Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests




This is exactly what my grandparents were like when I first told them I no longer believed.

Was going to church almost every Sunday since I was 2 till about 10 (not even old enough to form my own opinions, hell even talk). Didn't need anyone to reveal to me all the holes, started questioning all of it myself. Also baptized at the age of 2. 

By 12 I was on the edge. 13 I was sent to a private Catholic school for one year.. Before I turned 14 I told my family straight up im not doing it anymore. Private school + that upgrade to high speed internet was the worst thing my family could have possibly done. At that point I had access to all the information I needed. 

When I started asking those unanswerable questions and everyone told me to just believe without logic or reason, I fully realized I was just being sold a bridge in Taured.

7 years later im glad I was smart enough to break free young.   

Of course I can't get ultra specific anymore, at the time I could. I've spent so long violently rejecting Christianity consciously it's almost as if my brain pretty much wiped the slate on it.
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Why did my post about roman people killing jesus than turning him white get deleted?

Much of modern day "Christianity" especially Catholicism, has heavy Pagan influences. When the Emperor converted to Christianity, the two were combined to appease the populace. Hence why a lot of "holidays" have no real scriptural basis (Easter, Christmas, etc.)
To the ATHEISTS & AGNOSTICS....................

if you say you "DONT" believe then you "DO" believe THAT YOU'RE DENYING the existence of SOMETHING that is GREATer than you
Not 100% on what you're saying

Are you saying that believing in a greater power in the universe automatically transcends to the proof of "jesus christ"

Or are you saying everyone should believe in a god, cause it's logical, or something else that clearly went over my head
To the ATHEISTS & AGNOSTICS....................

if you say you "DONT" believe then you "DO" believe THAT YOU'RE DENYING the existence of SOMETHING that is GREATer than you

This statement makes no sense. You're asking one question and looking for an answer that doesn't even correspond with the question asked.
Ask yourself, why are you so passionate about disproving and mocking God

if He is just an idea?

All men are built with faith and enough evidence in existence to know there is God

but you choose to ignore them.
Didn't say there was no god. I can't prove it, I can't disprove it either.

Your religion is a sham though. It disproves it's self then resorts to "faith" to fill in the gaps in logic.

If there is a god it's not in the sense YOU believe it be. It's a source of power, not a cloud in the sky watching us.

By your logic god hates the Middle East, god hates children and kills them before they were even given a chance, god hates certain races of people, god would rather watch his children die than save them, god created a devil to doom us, god created gays to hate them.

How logical is that?
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If they believe in God...Good.. If they don't....Good. If they believe that the world was created by a magical dog......Good... :D

I was raised Catholic and I know that all religions including mine at some point in time had its faults, but we are only human. It doesn't irritate me when people say harsh things about my religion because that's just their opinion. Don't take it to heart guys! :smokin
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If they believe in God...Good.. If they don't....Good. If they believe that the world was created by a magical dog......Good...

I was raised Catholic and I know that all religions including mine at some point in time had its faults, but we are only human. It doesn't irritate me when people say harsh things about my religion because that's just their opinion. Don't take it to heart guys!
Catholic ain't the same as Christianity my friend.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If they believe in God...Good.. If they don't....Good. If they believe that the world was created by a magical dog......Good... :D

I was raised Catholic and I know that all religions including mine at some point in time had its faults, but we are only human. It doesn't irritate me when people say harsh things about my religion because that's just their opinion. Don't take it to heart guys!
Catholic ain't the same as Christianity my friend.

We share a lot of the same beliefs.
My point in all this is let people believe in what they want to believe in and if they have an opinion about something listen and observe.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If they believe in God...Good.. If they don't....Good. If they believe that the world was created by a magical dog......Good...

I was raised Catholic and I know that all religions including mine at some point in time had its faults, but we are only human. It doesn't irritate me when people say harsh things about my religion because that's just their opinion. Don't take it to heart guys!
Catholic ain't the same as Christianity my friend.
how can you say that when you essentially believe the same things that catholics believe? 
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If they believe in God...Good.. If they don't....Good. If they believe that the world was created by a magical dog......Good... :D

I was raised Catholic and I know that all religions including mine at some point in time had its faults, but we are only human. It doesn't irritate me when people say harsh things about my religion because that's just their opinion. Don't take it to heart guys! :smokin
Catholicim Catholic ain't the same as Christianity my friend.

fixed. carry on.
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Hope and faith are two VERY different things. I hope I studied enough to pass the rest, I didn't study at all but I have faith god will let me pass.
Didn't say there was no god. I can't prove it, I can't disprove it either.

Your religion is a sham though. It disproves it's self then resorts to "faith" to fill in the gaps in logic.

If there is a god it's not in the sense YOU believe it be. It's a source of power, not a cloud in the sky watching us.

By your logic god hates the Middle East, god hates children and kills them before they were even given a chance, god hates certain races of people, god would rather watch his children die than save them, god created a devil to doom us, god created gays to hate them.

How logical is that?

Love how this was glossed over too
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