Top high school forward flattens defender with dunk, is immediately ejected

Parents (and adults, in general) these days are too much. Little Bobby got dunked on and embarrassed, so to even the playing field, let's take out the one guy who's better than everyone else. That is all I take away from that video. It's sad. Back when I was young, if you ran into a player like that, you took your whuppin' and moved on.
The video comments.
 x infinity. People talking down on him, saying thug, uneducated, can't they even know him in real life. They act as if they haven't celebrated before. I can't take this $!%% sometimes.
The dude that got dunked on must have been the ref's son because dude ejected the dunker with the quickness

If I was the ref, I would have ejected the kid that got dunked on just so he wouldn't have to run up n down the court with that embarrassment on his shoulders all game 
Are you serious???

1) first tech: excessive celebration (can be seen as taunting)
2) second tech: saluting towards the crowd (unsportsmanlike character)



Originally Posted by wcghost

Are you serious???

1) first tech: excessive celebration (can be seen as taunting)
2) second tech: saluting towards the crowd (unsportsmanlike character)



That's what annoyed me most watching the video..It was a salute...Not like he stuck his middle finger up or anything...Kevin Durant salutes the crowd all the time and even those NBA refs that call a tech for looking at them wrong don't T him up for it
Originally Posted by illmatic34

The video comments.
�x infinity. People talking down on him, saying thug, uneducated, can't they even know him in real life. They act as if they haven't celebrated before. I can't take this $!%% sometimes.�

thats what "they" do behind the computer.....but in person its hush mouth and they keep those thoughts to themselves.....
Thats a sophomore????? (16 years old??) WOW

But the first tech seemed iffy at best.  What did he do stare? Seems like the refs had it out for him for some reason.  That highlight was worth it though lol
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Parents (and adults, in general) these days are too much. Little Bobby got dunked on and embarrassed, so to even the playing field, let's take out the one guy who's better than everyone else. That is all I take away from that video. It's sad. Back when I was young, if you ran into a player like that, you took your whuppin' and moved on.

Point Blank Period.  Of all things to be ejected for a salute... for a !%*$@** salute is just
a kid dunks and celebrates ... not 1 for trying to control him, no warning ... 2 techs resulting in ejection ... clowns
Lol, that almost looks fake or something. Everyone just stands there while he goes.
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