Tony Stewart Strikes driver during race after he gets out of car

Hopefully one positive moving forward is to put an end to drivers going on the tracks and towards the cars. In a way it's surprising something like this hasn't happened before with the amount of times you see guys doing it
involuntary murder


Both guys are at fault here, IMO.

It looks like Tony definitely tried to scare him, but at the same time, you can't be standing in the middle of a race track and expect a positive outcome.

What if cars got tangled up around that corner and dude got hit?

Illogical behavior all around.
From the video it wasnt even Tony Stewart's fault he crashed. It looks like both cars never made contact.

I agree it was a dumb move to walk in the track. Short oval track it would take time to slow the cars down.

The kid was really dumb to walk into the track that way.  He put himself and others at risk.  As you can tell from the video, the 'throttle' was busted open and it seemed like Tony wanted to just 'scare' or tail swipe the kid in 'retaliation' for being finger pointed.  The result was a cyclone washing machine for the kid that mangled him.

It's disgusting.
I think people are missing the big thing here.....

I don't think he did it INTENTIONALLY, but he did intent to spook or scare him. That much is clear from the video.

The car prior to him slowed down with intentions to avoid the guy etc.

Tony knew hitting the throttle on the car would kick the tail of it out towards Ward on the track. I don't think he had any intention to hit him.

That being said, I think what he was doing was the equivalent of "bucking" at someone like you're going to punch them with a stock car. He just happened to connect. :smh:

Guy shouldn't have ran out on to the track though.

how is it CLEAR in the video that he intended to do that tho?
It's just from one vid, if you watch it, listen to the throttle open and the way Tony's car was moving. LOLZ

He had one full lap to map out his course, YOU KNEW TONY was coming at him again.
Guys...the video is inconclusive. You can't prove **** off of what we've seen. No one knows if he hit the throttle before or after Ward was hit.

Still can't believe Ward walked out in the middle of the ******* track. :smh: Unbelievable.
Drivers are hot heads. Not surprised he would be walking around waiting to see stewart's car approaching again.

When I saw the video I did notice one driver go towards the inner part of the track to the inside to get away from ward, then I see stewart's car more to the right side.
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I'll just say this....

The yellow flag was up for a whole lap after Stewart bumped the kid.

You're supposed to slow down when the yellow flag comes up.

Stewart's engine revved up as soon as he was approaching the driver.
RIP to the kid

stupid of him to get out of the car and in the middle of the track

not gonna watch the video to watch a kid die

not sure what to think. very stupid on both ends especially the kid. but whats done is done SMH
RIP to the guy man, that video was raw 

To all the NASCAR, F1, car racing guys on NT, is getting out of the car n finger pointing like that common practice, or was this an anomaly?
Drivers get out of their cars all the time in disputes. The caution flag had been thrown and Tony Stewart purposely ran into this kid and ended up accidentally killing him. Do you know how precise of a driver Tony Stewart is? He flipped out and ended up killing the kid. I've heard plenty of interviews, the guy is a wacko and he just got exposed. Banned from NASCAR would be a slap on the wrist. When you murder someone you deserve to go to jail - it's a shame he won't. The sheriff came out and said it could have been due to bad lighting. Why would they race if there was poor lighting? Absolute disgrace.
No way they get him for murder especially such a high profile guy.

Hes gonna get a slap on the wrist. i wont watch the video but from all the replies it looks like it was on purpose regardless if he wanted to hurt him or not.

Drivers get out of their cars all the time in disputes. The caution flag had been thrown and Tony Stewart purposely ran into this kid and ended up accidentally killing him. Do you know how precise of a driver Tony Stewart is? He flipped out and ended up killing the kid. I've heard plenty of interviews, the guy is a wacko and he just got exposed. Banned from NASCAR would be a slap on the wrist. When you murder someone you deserve to go to jail - it's a shame he won't. The sheriff came out and said it could have been due to bad lighting. Why would they race if there was poor lighting? Absolute disgrace.

No excuse for anyone to go onto the middle of a speeding race track, you put yourself in danger and he paid the price unfortunately. You're just asking for trouble at that point.

Rest in peace, sad situation since a life was lost, but he made a bad decision.
This is a sad situation. I agree with the argument that ward shouldn't have walked into the middle of the track but my god why would t Stewart be right in the middle of the track and not hugging the inside lane like everyone else. I do not think he meant to hit him but he made a mistake by choosing not to slow down or creep inside. Anger got the better of both these men.
Poor decision on both sides that led to a sad situation. No disrespect to the dead, but it was a bad decision on his part, regardless of what is normal in the sport. The sad thing is, If death was not the outcome of this incident, and he just fell back on his behind, people would probably be giving Tony Stewart props.
Poor decision on both sides that led to a sad situation. No disrespect to the dead, but it was a bad decision on his part, regardless of what is normal in the sport. The sad thing is, If death was not the outcome of this incident, and he just fell back on his behind, people would probably be giving Tony Stewart props.

Just to clarify. I don't mean Tony Stewart hitting the kid on purpose. I meant playing chicken with him and him stumbling back. Of course there should be no props given for intentionally hitting someone with a moving vehicle.

If things happened as Tony probably intended, to get the kid shook, and him stumbling back. Then I would think people would chalk it up as a "veteran putting a kid in his place".
Poor decision on both sides that led to a sad situation. No disrespect to the dead, but it was a bad decision on his part, regardless of what is normal in the sport. The sad thing is, If death was not the outcome of this incident, and he just fell back on his behind, people would probably be giving Tony Stewart props.

why would anyone give him props?

you dont drive you vehicle into or near anyone for any reason. its a 4,000lb hunk of metal and can kill you instantly. which is exactly what happened here. even the best drivers in the world cant control a vehicle perfectly at all times. anything can happen. Purpose or not, Stewart is an idiot.
Just to clarify. I don't mean Tony Stewart hitting the kid on purpose. I meant playing chicken with him and him stumbling back. Of course there should be no props given for intentionally hitting someone with a moving vehicle.

If things happened as Tony probably intended, to get the kid shook, and him stumbling back. Then I would think people would chalk it up as a "veteran putting a kid in his place".

Only thing is, this isn't baseball and a 95 mph fastball in the back or on the arm. As someone already, pointed out, it's a 4000 lb weapon essentially. There is a code and Stewart is "old school" in that regard, but regardless of legal ramifications, this will haunt him for a very long time. Huge huge mistake that could have been avoided all the way around. Ego, tempers and ultimately the racing mentality that "drivers are invincible" all contributed. There will be things in place moving forward to severely penalize guys that get out of their cars and onto the track for no reason or who aren't in eminent danger.
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I don't know what you people are talking about blaming Stewart. The guy was walking into the middle of the damn road.
I don't see how anyone can pass judgment until they see an angle that proves he could have missed him.
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