This year sucked.

year wasn't great for me. not too many things other than school went good.

determined to make 2010 a good year though.
'09 was pretty good for me, i turned somethings around, and 2010 could be even better
Originally Posted by Cartier Urkel

2009 was straight for me...2008 was hands down the worst year I've had on this earth

yup 2010 is going to bring some new experiences for me also . i wish i could do some butterfly effect type stuff to fix up 2008 so many bad memories.

Did horrible in school x 2 quarters.
Mom passed.
Horrible family drama.

Blah blah..

I know school is my fault.. Still SUCKS!
'09 started off great.

Than I decided to get arrested. and the rest of the year was spent trying to fix that issue.

issue was fixed
, but in the mean time both semesters this year werent as usual. barely making 2.0 when I am 3.0 student.

Worst year personally for me.
Damn everybody complaining about the 09... Worst things this year was dislocating my shoulder in May and having to take night school to make up a class Ifailed a couple months earlier in the summer... My July was the worst part of the year because I did nothing but go to practice in the morning, sleep and dothe essentials afterwards then sleep and by the time I wake up I gotta get dressed and leave for school. 08 was a bad year for me and that kinda rolled overbut second half of 09 and most of the year was pretty
On another note... Everybody thats saying they had a bad year, can see a bad year coming,etc. Youneeda' stop the negativity and get optimistic about things. You control your life and the things you don't control then you can always find a way tosolve the problem.
Hope yall make it thru... hopefully i'll get into a college that i want to go.....

app process was troublesome...
2008 and 2009 have easily been two of the worst years in my life but things are looking up for me now.. all of the hard work i thought was going unnoticedfeels like it'll finally yield some results. like ye said, we from the bottom so the top's the only place to go now.
This year sucked. The bad thing is I said 2008 was the worst year ever before the beginning of this year, but now I've changed my mind. I blame Obama forthis
screw 2009, this year def sucked

2010 gotta be better, hopin to swoop up on my first house before prices go too high
This year was all bad for me. The only highlight of my year was when I went on vacation back in April.

I need to make some drastic changes this year. I just dont know in what yet.
eh, i only saw my girl twice.

the last time was 8 months ago.

real lame year.


well, whether she's my girl or not still is under investigation i guess...
'09 was okay with me...we will have our jobs, thank God. But the economy is still very bad!

May next year be a better one for you all!
2009 was the hands down absolute worst year I have ever lived through so far in my 24 years of existence. Had some serious health problems earlier this year,broke up with my girl of 3 years, just came out of the worst semester at school with some pretty bad grades.

I'm going in to 2010 with the mindset that it can only get better. I'm going into 2010 positive and staying that way for as long as I can.
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