Tim Tebow gets put to sleep (HQ vid) vol. ZZZZzzzzzz.....

I think some of you dudes NEVER played any sort of contact sport in your lives....in the heat of the moment, do you honestly think ANYONE from UK is gonna lookover to check and see if Tebow is ok? No, they are caught up in the fact that it was a great hit...nothing more, nothing less. If they had seen dude motionlessfor a while before celebrating, I'm quite sure their reaction would have been much different...it's football. These guys are amped up from the time thewakeup on gameday....To say someone is "classless" for getting caught up in the wake of a huge hit really shows me some of yall have zero clue as tohow the game is played and the emotion these guys play with...

Another thing for you guys faulting UK...if you want to place any blame, put that on the shoulders of Urban Meyer. This game was over after the 1st quarter.Tebow should have been pulled from the game at the half. I know he's a competitor, but knowing how he was sick and all the drama surrounding that, why keepthe dude in if you're up by 24? Oh...I forgot...Meyer was still airing the ball out. You think there's any sort of compassion if you're on thereceiving end of a whooping? UK guys were still coming hard, and of course I feel that the outcome of the hits was unfortunate....but that's a part offootball (huge hits), and if you're going to leave your star QB in during a game which is essentially a blowout, then you best be prepared if he getsinjured when he should have been pulled out a long time before.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I think some of you dudes NEVER played any sort of contact sport in your lives....in the heat of the moment, do you honestly think ANYONE from UK is gonna look over to check and see if Tebow is ok? No, they are caught up in the fact that it was a great hit...nothing more, nothing less. If they had seen dude motionless for a while before celebrating, I'm quite sure their reaction would have been much different...it's football. These guys are amped up from the time the wakeup on gameday....To say someone is "classless" for getting caught up in the wake of a huge hit really shows me some of yall have zero clue as to how the game is played and the emotion these guys play with...

Another thing for you guys faulting UK...if you want to place any blame, put that on the shoulders of Urban Meyer. This game was over after the 1st quarter. Tebow should have been pulled from the game at the half. I know he's a competitor, but knowing how he was sick and all the drama surrounding that, why keep the dude in if you're up by 24? Oh...I forgot...Meyer was still airing the ball out. You think there's any sort of compassion if you're on the receiving end of a whooping? UK guys were still coming hard, and of course I feel that the outcome of the hits was unfortunate....but that's a part of football (huge hits), and if you're going to leave your star QB in during a game which is essentially a blowout, then you best be prepared if he gets injured when he should have been pulled out a long time before.

If you EVER played competitve football on a high level, you would understand. It IS PART OF THE GAME.........
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

These guys are amped up from the time the wakeup on gameday....To say someone is "classless" for getting caught up in the wake of a huge hit really shows me some of yall have zero clue as to how the game is played and the emotion these guys play with...
Saying that someone has no clue about football because they define a player's post-sack antics as classless well after the other player has been knocked out is a straight up cop out. There's really no other way to define what you justwrote.

I understand how the game of football is played quite well. To assume I don't because of what I wrote would be stupid. I understand the emotion that goes into being part of a great play. I also understand how it's important to controlone's "emotions" since not doing so leads to making bad decisions and errors.

What you seem to be doing is providing excuses for a degree of behavior that falls outside the line of sportsmanship and into the area of ego-drivenshowmanship. Sometimes it's not just about football (or any other sport, in this case). Sometimes it has to do with decorum.
The funny thing is, if his RT wasn't there Timmy would have been up walking around like nothing happened. People should be talking more about his linemanthan the hit. Not a Tebow fan at all, but the dude is tough as nails.
Originally Posted by Proshares

3 times in 5 seconds he said Tim Tebow
Tim Tebow is motionless.. Tim Tebow is Not Getting up.. Like he's some type of Lord or something..
And yes dude was incredibly Rocked.. Grothe, Sam Bradford, Tebow, Barkley and Clausen (for a bit) who is next....
Now he has something to motivate him!!! He will come back n just wreck shop it happens every year. I'm not a gator fan at all but I know when it come toTebow n Urban they find every LITTLE thing to get motivated on.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

These guys are amped up from the time the wakeup on gameday....To say someone is "classless" for getting caught up in the wake of a huge hit really shows me some of yall have zero clue as to how the game is played and the emotion these guys play with...
Saying that someone has no clue about football because they define a player's post-sack antics as classless well after the other player has been knocked out is a straight up cop out. There's really no other way to define what you just wrote.

