Tips On How To Move On From A Relationship? Sad Single Life Here

Dec 19, 2007
Broke up with my girl of 3 yrs last week
feels bad

she moved on but I can't
Lurks through her Fb pics and just makes me sad

Suicide when through my head a few times, Not really gonna attempt but its bothering

Any Nt brothers can inbox me, i could use some advice

Live in new york if that matters, Hang outs, camp outs is fine, itll keep my mind off
just erase everything that involves her. pics, fb, phone number, her clothes, etc all of that @*%%. i broke up with my gf couple weeks ago (3 yrs also) and im doing fine. tryna get at diff female. tomorrows actually my bday and i texted her a week ago if she wants to come over and bake me a cake and she said no not really
$@@*#. but anyways try to distract yourself and seek different people to hang. how did she move on so quick tho?
remove her off your friends list for starters, lurkin at pics jus gon bring back memoires and make u even worse, try and find a hobby or intrurst to keep you ocupied, keep ya head up op, things gon get better fur they get worse
Focus on your life and becoming a better man. Focus on your happiness. You shouldn't rely on somebody else for happiness. True happiness comes from within one's self.
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

just erase everything that involves her. pics, fb, phone number, her clothes, etc all of that @*%%. i broke up with my gf couple weeks ago (3 yrs also) and im doing fine. tryna get at diff female. tomorrows actually my bday and i texted her a week ago if she wants to come over and bake me a cake and she said no not really
$@@*#. but anyways try to distract yourself and seek different people to hang. how did she move on so quick tho?

We been going on and off the last few months and come to find out she wasnt happy anymore.
How old are you? Just give it time. If there's anything you didn't really get to do while you were in a relationship, go ahead and do it. It's not like you won't find someone else if that's what you're looking for and that you won't be just as happy. Unfortunately, your relationship ended for some reason and no break up is the end of the world, no matter how you feel right now.

Don't look through Facebook or anything like that. It won't do you any good, she may be enjoying herself but she could just as easily be putting on a front and it'll bother you either way. It's not gonna make your life any better.
Hit the gym hard bro. When me and my girl of 4 years broke up, I hit the gym everytime I got mad from thinking about the past. Helped me alot. Got in better shape and released sooo much stress.
Now if Kim Kardashian throws you some butt you can smash guilt free...

...this is easily the best thing to ever happen to you.
Honestly go out as much as yu can for clubs bars gym bball sports whatever just keep yourself occupied. And don't think about suicide it's definitely not worth it.
You have to face the fact that she is GONE, and it is OVER. You have to face the fact that another man is going to make her smile and make her happy.

That has to sink in.

Then you also have to realize that you have the rest of your life to live, and you deserve to be happy too. Get out, go to the gym, and do the things you like to do. Eventually you may cross paths with a female who has similar interests, and who you can start over with.

Good luck
Delete everything about her in your life. Pictures, text messages, all that. Or at least literally as much as you can. I know deleting pics after a breakup is easier said than done. You know its over but you wanna hold on to the memories. TRUST me, down the line, tomorrow, in a week, months, year you will regret not deleting that stuff earlier. It just stings right now cause the wound is so fresh. But that %%$% is gonna heal and its squarely up to you when that will happen. Stay occupied mentally and physically. Weather getting nice, go play ball, watch a movie, use her getting over you so fast as motivation.
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

How old are you? Just give it time. If there's anything you didn't really get to do while you were in a relationship, go ahead and do it. It's not like you won't find someone else if that's what you're looking for and that you won't be just as happy. Unfortunately, your relationship ended for some reason and no break up is the end of the world, no matter how you feel right now.

Don't look through Facebook or anything like that. It won't do you any good, she may be enjoying herself but she could just as easily be putting on a front and it'll bother you either way. It's not gonna make your life any better.

22 years old.

I know ya gonna say yeah im young go party, but 3 yrs is very hard to just let it go by when we just broke up last week.
Crazy man I'm going through the same thing...3 years also.

Started working out again hard but it can be tough. Realized that I walked all over her the entire time and truly did treat her like crap.

Go out and just be ruthless. Last weekend met up with my boys and already got a new one for tomorrow night
Sorry to hear bro. 3 years is long. Been with my girl for 4.5yrs, so I can only imagine what your going through. It's gonna be tough, but time is your best friend. More days go by the less you will think about her. To make you feel better, shes going through the same thing too so your not alone.
1st thing delete your facebook. (you'll end up like pookie, it will keep calling you)
2nd Delete any love songs in your music library (Yes, delete that keith sweat playlist, this chick will be sweating once you with another dime)
3rd Stock up on the mags, smashing season has begun.
4th Go play ball
5th Do U!
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Broke up with my girl of 3 yrs last week
feels bad

she moved on but I can't
Lurks through her Fb pics and just makes me sad

Suicide when through my head a few times, Not really gonna attempt but its bothering

Any Nt brothers can inbox me, i could use some advice

Live in new york if that matters, Hang outs, camp outs is fine, itll keep my mind off
Broke up with mine back in late February (3yrs also). How I moved on? Well for starters, I was already feeling that connection being lost, and for weeks (maybe even months), I had
been having much more fun with other women. Just make yourself available to meet other women. Doesn't even have to be you wanting to get with them, just talking to them

just to talk, or to eventually build on something. Profile lurking is a bad idea, cause more than likely you'll just see a bunch of pics of her smiling with her other dude and you'll

be down on yourself when you don't need to be. Don't mean to sound like a ****, but that's what chicks do, they move on quickly, then text/call you wondering if you've done

the same. Move on son, cause when you feel down, up is the only way to go (sounds corny, but there's a lot of truth).
-Inactivate your facebook
-Learn to be happy by yourself. Learn that spending time just by yourself isn't that bad. Learn to enjoy it
-Listen to music
-Keep yourself busy by picking up a new hobby or working on a current one(ball, lift, golf)
Block her on all social networks. Instagram, Facebook, twitter everything. Out of sight out of mind and delete the text conversations and her number.

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Broke up with my girl of 3 yrs last week
feels bad

she moved on but I can't
Lurks through her Fb pics and just makes me sad

Suicide when through my head a few times, Not really gonna attempt but its bothering

Any Nt brothers can inbox me, i could use some advice

Live in new york if that matters, Hang outs, camp outs is fine, itll keep my mind off
Broke up with mine back in late February (3yrs also). How I moved on? Well for starters, I was already feeling that connection being lost, and for weeks (maybe even months), I had
been having much more fun with other women. Just make yourself available to meet other women. Doesn't even have to be you wanting to get with them, just talking to them

just to talk, or to eventually build on something. Profile lurking is a bad idea, cause more than likely you'll just see a bunch of pics of her smiling with her other dude and you'll

be down on yourself when you don't need to be. Don't mean to sound like a ****, but that's what chicks do, they move on quickly, then text/call you wondering if you've done

the same. Move on son, cause when you feel down, up is the only way to go (sounds corny, but there's a lot of truth).

This is so correct. This is what happened
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