Top 10 Celebrities who tried to (allegedly) commit suicide...

Jan 30, 2005
Career Suicide

Top 10 Celebrities Who Attempted To Commit Suicide

Suicide is very bad thing. Especially when the people who try it are super cool and have life by the ba**s. The last thing you want to do when you're rich and attractive is kill yourself. Thankfully, the following ten celebrities only attempted suicide and did not succeed. Since then, their contributions to soceity have been limitless.

#10 Eminem
- The hardcore rapper tried to kill himself with Tylenol after Kim dumped him. Come on Marshall, bros before h*es.

#9 Halle Berry
- Upset that David Justice no longer wanted her berries, Berry tried to kill herself with some good old carbon monoxide poisoning.

#8 Michael Jackson - While their is no concrete proof, Neverland Ranch insiders believe Jackson tried to kill himself right before he was found not guilty of molestation charges in 2005. My guess is he hired the Fairy Godmother to do it, but she was too hungover to make it.

#7 Vanilla Ice - Ice has supposedly tried to off himself on more than one occasion. It's a tough thing to deal with when you realize you suck.

#6 Ozzy Osbourne - Osbourne has apparently tried to kill himself more times then he cares to remember. All of them being the inspiration for his song "Suicide Solution."

#5 Gary Coleman - Coleman announced in 1993 that he tried to kill himself twice with sleeping pills. The funny thing is that all he had to do was invite Todd Bridges over for dinner and accidentally burn the dessert.

#4 Mike Tyson - Iron Mike decided to go ahead and drive his car into a tree in 1988. Ironically, he probably woke up from the accident covered in acorns. Which we all know are nuts. You see where I'm going with this?

#3 Elton John - Elton tried to kill himself by sticking his head in a gas stove. John's writing partner found the diva lying his head on a pillow in the oven and saved him. The two then sat down and wrote the song, "Someone Saved My Life Tonight." It's the most heart-warming suicide story ever.

#2 Owen Wilson - How could Hansel, the male model who had it all try and kill himself. Mugatu must've had something to do with it.

#1 Richard Pryor -Setting yourself on fire while free-basing cocaine ... now that's how I want to go!

The most surprising, to me, was Halle Berry.

I guess it goes to show you, no matter how hot, rich, talented and/or successful women are, they are all still crazy!#@%%+%+!!!
If they really wanted to commit suicide, they would pull the trigger, jump off askyscraper or hang themselves.
Uh, no. If you swallow 30 Tylenol pills and don't tell anyone, you're expecting to die.

Niketalkers always have a "smart" answer for everything.

What is lighting yourself on fire, a harmless prank?
All of those people seem to have a streak of crazy or have faced much scrutiny except Owen Wilson.
TO took more pain pills than he was supposed to, and good sick, he wasnt on that level, dudes like him that treat they're body like a temple dont know howto respond to the way your brain feels when u have a few vicodins in ya.
Most of these people just wanted attention. If you have trouble killing yourself then you deserve to be dead.
Richard Pryor supposedly doused himself in high proof rum and set himself on fire while high. The freebasing story is easy to believe because of the nature ofether.
Originally Posted by Mw2889

Most of these people just wanted attention. If you have trouble killing yourself then you deserve to be dead.

This goes against natural selection.
^ I don't think TO was attempting suicide, but the thread title says "allegedly" so I figured he would be on there because of how much press hisstory received.
#3 Elton John - Elton tried to kill himself by sticking his head in a gas stove. John's writing partner found the diva lying his head on a pillow in the oven and saved him. The two then sat down and wrote the song, "Someone Saved My Life Tonight." It's the most heart-warming suicide story ever.

If I'm not mistaken, I think that Deion Sanders attempted suicide as well or was at least contemplating on doing it.
Originally Posted by Lavious

there's nothing funny about that list or suicide.
Though I agree that suicide or the thought process of contemplating it is no laughing matter, it is still an interesting topic to review.
Halle Berry? Wow that just goes to show beauty and money can only go sofar. Thank god she wasn't smart enough to do it right.
what about that one singer Houston? didnt he try and take his eye out because of the devil or somethin? lol
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