I understand how the game of football is played quite well. To assume I don't because of what I wrote would be stupid. I understand the emotion that goes into being part of a great play. I also understand how it's important to control one's "emotions" since not doing so leads to making bad decisions and errors.

What you seem to be doing is providing excuses for a degree of behavior that falls outside the line of sportsmanship and into the area of ego-driven showmanship. Sometimes it's not just about football (or any other sport, in this case). Sometimes it has to do with decorum.

You're not going to be subdued after making a huge hit...you're just not. It's the nature of the game, and goes hand-in-hand with the emotionthese guys play with. You have to take into consideration that UF was out there to embarrass UK. Tebow had no business being out there late int he 3rd tryingto run up the score. He's only following directions from his coach, so I can't blame him too much. That being said, if you are a UK defender and youhave a killshot lined up LEGALLY on an opposing player who is trying to humiliate you on your own turf, do you honestly think someone is gonna be reserved intheir reaction if they light them up? UK was still out there playing hard and doing everythign in their power to stop being embarrassed....The reaction fromthe UK players was NOT bad sportsmanship or anything that you may think. Was UK still celebrating after they realized the serverity of Tebow's injury? No. Again....if anyone has played contact sports you would understand in that type of situation there is ZERO fault on Wyndham or the UK players....if therewas such a lack of "sportsmanship" as you put it, then UK's "antics" would be a little more under the microscope following Tebow'sinjury. It's football.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I think some of you dudes NEVER played any sort of contact sport in your lives....in the heat of the moment, do you honestly think ANYONE from UK is gonna look over to check and see if Tebow is ok? No, they are caught up in the fact that it was a great hit...nothing more, nothing less. If they had seen dude motionless for a while before celebrating, I'm quite sure their reaction would have been much different...it's football. These guys are amped up from the time the wakeup on gameday....To say someone is "classless" for getting caught up in the wake of a huge hit really shows me some of yall have zero clue as to how the game is played and the emotion these guys play with...

Another thing for you guys faulting UK...if you want to place any blame, put that on the shoulders of Urban Meyer. This game was over after the 1st quarter. Tebow should have been pulled from the game at the half. I know he's a competitor, but knowing how he was sick and all the drama surrounding that, why keep the dude in if you're up by 24? Oh...I forgot...Meyer was still airing the ball out. You think there's any sort of compassion if you're on the receiving end of a whooping? UK guys were still coming hard, and of course I feel that the outcome of the hits was unfortunate....but that's a part of football (huge hits), and if you're going to leave your star QB in during a game which is essentially a blowout, then you best be prepared if he gets injured when he should have been pulled out a long time before.
Right after a sack, yes I agree you are going to be pumped up, but the dude who got the sack was still on the sidelines jumpin around pumpin his fist, dappinup his teammates and coaches as the UF training staff was lookin over Tebow.

I think that's what people are referring to, when they are talkin about they were being classless
Originally Posted by HighRep87

smh @ the celebrations though.. the scoreboards is still the same =]

that's exactly why they're celebrating. They're gettingblown out in they're own stomping ground and some no name starter just layed out the star player. If you're gonna lose get some hits or something toenjoy instead of just getting stepped on constantly
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

His lights woulda been out knee to the back of the head or not.

Hell his head would have been bounced off the ground just as hard if not harder.

I'ma--I'ma let you finish...
but Big Ben gets hit like that andgets right back up everytime. That hit was your typical free shot on the QB until his head hit his lineman's knee.
clean hit ... knee did the damage ... it looked real bad ... I HATE TEBOW ... but he shouldn't HAVE EVEN BEEN IN THE GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE AT THAT POINTIN TIME ...

That is why you take out your star player when trying to run up the score/blowing them out.


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