Tiger Mom: Some races are just better

happiness depends on how you are raised, if you are raised to believe that being a doctor/lawyer is life's goal then when you achieve that goal you will be happy

nothing wrong with parents pushing their kids to pursue demanding careers 
Until you realize you're successful, but outside of your career your life is a piece of **** and have a breakdown, which happens often.
i would still take that over being okay with my kids just because they dont go to jail

of course you want your kids to have a good work life balance but its on the parents to instill the drive to succeed in the business world, there's nothing wrong with that
I don't even know what to say to her claims, other than that this belief that particular ethnicities are better than others in any respect is sad and pathetic.
To me, so long as your kids aren't a drain on you or on society you've done your job as a parent. Pushing your kids to achieve their dreams... They want to be a lawyer, help them, they want to be a doctor, help them. But never choose their path for them...that's either you're arrogance, ur disappointment or fear projected on them, it helps some but to me it's to hard on them.

Don't end up in prison, on the pipe, with the pimp, on the pole or in my pocket...and I'll feel good as a parent.

Anything past that is on them, hopefully I raise ambitious kids, ill try, but that's something built in a kid. However you can teach them to be good citizens, good people and self Suficient.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. I will make them aware of where the money is, and force them to see High School through to the end with a 3.0 if possible, but from there we're all our own individuals.

SHES crazy for this reason.

she got deaththreats when her last article blew up.. can't even imagine now.
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i would still take that over being okay with my kids just because they dont go to jail

of course you want your kids to have a good work life balance but its on the parents to instill the drive to succeed in the business world, there's nothing wrong with that

I'll be happy if my children are happy. Isn't that what every parent should want?

F a career or "business world" success if they're miserable. That's not what life is about.
i would still take that over being okay with my kids just because they dont go to jail

of course you want your kids to have a good work life balance but its on the parents to instill the drive to succeed in the business world, there's nothing wrong with that
I'll be happy if my children are happy. Isn't that what every parent should want?

F a career or "business world" success if they're miserable. That's not what life is about.
again it depends on where you come from and how you are raised, some cultures are fine with their kids doing their own thing and being happy others expect each generation to be more successful than the next which is the case in most jewish and asian cultures.

for some people being happy is enough, for others its more important for each coming generation to be more successful than the last.
You guys just don't understand.

Sometimes, these kids are happy just to make their parents happy. And honestly, who the **** is miserable as a white collar individual? Would you be happier selling appliances at Sears or managing a small restaurant for the rest of your life?

Jesus, people. Step your ambition up.
I remember the public outrage a few years ago from this Tiger Mom.

All I have to say is: her daughters grew up nicely.
You guys just don't understand.

Sometimes, these kids are happy just to make their parents happy. And honestly, who the **** is miserable as a white collar individual? Would you be happier selling appliances at Sears or managing a small restaurant for the rest of your life?

Jesus, people. Step your ambition up.

If it works for her and her family, that's cool. But telling the world the Chinese method is superior to most everybody else's..... That I have an issue with. Don't give a damn about her kids, or how she raised them. I hold issue with her superiority complex.

:smh: at me for getting all worked up at this :lol: that's the last I speak on this
Here's the link to the story:


Amy Chua, the self-proclaimed “Tiger Mom” who, in 2011, published a book arguing that Chinese women are superior mothers — thus their offspring superior children — has even more to say.
In “The Triple Package,” Chua and her husband, co-author Jed Rubenfeld, gather some specious stats and anecdotal evidence to argue that some groups are just superior to others and everyone else is contributing to the downfall of America.


That family picture looks painful too.
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This style of parenting is nothing new - "Tiger Mom/Parenting" is just some stupid phrase used today to put on top of it...

...taking away sleepovers/social activities is still less tenacious than the legitimate threat of corporal punishment for underachievement looming over a child's shoulder - her aim is academics, the aims of other parents may vary.

Does it get results? Sometimes...

...but if we were to glorify this method, then in effect we're calling Joe Jackson one of the greatest fathers of all time.

At best, you get a Michael - but seeing the issues he was left to deal with, do you really want a Michael?

...and where's the line drawn between pushing Michael to be the best he can be and you subconsciously attempting to live through him as a parent?

And in the interest of not entertaining foolishness, her racial swag list is ignored...
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