To all the american people bickering about immigration and border patrol

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by DeeNyce

[h6]something to think about for americans especially people against the immigration act in Arizona...[/h6][h6]
[/h6][h6]If u cross the north Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor. If u cross Iranian border illegally u get detained indefinitely. Cross the Afghan border u get shot. Cross the Saudi border u will be jailed. Cross the Chinese border you will never be heard from again. Cross the Venezuelan border u will be branded a spy and your fate sealed. Cross the Cuban border u will b thrown in prison to rot.[/h6]

However, cross the U.S. border illegally, u get a job, a drivers license, a social security card, welfare benefits, food stamps, credit cards, subsidized rent or a loan to buy a new house, free education, free health care, the right to vote, and all without speaking a word of english. This should piss Americans off.
first, Cuba is a island
Second, why would someone want to go into Cuba to live their life?

Free health care?
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

one american life lost due to an illegal immigrant is worth the deportation of all illegals and the revamping of the system ... sorry ...

FACT-for every 5 illegal immigrant that enter the country, 5 americans die
ILLEGAL aliens in this country have rights? !#%?

What kind of country do i live in where illegal aliens get treated better than actual tax paying citizens like myself?

Bottom line/key word in this whole debate is "Illegal" These people are here illegally, they dont deserve a red carpet rolled out for them. you people crack me up, they dont have any rights.

Oh and sorry if i spelt "you're" "your" i didnt know i was being graded on grammar in here. I thought this was an online community forum not 8th period english, my mistake.
Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

ILLEGAL aliens in this country have rights? !#%?

What kind of country do i live in where illegal aliens get treated better than actual tax paying citizens like myself?

Bottom line/key word in this whole debate is "Illegal" These people are here illegally, they dont deserve a red carpet rolled out for them. you people crack me up, they dont have any rights.

Oh and sorry if i spelt "you're" "your" i didnt know i was being graded on grammar in here. I thought this was an online community forum not 8th period english, my mistake.

Oh and "spelt" isn't a word btw.  I think he's emphasizing the fact that you're too dumb to make a valid argument.

OP comparing border policies with North Korea of all places.  That is by far the craziest place on planet Earth.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

It cracks me up when a bunch of illegal aliens get together for a demonstration and act like they deserve equal rights.

they are still human beings damn it.

some of you guys should die

people who bash on :"illegals" make me sick
Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

ILLEGAL aliens in this country have rights? !#%?

What kind of country do i live in where illegal aliens get treated better than actual tax paying citizens like myself?

Bottom line/key word in this whole debate is "Illegal" These people are here illegally, they dont deserve a red carpet rolled out for them. you people crack me up, they dont have any rights.

Oh and sorry if i spelt "you're" "your" i didnt know i was being graded on grammar in here. I thought this was an online community forum not 8th period english, my mistake.

Oh and "spelt" isn't a word btw.  I think he's emphasizing the fact that you're too dumb to make a valid argument.

OP comparing border policies with North Korea of all places.  That is by far the craziest place on planet Earth.
you people as in: all the idiots, like yourself, that try to make arguments to justify ILLEGAL aliens.

once again, i didnt know that i was going to be critiqued on my spelling by a bunch of illegal aliens while posting on an online forum.

You my friend are the fool, and same with anyone who thinks ILLEGAL aliens are legit
Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

ILLEGAL aliens in this country have rights? @@*?

What kind of country do i live in where illegal aliens get treated better than actual tax paying citizens like myself?

Bottom line/key word in this whole debate is "Illegal" These people are here illegally, they dont deserve a red carpet rolled out for them. you people crack me up, they dont have any rights.

Oh and sorry if i spelt "you're" "your" i didnt know i was being graded on grammar in here. I thought this was an online community forum not 8th period english, my mistake.

You don't need to be in a class to know when to use you're/your correctly. Don't use that as a cop out to mask your stupidty.

Now, how have illegal immigrants been treated better than you? Hm? And, how do you know they aren't paying taxes.

And for the record, welfare and food stamps are not given to illegals. They are given to the legal children.

Please tell me this idiot didn't just call everybody correcting him an illegal immigrant?
, as if one can tell behind a screenname and NT was only in the US.
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Yes, because the US should model it's laws around North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and Cuba.

Easily one of the dumbest posts I've ever seen on NT.
Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

It cracks me up when a bunch of illegal aliens get together for a demonstration and act like they deserve equal rights.

Dumbest thing I have ever heard....and I stopped posting in these type of threads, but this

We live in America....

Home of the FREE.

Everyone deserves equal basic human rights. 

you people as in: all the idiots, like yourself, that try to make arguments to justify ILLEGAL aliens.

I think most people are trying to justify basic human rights that every human has.  I'm curious to know your background,  you sound like a damn fool at the moment.

I don't blame you, you just don't know any better.  Ignorance breeds hatred.

I'm curious as to what you speak of when you talk about this imaginary "red carpet".
I'm so sick of "illegal" this and "liberal" that

People laugh at kids in college who are philosophy and history majors....You know how many times people scoff at the prospect of majoring in history? "What are you gonna do with that? "

It's pretty funny to see people get caught up in their little life game . When you think about it we're all entitled to the same $%!#%+# thing. Therefore your concept of an illegal alien is just some bull %$%@ created to control society.

If anything the Mexicans deserve the land more than anybody....they were here when Columbus followed by Cortez and others "DISCOVERED" America.

Those are the original ILLEGAL immigrants. As a matter of fact they are the greatest illegal immigrants of all times

What kind of country do i live in where illegal aliens get treated better than actual tax paying citizens like myself?
You don't live in such a country sir, you live in your own world created by self-interest and fabrication.
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

America should definitely model their laws around those set up by Iran, N. Korea, Afghanistan, Cuba, Venezuela...

