Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

King James Bible
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know  the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are  the synagogue of Satan.

Revelations 2:9
ok, i'll play along:

Deuteronomy 28:21 The Lord shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it.
I just saw the trailer for this God's Not Dead movie.

Is Kevin Sorbo's character really how believers see atheists?

:lol: :smh:
I just saw the trailer for this God's Not Dead movie.

Is Kevin Sorbo's character really how believers see atheists?

Based on the trailer, looks like a proud atheist.
Tried to watch the trailer, already know where you're going.

There is no discernment from things of the world.
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Where am I going?

My point is that they're both immensely inflated and vilified caricatures of the real people.

God's Not Dead doesn't realistically portray atheists just like Red State doesn't realistically portray real believers.

You'll disagree of course.
Some are, but for the most part they're not.

But that's not relevant to what we're talking about. Those are real people. I'm talking about portrayal in films.
Some are, but for the most part they're not.

But that's not relevant to what we're talking about. Those are real people. I'm talking about portrayal in films.
What I comprehend from the trailers


A man is going through a painful

trial in life and doesn't believe a merciful 

God could allow such a thing. So he chooses not 

to believe in Him and imposes that belief on his class.


A cult kidnaps teens and tortures

them in the name of God.
Why did my post about roman people killing jesus than turning him white get deleted?
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Can we turn this into the " Religion TAN"?

I came across this video today and I about cried when his mom says " You go by all the scientific stuff you want to, I'm going by the word of god "

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:smh: :smh: :smh: @ his mom kicking him out
The etymology of cretin  is uncertain. Several hypotheses exist. The most common derivation provided in English dictionaries is from the Alpine French dialect pronunciation of the word Chrétien  ("(a) Christian"), which was a greeting there. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the translation of the French term into "human creature" implies that the label "Christian" is a reminder of the humanity of the afflicted, in contrast to brute beasts.[sup][1][/sup]  Other sources suggest that Christian  describes the person's "Christ-like" inability to sin, stemming, in such cases, from an incapacity to distinguish right from wrong.[sup][2][/sup][sup][3][/sup]

Other speculative etymologies have been offered:
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