This Is Why You Leave Some People The Hell Alone...

$$%%@%$ caught that Soul Calibur +%# whipping.
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

If you're smacked by a customer, the customer jumps over the counter, and the customer's partner jumps over the counter as well advancing upon you to attack...
...all #*%+#!' bets are off.

Those kids coulda be strapped for all he knew...

...but the part that kills me is the small intermission between self-defense beatings where you can see his head nodding while talkin' %*%!. 
son beat em like rodents though..... and when they started to bobble back up da wallops continued
damn son. The lesbos in the village be wiling out. they def caught up. Cant even blame the man. He about my age and about to be stuck in jail fo rmost his adult life. damn shame
Originally Posted by supa vegetto

should I feel bad about not feeling bad?

... Some people have a @$% whooping coming to them. I am sorry, if you hop over any business counter you should be dropped ASAP... Buddy was protecting himself. Justice seved. I am sure dude got fired though.
I wish he caused some permanent damage to those #%@!%+$. So upset he gets jail time for this mess are you kidding me. Ole +%@%%++ double standards with women. He was calm while getting smacked, calm while yelled at and spit on. Then they hop over the counter and he's suppose to just sit there? ***+ that noise. Wish those girls the absolute worst.
Yeah, we call girls like that AGs.  I know the type well.  A lot of times they overcompensate and, like some dude said earlier, go into neighborhoods like the Village to act up.  I actually went to junior high school a block from that McDs, which is actually across the street from West 4th park aka The Cage. 

Anyway, they definitely got what they had coming, BUT son definitely took that too far.  Once I would've seen it was two shorties AND they were bloody as !%%$ on the ground, I'da probably fell back.  That's just me, though. 
Those "chicks" jumped over the counter and got mollywhopped. He defended himself, maybe too much, but he did what he had to do. /story
For sure those ******* got what they deserved. I'm behind that man 100%. Annoying girls think they can just run their mouths to everyone.
man...damn shame that this guy is going to be %$+*$$ and do some major time.

i understand that some laws are there to protect people, but c'mon, what happened in this scenario is exactly what should have imo. those guys (or girls apparently) deserved what they got. it's simple, don't act out of line and nothing out of line will happen.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

Originally Posted by georgehimself


it still baffles me how u goin in a McD's lookin for a six pack of nuggets and then sumhow end up on the counter before getting served with a 9 iron...

come for munchies, leave in ambulance
This post and thread is too much right now. Got me in tears

@ McDamb

they deserved every bit of that.. i HATE $##*+# like that.. they're an embarrassment to the community
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