This is quite possibly the dumbest post EVER on NT.

QFT. OP needs to read a book or something
Originally Posted by Biggie62

I'm curious how you get a driver's license being illegally here. You need a legit SS# to do it nowadays.

And how will you get a SS# if you can't get sponsored potentially by an employer. Which I think nowadays with the stereotyping in the south where most immigrants cross the border it's negatively viewed.

Again, welfare benefits and food stamps are impossible without being here LEGALLY unless you somehow steal a dead persons SS#.

Buying a house or loan for a car? How the hell do you do this without a credit rating. Oh wait, 30% of Americans have horrible rating as it is. So are these 30% better than immigrants just because they were born in the US?

Since when can a non-citizen in this country vote?

Oh and free health-care huh? I mean I know that hospitals are supposed to treat people. But you'd be surprised how many hospitals turn people away when they get a feeling that they won't receive compensation from the person who are treated.

Overall, your facts are flawed and you are extremely narrow-minded. You must have forgotten that your family members were once immigrants themselves. So essentially, you aren't any better than them. So get off your high horse and come down to a normal level.
not true... i work at a hospital and it is illegal to turn people away.  it doesn't matter whether you're an illegal immigrant or not, hospitals cannot turn patients away who need care.
Unnecessarily harsh immigration enforcement is a disservice to the general populace.
Unnecessarily lax immigration enforcement is just as detrimental to the general populace.

Not all immigrants are cut from the same cloth. Immigration can be used to ruin the economic structure of a society just as quickly as it can be used to drive up the standard of living.

In the end immigration is all about economics.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

I'm curious how you get a driver's license being illegally here. You need a legit SS# to do it nowadays.

And how will you get a SS# if you can't get sponsored potentially by an employer. Which I think nowadays with the stereotyping in the south where most immigrants cross the border it's negatively viewed.

Again, welfare benefits and food stamps are impossible without being here LEGALLY unless you somehow steal a dead persons SS#.

Buying a house or loan for a car? How the hell do you do this without a credit rating. Oh wait, 30% of Americans have horrible rating as it is. So are these 30% better than immigrants just because they were born in the US?

Since when can a non-citizen in this country vote?

Oh and free health-care huh? I mean I know that hospitals are supposed to treat people. But you'd be surprised how many hospitals turn people away when they get a feeling that they won't receive compensation from the person who are treated.

Overall, your facts are flawed and you are extremely narrow-minded. You must have forgotten that your family members were once immigrants themselves. So essentially, you aren't any better than them. So get off your high horse and come down to a normal level.
Not if your Canadian 

And OP I dont know where youre getting info that illegals get food stamps and benefits as well as free health care. 

Check your facts homie.
Originally Posted by GottaBeEm21

Originally Posted by Biggie62

I'm curious how you get a driver's license being illegally here. You need a legit SS# to do it nowadays.

And how will you get a SS# if you can't get sponsored potentially by an employer. Which I think nowadays with the stereotyping in the south where most immigrants cross the border it's negatively viewed.

Again, welfare benefits and food stamps are impossible without being here LEGALLY unless you somehow steal a dead persons SS#.

Buying a house or loan for a car? How the hell do you do this without a credit rating. Oh wait, 30% of Americans have horrible rating as it is. So are these 30% better than immigrants just because they were born in the US?

Since when can a non-citizen in this country vote?

Oh and free health-care huh? I mean I know that hospitals are supposed to treat people. But you'd be surprised how many hospitals turn people away when they get a feeling that they won't receive compensation from the person who are treated.

Overall, your facts are flawed and you are extremely narrow-minded. You must have forgotten that your family members were once immigrants themselves. So essentially, you aren't any better than them. So get off your high horse and come down to a normal level.
not true... i work at a hospital and it is illegal to turn people away.  it doesn't matter whether you're an illegal immigrant or not, hospitals cannot turn patients away who need care.
Maybe because you work in a public hospital.  But many private hospitals, especially the upper echelon ones, practice such things more often then you'd like to believe.  I'm not saying where you work it's like that, but some hospitals do.  So don't dismiss it immediately. 
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by GottaBeEm21

Originally Posted by Biggie62

I'm curious how you get a driver's license being illegally here. You need a legit SS# to do it nowadays.

And how will you get a SS# if you can't get sponsored potentially by an employer. Which I think nowadays with the stereotyping in the south where most immigrants cross the border it's negatively viewed.

Again, welfare benefits and food stamps are impossible without being here LEGALLY unless you somehow steal a dead persons SS#.

Buying a house or loan for a car? How the hell do you do this without a credit rating. Oh wait, 30% of Americans have horrible rating as it is. So are these 30% better than immigrants just because they were born in the US?

Since when can a non-citizen in this country vote?

Oh and free health-care huh? I mean I know that hospitals are supposed to treat people. But you'd be surprised how many hospitals turn people away when they get a feeling that they won't receive compensation from the person who are treated.

Overall, your facts are flawed and you are extremely narrow-minded. You must have forgotten that your family members were once immigrants themselves. So essentially, you aren't any better than them. So get off your high horse and come down to a normal level.
not true... i work at a hospital and it is illegal to turn people away.  it doesn't matter whether you're an illegal immigrant or not, hospitals cannot turn patients away who need care.
Maybe because you work in a public hospital.  But many private hospitals, especially the upper echelon ones, practice such things more often then you'd like to believe.  I'm not saying where you work it's like that, but some hospitals do.  So don't dismiss it immediately. 
true... but if you want to put it in that light it's not illegal to turn someone away from a private business in the united states.  not saying it should be that way for hospitals, but private businesses get treated differently.
The number one group that benefits from welfare and food stamps? Single, white women in the heartland.
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