top 10 most racist cartoon moments

Originally Posted by debs 168

i'll explain for those that are ignorant:

10. siamese cats with exaggerated asian features and buck teeth (asian stereotype) speaking in a stereotypical "asian accent." singing over stereotypical asian music.
9. jim crow and all the crows are supposed to be black. they speak in terrible english and the song they sing is full of it. i be done seen. please.
8. the betty boop one should be obvious. its bigger than feeding the baby watermelon and him/her crying hi-de-ho. stereotypical exaggerated big lips, wide eyes, monkey like features, black skin.
7. the monkey is black (sorta reaching but sorta not)
6. the asian person has extra exaggerated features, talks in a stupid stereotypical "asian accent" and the title has "*** (which is derogatory)" in it. it should be obvious. oh and that typical asian music.
5. typical broken english mexican accent thing, typical sombreros on typical mexican stereotype characters. also slowpoke was a stereotypical lazy mexican, if you remember the cartoons he was in.
4. see numbers 10 and 6 except add martial arts and bowing stereotypes.
3. "how" and the hand over the mouth thing should be obvious to ppl that saw this movie.
2. the whole torn clothes and don't beat me massa coming from a brown bugs bunny thing should be obvious.
1. i say numba whoan should be plain obvious na. i said is you dat stupid that you cain't tell whoats bad bout numba whoan?

i'm surprised that ppl didn't "get" ALL of these. and yes i saw these as a kid and it was racist then and its racist now. just because you might not have gotten it doesn't mean that others didn't and it doesn't justify what went on in these cartoon shorts at all.
thanks fam.. i dont think ANYONE understood anything until you broke it down. Thanks again.
Originally Posted by 10littlefigures

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by 757bred

Bugs ended up challenging him to a game of dice
i was on board till then everyone knows if it was truly racist the black guy would've won.
It's OD now, but at the time the cartoon's aired, they were quite the norm. Think about the banned war bonds cartoons. I don't see how the Betty Boop one didn't make the top 3
It's OD now, but at the time the cartoon's aired, they were quite the norm. Think about the banned war bonds cartoons. I don't see how the Betty Boop one didn't make the top 3
why does that black elmer fudd sound like curren$y tho


i shouldnt be laughing that it 
why does that black elmer fudd sound like curren$y tho


i shouldnt be laughing that it 
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Cartoons=/= Comedy Central
yet south park is a cartoon doing da same thing, on guess what....wait for.........comedy central
COMEDY CENTRAL. Exactly, people tune into the channel knowing what they are getting - satire. 
Growing up with half of these cartoons, I have ALREADY seen, I didn't even notice the apparent racism first time around, is it because it wasn't that serious? could be. I think the more logical reason is that I was a kid, and didn't realize the subtle inferences I was being suggested. The fact that they are targeted towards young folks makes it all the more worse.
homie earlier said it best...if ur kids extracted racism from these cartoons then you failed as a parent...


to kids these characters are just that...characters...are they stereotypes? absolutely...didn't stop black folks from doing it to themselves during da explotation era black films..and those are CELEBRATED..

like i said, this generation is sensitive as hell..its disgusting. 

i HATE this politically correct era we're in...its castrated and sad.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Cartoons=/= Comedy Central
yet south park is a cartoon doing da same thing, on guess what....wait for.........comedy central
COMEDY CENTRAL. Exactly, people tune into the channel knowing what they are getting - satire. 
Growing up with half of these cartoons, I have ALREADY seen, I didn't even notice the apparent racism first time around, is it because it wasn't that serious? could be. I think the more logical reason is that I was a kid, and didn't realize the subtle inferences I was being suggested. The fact that they are targeted towards young folks makes it all the more worse.
homie earlier said it best...if ur kids extracted racism from these cartoons then you failed as a parent...


to kids these characters are just that...characters...are they stereotypes? absolutely...didn't stop black folks from doing it to themselves during da explotation era black films..and those are CELEBRATED..

like i said, this generation is sensitive as hell..its disgusting. 

i HATE this politically correct era we're in...its castrated and sad.
A lot of the light skinned black people today find those genuinely funny because they make fun of dark skinned black people.
:wow: that bugs bunny one was OD. im all for calling out over-sensitivity and think that its a bit of a problem in this day and age. but cmon now there's a limit. please don't hit me massa? that's about as blatant as you can get, only thing missing was some chains and some lash marks...

to be fair however, this type of subtle (if not blatant) racism in these old cartoons often go overlooked by kids because...well we were really small when we watched them. i can't speak for all, but for me, these cartoons did nothing to affect my personality/views on the world, because you don't grasp the concept of these social issues at that kind of age, all you see is slapstick comedy when you're a kid. better the kids see just that than be negatively affected by what is REALLY there right?

so one can argue that these cartoons can be harmless, but i don't mind being challenged on this..
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