tokyo 5 legit check

They are fakes..Legit Tokyos aren't just floating out there..You will have to be patient for an authentic in your size to pop up or go the FC, RIF route..Also you DEFINITELY wont get them for $800-$900 bucks..More like $4k+.
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Oh OK well flight club has a pair for 4k so I guess that's a "reasonable" price for them. Do you think they have them in the 2k price range?
Alright thanks Timmy! Now to start saving up... These along with doernbecher 5s are the only two Jordans I want haha
No I am not a hype beast. I like the doernbecher 5s because they were designed by a kid who unfortunately passed away at the doernbecher children's hospital. I like the Tokyo 5s because they were only released in Tokyo for a tournament (I think) so they are pretty special
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