Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

No. Christianity is full of pagan worship traditions and rituals that God says he hates, according to scripture ( Christmas, Easter)
It changed the Sabbath Day God asked to keep holy as part of the 10 commandments , to Sun(god)day which is pagan ( He says dont add or take away from the law)
It doesn't observe the dietary laws he set forth ( Leviticus 11)

Modern day Christianity can be traced back to Constantine, creating whatever he felt like. Not Jesus. Who was a Jew. Who kept Passover, and taught Torah.
Christianity, the idea of following Jesus, Yea. Christianity in reality, patch work of mans choosing, No.

Why are the bible bros not addressing this?? :nerd:
Wait, some people in here actually believe that if you're not christian or following jesus then you're wrong? 

 im out. 
I guess maybe this is the main issue. You come assuming no one is read up on the subject then you post a bunch of scriptures thinking that no one will challenge them, then when you get challenged you just slide over to the left and ignore the conversation?
I have posted scripture from the Good Book. I don't know, nor do I care what other books you read. The Bible >
This thread is about Jesus. No book has authority over the Bible.

You have questions regarding Jesus,I will continue to reference the Good Book. you dont agree? thats between you and God

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No. Christianity is full of pagan worship traditions and rituals that God says he hates, according to scripture ( Christmas, Easter)
It changed the Sabbath Day God asked to keep holy as part of the 10 commandments , to Sun(god)day which is pagan ( He says dont add or take away from the law)
It doesn't observe the dietary laws he set forth ( Leviticus 11)

Modern day Christianity can be traced back to Constantine, creating whatever he felt like. Not Jesus. Who was a Jew. Who kept Passover, and taught Torah.
Christianity, the idea of following Jesus, Yea. Christianity in reality, patch work of mans choosing, No.

Why are the bible bros not addressing this?? :nerd:
Cuz they all believe the version they're reading is the right version.

It's a special sort of stubborn ignorance and close minded arrogance.
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View media item 1140016Cuz they all believe the version they're reading is the right version.

It's a special sort of stubborn ignorance and close minded arrogance.

Not true. Most people just accept what Pastor tells them versus reading for themselves and finding accurate definitions based in the Hebrew the text was og written in. I could prove my point in any version of the Bible and in the encyclopedia. Its all about actually reading, and comprehension achi.
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Not true. Most people just accept what Pastor tells them versus reading for themselves and finding accurate definitions based in the Hebrew the text was og written in. I could prove my point in any version of the Bible and in the encyclopedia. Its all about actually reading, and comprehension achi.
Quick question. Do you study with a congregation.

View media item 1140016Cuz they all believe the version they're reading is the right version.

It's a special sort of stubborn ignorance and close minded arrogance.

Not true. Most people just accept what Pastor tells them versus reading for themselves and finding accurate definitions based in the Hebrew the text was og written in. I could prove my point in any version of the Bible and in the encyclopedia. Its all about actually reading, and comprehension achi.
Well I'd say it's true but that doesn't mean this other way you brought up isn't true as well. There are ppl who read the bible and interpret it their own way and believe it's 100% correct without fail and then seek out ppl who believe the same or Priests/Pastors/Rev. who will only parrot it back.

There are also ppl who barely read the bible and let leaders of the church tell them what the scripture means and only comprehend so much.
Quick question. Do you study with a congregation.

Yea, when I have fellowship on the sabbath. We read and discuss scripture. Very different from a church format. Someone reads audibly off a projector and we interupt when we have a thought. And look up words and go back and forth on scripture. Iron sharpeneth iron.
You can worship The Lord on any day of the week.
Main reason we serve on Sunday is because Jesus resurrected
On Sunday.
It's when they start adding rules like, you can only enter
Heaven by going to church on Saturday that's the deal breaker.

So if I wanted to I could make the Sabbath Wednesday?

Is it like a office casual friday for Christians
No. Christianity is full of pagan worship traditions and rituals that God says he hates, according to scripture ( Christmas, Easter)
It changed the Sabbath Day God asked to keep holy as part of the 10 commandments , to Sun(god)day which is pagan ( He says dont add or take away from the law)
It doesn't observe the dietary laws he set forth ( Leviticus 11)

Modern day Christianity can be traced back to Constantine, creating whatever he felt like. Not Jesus. Who was a Jew. Who kept Passover, and taught Torah.
Christianity, the idea of following Jesus, Yea. Christianity in reality, patch work of mans choosing, No.
Sabbath is Sunday
Yes, except people tend to dress to
Impress and our eyes are on worship

So they are not breaking any rules calling Sabbath on Saturday

So the sabbath holds no value and the Sabbath is when you think it is. In your original answer you said "the main reason" as if to say the sabbath day is a choice
So they are not breaking any rules calling Sabbath on Saturday

So the sabbath holds no value and the Sabbath is when you think it is. In your original answer you said "the main reason" as if to say the sabbath day is a choice
Sabbath is on Saturday and is Part of the Old Testament laws for Jews.
Christians aren't bound to that law, but the covenant of
We celebrate on Sunday, for that is the risen day of Christ.
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But no where in the bible does it say to commemorate his risen day perpetually?
Good question

There is no specification for Sunday being the only day

we come together in worship. 

But there are passages that support the coming together

of the early church on Sunday's including tithing (1Col 16:1-2),

communion and a message (Acts 20:7)

And so a majority devote Sunday.
But no where in the bible does it say to commemorate his risen day perpetually?
Good question
There is no specification for Sunday being the only day
we come together in worship. 
But there are passages that support the coming together
of the early church on Sunday's including tithing (1Col 16:1-2),
communion and a message (Acts 20:7)

And so a majority devote Sunday.

Those verses say nothing about sundays. They do encourage coming together.

The setting aside a Sunday as sacred is what the previous poster was inquiring about.

And hug correctly detailed the 'true' history of the Sunday worship.
No. Christianity is full of pagan worship traditions and rituals that God says he hates, according to scripture ( Christmas, Easter)
It changed the Sabbath Day God asked to keep holy as part of the 10 commandments , to Sun(god)day which is pagan ( He says dont add or take away from the law)
It doesn't observe the dietary laws he set forth ( Leviticus 11)

Modern day Christianity can be traced back to Constantine, creating whatever he felt like. Not Jesus. Who was a Jew. Who kept Passover, and taught Torah.
Christianity, the idea of following Jesus, Yea. Christianity in reality, patch work of mans choosing, No.

Bible bros, stop dodging this statement. Explain please
He believes the Mosaic laws still apply today.

We have a new covenant with Christ.

A rule of love for all and spiritual truth

rather than ruled by laws.

Luke 16:16, Jeremiah 31:31-34 and

many other verses support the fact.
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But no where in the bible does it say to commemorate his risen day perpetually?
Jesus never did say to make a religion out of what he did or taught. Nothing in the bible supports the idolization of dude technically.
I'm pretty sure that he was going for an organized religion, albeit he did mention that in the future people would do and say things in his name but would not really be representative of him.
Suit yourself

Yet another useless statement. You've addressed nothing. Men who didn't even believe in your god or teachings changed your religion

"A rule of love for all and spiritual truth
rather than ruled by laws."

Yet you claim there's only ONE true religion. You've debunked yourself.
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