Thread about Jesus - Questions, Bible Verses and Prayer Requests

I'm still tripping on the fact that people think a bearded white guy is gonna come back and solve all their problems.

Life getting tough? "Jesus take the wheel"
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What's the point of this topic then?
You make a solid point sir. But, I have no obligations to answer if there is no fruit from it.

That Leviticus verse is widely used to defend homosexuality by misconstruing the meaning of "to know" and "abomination" used in these contexts. 

Happy New Years doe!
You're offering more information than I ever asked for!

Can you or can you not discuss the original words used in that verse? I'm not concerned whether it argues for or against homosexuality. 
I'm still tripping on the fact that people think a bearded white guy is gonna come back and solve all their problems.

Life getting tough? "Jesus take the wheel"

Saw a girl on FB say if she's down to her last few buck she rather put her faith in Jesus and put her money in the collection plate than use it to pay her bills.

Epic levels of stupid.
I thought God doesn't interfere in the wars of man. Sports could be considered war to a small degree.

So does he sit and overview the game and play matchmaker or does he let people's talents/hard work take over.
His will be done. He may choose to interfere to make a point or choose not to. It all adds to the bigger picture of his plan for the world.
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So, what's the the point of this topic again?
To post things pertaining to the Bible, prayer requests and to answer questions. 

I've observed your posts and have had previous conversations about biblical verses with you.

I see the issue at heart and I'll save us both some time.
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So, what's the the point of this topic again?
To post things pertaining to the Bible, prayer requests and to answer questions. 

I've observed your posts and have had previous conversations about biblical verses with you.

I see the issue at heart and I'll save us both some time.
Oh, ok. So, you're not answering questions if it's certain people. Very Christ-like!!
The only answers you're getting in here are going to be skewed toward a Christian perspective and will serve absolutely no purpose unless you're already a believer.
I thought God doesn't interfere in the wars of man. Sports could be considered war to a small degree.

So does he sit and overview the game and play matchmaker or does he let people's talents/hard work take over.
god has given up on lebron 
Oh, ok. So, you're not answering questions if it's certain people. Very Christ-like!!
Yes and no. Boris, honestly tell me, if I were to answer all your questions would you give your life to Christ? 

Or would you try your best to find any possible deflection for your doubt in Him?
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whats the point of praying and asking for a prayer request when you can stop being lazy, go out and actually make something happen 
Why would god create you, give you free will, throw all these temptations in your face, then judge his own creation on it's **** ups?
Why would god create you, give you free will, throw all these temptations in your face, then judge his own creation on it's **** ups?
he was going to forgive man for his sins anyways, but for some reason he sends his son down to get killed just for the entertainment

if you do something bad its because you're a no good sinner but if you do something good its because god is great and helped you do it
Oh, ok. So, you're not answering questions if it's certain people. Very Christ-like!!
Yes and no. Boris, honestly tell me, if I were to answer all your questions would you give your life to Christ? 

Or would you try your best to find any possible deflection for your doubt in Him?
If you can legitimately provide answers, I'd be more than happy to learn more. Isn't that the point of this discussion? Why bother making this topic if you don't want to discuss?
whats the point of praying and asking for a prayer request when you can stop being lazy, go out and actually make something happen 
Self-control is the only thing we have charge of. Everything else is in God's control.
so everyone is out there controlling themselves without the help of god

what exactly does the guy do again? god is like that one kid in your class that doesnt do any work on the class project but still gets credit for some reason
so everyone is out there controlling themselves without the help of god

what exactly does the guy do again? god is like that one kid in your class that doesnt do any work on the class project but still gets credit for some reason
 God gives life, delivers, leads, provides, maintains. 

All we can do is choose to follow like sheep to a shepherd or go our own ways as goats. God will still rules over those who don't believe. He blesses all his creations, even the unbelievers.
I would call it epic levels of faith.

Here's the thing, when people have these "epic levels of faith" to the point where they believe what they are praying for is already a reality the universe makes that happen for them because they have an unwavering desire. That's the law of attraction at work along with the subconscious mind. True desire + faith are thoughts that manifest into a reality. But hey since we don't understand these principles let's call it a miracle and give the credit to white Jesus :rolleyes
Call it "epic levels" but isn't that what the bible teaches to do? Imo the people who believe in God but do not think like that are hypocrites. They claim to faith in God yet do everything themselves or still trusts in man. "God does the work though him" would be the next logical argument right? Why can't God do the work through anyone then? tell your friend to do surgery on you and with enough faith he should do just fine right?
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Dude I know said that he is going to stop using and alarm clock in 2015 because Jesus will wake him up and make sure he is on time for work. Dude hasn't been on time for work in like 7 years.So yea epic levels of faith
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