Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

When you say "I decided to follow christ and there is no turning back" do you mean even in reasonable doubt, one of the few things that makes us conscious beings.

Do you have any dissonance at all that he exists
As I said.
I know him.

No dissonance at all or doubt at all.
If there's no doubt then you have no faith. Just blindly following.
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If you know only Christianity how do you even know if it's the truth? Thats like hearing only one side of the story and running with it.
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If you know only Christianity how do you even know if it's the truth? That like hearing only one side of the story and running with it.
No other religion has a living god and are
Based off doing good works to get into heaven.

Requirement for Christianity is to
Repent and trust in Christ.
And know God for yourself.
Bruh, you sound real biased and ignorant with that comment
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Regardless if you guys are trying to get him to see a broader view of life, he will only do so on his own.

This is his way of life, if he wants to change, it will be through his own experience, it's deeper than just realizing that's your not living a whole truth, he's gotta veil it for himself. Your screaming at deaf ears, let em be

No other religion has a living god and are
Based off doing good works to get into heaven.

Requirement for Christianity is to
Repent and trust in Christ.
And know God for yourself.

How do you even know that? You literally know nothing but Christianity. You said that yourself
If there's no doubt then you have no faith. Just blindly following.
I know my redeemer lives.
If you seriously think you know then you do not have faith.

Faith can not exist without doubt. If there is no doubt you're no longer dealing with faith, you're talking about certainty. Certainty and faith are two different things. That's how it works.

It's pretty simple.

If you know only Christianity how do you even know if it's the truth? That like hearing only one side of the story and running with it.
No other religion has a living god and are
Based off doing good works to get into heaven.
What are you basing this off of? Assumption? Blind faith? Have you actually informed yourself about other religions to come to that conclusion?
Requirement for Christianity is to
Repent and trust in Christ.
And know God for yourself.
Plenty other religions require similar things in respect to their deities.
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How do you even know that? You literally know nothing but Christianity. You said that yourself
Only one truth and people Hate it.
And I don't deserve to know it.
But I thank God for his mercy and grace.
Definitely don't deserve it.

You're disrespecting other religions and faiths with this stance that what you believe in (or apparently "know") is the "one truth".

“Say not, 'I have found the truth,' but rather, 'I have found a truth.'………. Say not, ' I have found the path of the soul.' Say rather, 'I have met the soul walking upon my path.' For the soul walks upon all paths. The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.”
What are you basing this off of? Assumption? Blind faith? Have you actually informed yourself about other religions to come to that conclusion?
Plenty other religions require similar things in respect to their deities.

Tell me the religions.
Don't want to answer any of the questions eh?

Good luck on your path of learning and further understanding.
Should be obvious this is a troll thread. Dude just wanted to brag about being an evangelist.
No doubt I originally assumed this, evident by my very first post in this thread but it's been going on long and strong so I checked back in. Not surprised it's the typical though.
Master Zik Master Zik

There was actually some good dialogue going on in here at points. OP for the most part has dodged all questions.

I think his reason for not answering stuff was cause he said he could only speak in terms of the bible and what was relative.

Just a thought, shouldn't the truth exists at all levels. Natural, physical, celestial, biological, physical, historical? A book that held the end and all be all truth wouldn't be able to be condensed to a select few at a spiritual level.
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Off topic, but this thread is off topic

What is your definition of "the mothership"?

Knew this girl once that always used the term but wasn't ever clear on what she meant
No further understanding where that link leads.

To answer your question, I base it off the truth.
You gave me a link to a bunch of religions.
Not from your own understanding.

End result is, all these religions are work based.
You said tell you the religions and I told you. Now you claiming you expected something different.

It's up to you to do the work and learn for yourself. Not for me to tell you. Now if you don't want to do the work that's on you. In this case the work being reading. Not particularly surprised by that reaction but at least your confident in your decided ignorance and close mindedness.
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Off topic, but this thread is off topic

What is your definition of "the mothership"?

Knew this girl once that always used the term but wasn't ever clear on what she meant

It's the light we all come from and draw on our true soul's essence. Astrologically speaking it's the combination of The Sirius Constellation and Orion's bet. I've got a podcast on it that briefly touches on it if you're interested.
You said tell you the religions and I told you. Now you claiming you expected something different.

It's up to you to do the work and learn for yourself. Not for me to tell you. Now if you don't want to do the work that's on you. In this case the work being reading. Not particularly surprised by that reaction but at least your confident in your decided ignorance and close mindedness.
It's the light we all come from and draw on our true soul's essence. Astrologically speaking it's the combination of The Sirius Constellation and Orion's bet. I've got a podcast on it that briefly touches on it if you're interested.

Not sure what a podcast is but sure
You said tell you the religions and I told you. Now you claiming you expected something different.

It's up to you to do the work and learn for yourself. Not for me to tell you. Now if you don't want to do the work that's on you. In this case the work being reading. Not particularly surprised by that reaction but at least your confident in your decided ignorance and close mindedness.
Can't say you never got the chance now. I can understand why you didn't answer any of my questions.
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Can't say you never got the chance now. I can understand why you didn't answer any of my questions.
At the end of the day...he's full of feces.

He's not answered 1 question in his owns words, with his own thoughts. He replies in a condescending manner, quoting a book as proof and his delusions of grandeur that he knows GOD. 


-Christian by faith not by religion is the only belief that matters.

-Gays are bad 

-Nigerians needed slaughter that led to Christianity so they they can be saved and know GOD.

-Blah Blah Blah
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