This Sunday we will find out how REALLY good Asomugha actually is...


Apr 3, 2002
Moss vs Asomugha. NOBODY can cover Randy 1 on 1, and Nnamdi is no exception. if they put Asomugha on an island with Moss, he will get toasted. most dominantwide receiver of all time vs the most dominant corner in the league...should be a great match-up. Asomugha has never faced a freak like Moss.


and it's Randy's return to Oakland, he's gonna get an earful from those salty Raider fans. you know he's gonna be motivated to shut them up.
1) How many times do we need to find out how good scrabble is.

2) hes going to shut down your man crush
i hope he leaves your boy wide open on a crossing route with a safety waiting to go helmet to helmet on his +%#. its worth the penalty/fine/ejection.
Originally Posted by JordanXI2001

Moss vs Asomugha. NOBODY can cover Randy 1 on 1, and Nnamdi is no exception. if they put Asomugha on an island with Moss, he will get toasted. most dominant wide receiver of all time vs the most dominant corner in the league...should be a great match-up. Asomugha has never faced a freak like Moss.
What!? Jerry Rice is the GOAT and Champ Bailey is still the bestcorner in the league
Originally Posted by acidicality

Too bad Cassel won't ever throw it to Asomugha's way.
that's EXACTLY what i think might prevent Moss from exposing the almighty Asomugha. Matt might have the mindset before they even step on thefield that he's going to avoid Asomugha at all costs.
Originally Posted by JordanXI2001

Moss vs Asomugha. NOBODY can cover Randy 1 on 1, and Nnamdi is no exception. if they put Asomugha on an island with Moss, he will get toasted. most dominant wide receiver of all time vs the most dominant corner in the league...should be a great match-up. Asomugha has never faced a freak like Moss.


and it's Randy's return to Oakland, he's gonna get an earful from those salty Raider fans. you know he's gonna be motivated to shut them up.

Good ol' J Rain. Comedy when you need it.
Originally Posted by BMW 7 series

Originally Posted by JordanXI2001

Moss vs Asomugha. NOBODY can cover Randy 1 on 1, and Nnamdi is no exception. if they put Asomugha on an island with Moss, he will get toasted. most dominant wide receiver of all time vs the most dominant corner in the league...should be a great match-up. Asomugha has never faced a freak like Moss.
Champ Bailey is still the best corner in the league

Good lookin out.
I totally would have overlooked it on games to peep.

Lemme go downstairs and find out which ticket its on
That's gettin recorded!

CB#21 is up for it tho.

If this woulda happened with Brady at the helm, it'd be must see tv
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by BMW 7 series

Originally Posted by JordanXI2001

Moss vs Asomugha. NOBODY can cover Randy 1 on 1, and Nnamdi is no exception. if they put Asomugha on an island with Moss, he will get toasted. most dominant wide receiver of all time vs the most dominant corner in the league...should be a great match-up. Asomugha has never faced a freak like Moss.
Champ Bailey is still the best corner in the league

Who then?
Originally Posted by BMW 7 series

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by BMW 7 series

Originally Posted by JordanXI2001

Moss vs Asomugha. NOBODY can cover Randy 1 on 1, and Nnamdi is no exception. if they put Asomugha on an island with Moss, he will get toasted. most dominant wide receiver of all time vs the most dominant corner in the league...should be a great match-up. Asomugha has never faced a freak like Moss.
Champ Bailey is still the best corner in the league

Who then?
I think this post was made about him...
Originally Posted by BMW 7 series

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by BMW 7 series

Originally Posted by JordanXI2001

Moss vs Asomugha. NOBODY can cover Randy 1 on 1, and Nnamdi is no exception. if they put Asomugha on an island with Moss, he will get toasted. most dominant wide receiver of all time vs the most dominant corner in the league...should be a great match-up. Asomugha has never faced a freak like Moss.
Champ Bailey is still the best corner in the league

Who then?
come on bro.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by BMW 7 series

Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by BMW 7 series

Originally Posted by JordanXI2001

Moss vs Asomugha. NOBODY can cover Randy 1 on 1, and Nnamdi is no exception. if they put Asomugha on an island with Moss, he will get toasted. most dominant wide receiver of all time vs the most dominant corner in the league...should be a great match-up. Asomugha has never faced a freak like Moss.
Champ Bailey is still the best corner in the league

Who then?
come on bro.

this dude probably doesn't even know who Aso is
I think its more on cassel... if he can put the ball where its supposed then randy will have a good day.
your guys' d-riding is at an extreme right now...i get it 27 or something passes thrown to him last year and like 15 this year is great, but jesus whenroutt is the other corner and you had mr. Fall on the other side before that can you blame teams for not looking at him at all. champ is the best corner in theleague and untill aso leaves and proves it on a formitable team and defense hes not the best.
No point in arguing with a bunch of Raider homers, Asomugha is the only bright spot on your team, so clearly he is the best corner in the league or elseRaiders fans would have nothing else to talk about.
I don't think he's the best in the league, but obviously he's gained the respect of opponents even if the others CBs are weak. He's in theupper echelon of CBs for sure.
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