Top 5 Teams In Baseball

1. B. Sox
2. Tigers
3. Angels
4. Indians
5. Dodgers

Yanks @ 6 and Pads 7
I'll give the Mets 8 because they aren't better than the Dodgers just because of Johan.... Mets won't sniff a W.S. title
The Boston Herald reports that Curt Schilling may need surgery for what's likely either a rotator cuff or labrum injury. Schilling is done after this year,so we don't see why he'd undergo surgery. Unless he's reconsidering and wants to extend his career beyond 2008, then he'll have to try to pitchthrough the problem. According to the Herald, the Red Sox are already exploring the possibility of voiding Schilling's contract. They could decide to makea run at Kyle Lohse or take a flier on Bartolo Colon or Freddy Garcia if they don't think Schilling will make it back.

Does that affect anyone's view of Boston being numero uno?
Does that affect anyone's view of Boston being numero uno?
Not mine.

Dice K is gona have a better year this season, imo.

Lester, Bucholoz and Wake is a nice back end, still
the "sawx" rotation is still so deep without schill, as much as i hate to admit it, and their bullpen is lights out... buchholz is a great talent,ellsbury an emerging star who proved he can play when it counts, schilling was in important piece to that rotation but lets face it, how effective was he goingto be, this gives lester/bucholz an opportunity to show what they can do

anyway, another team i didnt include in my original top 5 that i think will be a major threat is the angels, quietly i think they will be a silent assasin

torii hunter and vlad in the outfield plus young emerging stars like howie kendrick and casey kotchman make them a great offensive threat, combine that with asolid starting rotation and bullpen and you deffinetly have an elite time
Yeah Allen, I agree. Personally, the only reason I wanted Schilling around was to work with the youngers pitchers on the staff. I think we can deal withouthim.
since when was the best pitcher in baseball a "just because"?

Dude, 24 K B 8 pretty much talks shhh about the Mets for some reason, he's just as bad as J Rain.

As for Schilling, wow thats a big hit, he's their # 2 and makes their staff deep, but now the other pitchers (esp Dice K) will have to step up.

I will still keep them # 1 though, they are the defending world champions.
he's just as bad as J Rain.

you rang? seriously though, i despise mutt fans. they get santana and suddenly the mutts go from the most catastrophic collapse and biggestchokers in the history of baseball to the best team in the n.l? *****. and before you start to defend yourself, majority of mutt fans now have incredulousimaginations of a world series championship in 08.

World Series 2008


from the biggest joke in all of baseball to n.l. favorites and world series champs?
acquiring santana does not erase this:




1. Red Sox
2. Mets
3. Yankees

I am a Yankee fan, but i think that the young pitchers will do well. I don't know if you heard but i am almost positive that Joba is not starting. He ismaintaining his role as setup/relief. So now it is Kennedy and Hughes. They want to keep Joba rested.
Yeah, because Santana is JUST another pitcher right?

You do realize he's a stopper and the best pitcher in baseball, and if Pedro is healthy they have just as good a 1-2 punch as anyone else, and that onlymoves two 15 game winners (mid to high 3.00 ERA) pitchers in Maine and Perez to the 3 and 4 slot....oh, and El Duque/Pelfrey will pitch 5th.....FIFTH !

So yeah, they def. don't have a chance right? It took a poor collapse by the pitchers (who couldn't go past 5 innings with a severely used pen) to missthe playoffs by ONE SINGLE GAME. Only people who thought of the team as a joke are delusional fans such as yourself who thinks Zimmerman is better than Wright,or Randy Moss is the greatest wide receiver. Sure it was a terrible stretch, but the media was more concerned HOW and WHY it happened, b/c this was really thefirst time in the franchise where something like this ever it was very surprising (although not surprising to me because the depleted pen worriedme after the All Star break).

NY Mets fans are not the only ones calling them favorites, just look at this thread, the Mets are the first team most people pick out of the N.L.

Have fun enjoying last place, there is a reason most dude's have you on IGNORE (and why I don't is beyond me, but I like getting a good laugh readingyour posts).
WOW.. not even one mention of the colorado rockies.. coulda sworn they were just in the world series last year..

1) Braves

2) Tigers
3) Sox
4) Mets
5a) Rockies
5b) Dodgers
5c) Angels
Only reason I can think of in terms of the Rockies is the fact that they had to go on a miraculous run as under-dogs last season, just to TIE and force a 1game playoff.

It will be very difficult to mimic that, but they still have a nice little squad with an extremely under-rated offense. for the D-Backs, if they did not obtain Haren from the A's I felt they would not have won the division this season (esp going in with the same team).They won the most games in the N.L. DESPITE scoring less runs than you'd figure that would come back to bite them in the !%#. Haren as their# 2 solidifies the Diamondbacks as a top team in the National League, and favorites to win the NL West.
Ya Gotta Believe mez one

replace johan with t glav and thats a huge upgrade
and yea, the collapse was awful but it doesnt by any means write off the talent that the team has which include the best pitcher in baseball, the best 3rdbaseman in the nl, the best center fielder in the NL and arguably the best SS in the NL

the only reason the collapse was so historic was because we were a phenomenal team in the first place, baseball is a funny game, things happen, look at therockies, tell me you could've predicted that

the organization has moved foward and theyre dedicated to erasing those memories, you can have fun dwelling in the past and bashing the mets, but theres a newfirst rate team in new york my friend
Originally Posted by thetruth03

WOW.. not even one mention of the colorado rockies.. coulda sworn they were just in the world series last year..

that's what i was thinking.
I Love it when the Cardinals aren't on a list, that's when they surprise a lot of people.
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

I Love it when the Cardinals aren't on a list, that's when they surprise a lot of people.

Ditto for the one's mentioning them, and granted we haven't won in 100 years, out this season. I'm as pessimistic asanyone, but the Cubs are gonna do big things. Mark it.
Originally Posted by aRog27

Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

I Love it when the Cardinals aren't on a list, that's when they surprise a lot of people.

Ditto for the one's mentioning them, and granted we haven't won in 100 years, out this season. I'm as pessimistic as anyone, but the Cubs are gonna do big things. Mark it.

Here come the haters....
at some people not picking the yanks. For once wecan be (semi) underdogs. I'm just glad we're going with the guys in the rotation and pen this year

My top 5
1. Red Sox
2. Indians
3. Tigers
4. Mets
5. Yankees

I'm putting the Tigers for obvious reasons but I need to see Dtrain and that whole team actually mesh before they can really be called an 'elite'team. They can turn out to be like the Celtics but I'm not completely sold. I think Carmona is gonna have a big setback for some reason, whether he getsinjured or doesn't have the same stuff this year. The Mets should rebound in the NL East or they should cease to exist. The Red Sox are the same team andwe'll see what the kids do in the Yanks rotation.

I still love the Cubs team, they should they take the NL Central EASY. Seriously, they should be competing with the Mets for the best record in the NL.
Dude, 24 K B 8 pretty much talks shhh about the Mets for some reason, he's just as bad as J Rain.
That cat is a straight herb, always talking out of his #%#

@ Cubs fans already starting %+@!, crossing out the Cards
get ready for another 100 years losers!
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