Tiger Mom: Some races are just better

Ehhh her kids being lawyers and doctors aren't impressive to me. Her kids growing up happy matters.

Kids aren't little robots, they are human beings. So long as, as adults, they can take care of themselves, stay out of jail for long periods of time, and don't resent me...successful parent.

Keep your egomania over there, I'm not impressed nor do I think you are a better parent/person.
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Ehhh her kids being lawyers and doctors aren't impressive to me. Her kids growing up happy matters.

Kids aren't little robots, they are human beings. So long as, as adults, they can take care of themselves, stay out of jail for long periods of time, and don't resent me...successful parent.

Keep your egomania over there, I'm not impressed nor do I think you are a better parent/person.
happiness depends on how you are raised, if you are raised to believe that being a doctor/lawyer is life's goal then when you achieve that goal you will be happy

nothing wrong with parents pushing their kids to pursue demanding careers 
Lmao she should've waited until her kids were in their 30s at least before getting so high and mighty. This will backfire like a tiger mother ******.
Ehhh her kids being lawyers and doctors aren't impressive to me. Her kids growing up happy matters.

Kids aren't little robots, they are human beings. So long as, as adults, they can take care of themselves, stay out of jail for long periods of time, and don't resent me...successful parent.

Keep your egomania over there, I'm not impressed nor do I think you are a better parent/person.

If you think that if your kids "stay out of jail for long periods of time" makes you a successful parent, I feel sorry for you.

Seriously, it's sad.
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She's way off base with limiting it to certain groups but I agree discipline is not utilized enough in this country.

I do believe it may be more prevalent among lower and middle class immigrant families but that's just a guess.

I didn't come from an immigrant family but both my maternal grandparents were educators so discipline was passed down
Ehhh her kids being lawyers and doctors aren't impressive to me. Her kids growing up happy matters.

Kids aren't little robots, they are human beings. So long as, as adults, they can take care of themselves, stay out of jail for long periods of time, and don't resent me...successful parent.

Keep your egomania over there, I'm not impressed nor do I think you are a better parent/person.

you have a serious problem w/ other people thinking they're better than you bruh...even if that's not what they think :lol:
Ehhh her kids being lawyers and doctors aren't impressive to me. Her kids growing up happy matters.

Kids aren't little robots, they are human beings. So long as, as adults, they can take care of themselves, stay out of jail for long periods of time, and don't resent me...successful parent.

Keep your egomania over there, I'm not impressed nor do I think you are a better parent/person.
 funny how you slid this in there.. it really is like that though.
I think some of you have lived relatively privileged lives...if you're black, at some point, good chance you're going through the system. I'm not going to consider myself a bad parent because my kid either made a mistake or because the system is designed against them...**** happens and I def don't want a kid that blindly follows the rules, if you choose you don't want to follow a certain rule and you face the consequences...so long as its not that serious (I.e major jail time/felony) I'm not going to be that upset.

I commented on her not being better because her whole Schtick is how she's a better parent and has better kids...nah b. not saying I'm the best person, but having more 'successful' kids doesn't make you better, being a better person makes you a better person, an I've meet some people that make me want to step my humanitarian game up.

To me, so long as your kids aren't a drain on you or on society you've done your job as a parent. Pushing your kids to achieve their dreams... They want to be a lawyer, help them, they want to be a doctor, help them. But never choose their path for them...that's either you're arrogance, ur disappointment or fear projected on them, it helps some but to me it's to hard on them.

Don't end up in prison, on the pipe, with the pimp, on the pole or in my pocket...and I'll feel good as a parent.

Anything past that is on them, hopefully I raise ambitious kids, ill try, but that's something built in a kid. However you can teach them to be good citizens, good people and self Suficient.
the point of parenting is to be a parent, not to be a "good person" and be one of those bff parents

those are the worst 
the Chinese Chua and the Jewish Rubenfeld
This is what their doing now to make it on 'the best seller's list"?.Good luck to her and her family when reality bites her in the pancake(butt) she will be whistling a new tune and selling a new book titled "My Jewish husbands lawyers were superior to mines".
I'm black and I haven't been through the system and neither has my family or friends
I'm black and I haven't been through the system and neither has my family or friends

Yay. I'm black and about 90% of my friends have...

I love anecdotal evidence and the blatant non reading of 'good chance' ...f statistics!!!
I'm black and I haven't been through the system and neither has my family or friends

Yay. I'm black and about 90% of my friends have...

I love anecdotal evidence and the blatant non reading of 'good chance' ...f statistics!!!

A black male born in 1991 has a 29% chance of spending time in prison at some point in his life.2

Nearly one in three African American males aged 20–29 are under some form of criminal justice supervision whether imprisoned, jailed, on parole or probation.

One out of nine African American men will be incarcerated between the ages of 20 and 34
and of course those are mostly coming from low income areas

so in my mind just keeping my kids out of prison is not an accomplishment.
Ehhh her kids being lawyers and doctors aren't impressive to me. Her kids growing up happy matters.

Kids aren't little robots, they are human beings. So long as, as adults, they can take care of themselves, stay out of jail for long periods of time, and don't resent me...successful parent.

Keep your egomania over there, I'm not impressed nor do I think you are a better parent/person.
happiness depends on how you are raised, if you are raised to believe that being a doctor/lawyer is life's goal then when you achieve that goal you will be happy

nothing wrong with parents pushing their kids to pursue demanding careers 
Not necessarily. You can believe that's a life goal, achieve it, and only experience only temporary satisfaction and be left with a feeling of emptiness and/or dissatisfaction as you go on with your career (if they even choose to after a time) since they may feel trapped given the amount of time they spent pursuing said career.

There's nothing initially wrong with parents pushing their children to pursue demanding careers but there is no guarantee of happiness if they achieve it.
Keeping out is not necessarily an accomplishment, them going is a failure. The things I want to accomplish should be the bare minimum for any parent.

And 29%...that's damn near 1/3... To be disappointed with your kid for falling in that category, especially when the system seems designed for them to fail, would be so cold hearted to me...
That would mean 71% don't and i bet the # is a lot higher once you correct for income
So are you saying there is something inherently wrong with the parents of all 29% of those who went through the court system? Otherwise...I don't get your point.

And let's not forget, 29% doesn't include everywhere, so there are entire neighborhoods that fall into that 29%...so it's someone a bad reflection of their parents if they end up in that rather large statistic?
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So are you saying there is something inherently wrong with the parents of all 29% of those who went through the court system? Otherwise...I don't get your point.

Of course it varies case by case and there are external factors but you have failed as a parent. It can vary from 1% to 99% blame
happiness depends on how you are raised, if you are raised to believe that being a doctor/lawyer is life's goal then when you achieve that goal you will be happy

nothing wrong with parents pushing their kids to pursue demanding careers 

Until you realize you're successful, but outside of your career your life is a piece of **** and have a breakdown, which happens often.
I completely disagree that your kid ending up in the court system is a failure as a parent, hell depending in what they went down for, them going could be seen as a success, not saying I will raise one, but there are some great figures of history that spent a good deal of time in jail.

But hey, your kids, their life.
Of course, the groups they chose include Chinese and Jewish. I read some of the article, like her patting herself on the back for being a ***** to her kids. I'm not chinese, but I'm sure chinese women make fine mothers. Are they better mothers than any other nationality or race? **** no they arent
"I'm black and me and my two friends haven't been through the system." :lol: shut yo..

anyways, this lady is just plain crazy.
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