agitated Darbeau is seen slapping McIntosh across the face, prompting him to lunge forward and shove the two women.

Darbeau leaps onto the counter and clears the other side while Edwards retreats to the other end of the restaurant, according to the video.

Suddenly, McIntosh reappears on the video, brandishing a metal rod, which he slams onto Darbeau's head.

The video, which has audio, is peppered with patrons screaming and wailing in horror and the chilling sound of the metal rod repeatedly whipping through the air and hitting Darbeau and Edwards.

"Stop it! Stop! Stop! Oh my God!
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by mondaynightraw

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

.....aww man. now look. all because they got out of line, hit him first and tried to jump on him at his job behind the counter. sad man

I feel sorry for him 

yea, if he knows he's going to go back to the pen for it, shouldve just murked em

in all honesty, if those 2 kids provoked him and then landed the first strike, and further jumped over the counter with intent to harm him; he should win his case with self-defense
No... Because he gained the upperhand once they were down... its not self defense unless he wouldve escaped after he hit them with the rod the first time. He had a chance to get away.. But those last hits is whats gonna get him.
What would any guy have to do in that situation?

If it was me..... idk what i wouldve done. I prolly put their faces in the fries. Burn it off.. Something of that nature.
Son was probably from Zamunda.
In my opinion, he wasn't wrong at all, if anything, he's a model employee.
If Snoop from The Wire jumped the counter feeling herself, I'd put her on the recieving end of a lead pipe as well.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Poor Calvin



Them butch chicks from the hood always wanna go down to the village to test out their gangsta on frail downtown yuppies 

This type they ran into an alum of Felon High aka Evander Childs HS.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

If you're smacked by a customer, the customer jumps over the counter, and the customer's partner jumps over the counter as well advancing upon you to attack...
...all #*%+#!' bets are off.

Those kids coulda be strapped for all he knew...
Word, at the end of the day, it was self-defense. If his job wants to fire him for defending himself then he really shouldnt even be there.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Son was probably from Zamunda.
In my opinion, he wasn't wrong at all, if anything, he's a model employee.
If Snoop from The Wire jumped the counter feeling herself, I'd put her on the recieving end of a lead pipe as well.
Originally Posted by KleanKicks

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by MJair

[h4]The McDonald's on West 3rd Street, near Sixth Avenue (DNAinfo/Ben Fractenberg)[/h4]
they were probably lesbians coming from The Fat Black Pussycat, a bar up the block
So true 
I used to stay up in there a few years back lol. 

Lesbos in the village do be trying to act tough though. Seen it more than a few times. Not to say that his response wasn't excessive but you know how the saying goes. Poke the bull and sometimes you get the horns.
so why didn't that lady yell STOP to the females starting a fight, then jumping onto a counter? I guess she didn't want to catch a beating from the chicks? But then it's okay to yell when they are on the ground?? Nice one sided yelling
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by KleanKicks

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

they were probably lesbians coming from The Fat Black Pussycat, a bar up the block
So true 
I used to stay up in there a few years back lol. 

Lesbos in the village do be trying to act tough though. Seen it more than a few times. Not to say that his response wasn't excessive but you know how the saying goes. Poke the bull and sometimes you get the horns.
The 2006 Greenwich Village assault case was an altercation on August 18, 2006 between Dwayne Buckle and a group of seven young black lesbian friends from Newark, New Jersey, outside of the IFC Center movie theater in Greenwich Village. During the altercation, Buckle was cut, requiring 5 days hospitalization.

The women claim they were acting in self-defense [sup][1][/sup], while Buckle claims the women initiated the attack motivated to commit "a hate crime against a straight man" [sup][2][/sup].

The case sparked sensational media attention. Four members of the group of seven women were subsequently tried and convicted. Two of the convictions were overturned on appeal, the other two convictions have appeals pending.

All the women were acquainted with Sakia Gunn, a black lesbian murdered in a hate crime.
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

If you're smacked by a customer, the customer jumps over the counter, and the customer's partner jumps over the counter as well advancing upon you to attack...
...all #*%+#!' bets are off.

Those kids coulda be strapped for all he knew...
Word, at the end of the day, it was self-defense. If his job wants to fire him for defending himself then he really shouldnt even be there.
You need to brush up on self-defense law bros
His actions were excessive but I hope he gets off light. You can't have crazy people jumping counters. These employees need to be protected. Heck, in a fast food joint, half of them will be kids right.
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