Toronto Maple Leafs suck appreciation post...

Sep 7, 2006
I've lived in Toronto all my life and never bought into this Maple Leafs bull crap that city feeds us so it feels great now to see the team in its worststate in decades.

Anyone else loving this as much as I am? They lost 5-0 yesterday and are already down 4-0 in the 1st period to the worst team in the NHL.

Leafs = New York Knicks of the NHL.
Time to rebuild.

Its been a great run Mats, but its time to hang'em up.
Carlos, you know what it's like. The fans of the team you play for wouldn't put up with this BS from the Leafs.
Its been great, Fergie and PM will be out of a job this summer, Leafs will have a high draft choice in a good year, get ALOT of value for Sundin by thedeadline.
when the trading deadline time comes around, lets see whether the Canucks or Detroit has better things to offer to Fergie for Mats, if Fergie wants to go outnicely, he'll get some good prospects, mainly d-man. theres no reason why vesa can't make better saves when the d-man are actually playing"D".
No. It sucks. I hate hockey with a passion. With the Leafs sucking up the joint more than Jon Amechi, there is more coverage than ever on every TV channel. ITSHORRIBLE! It makes me want to off myself.
It's known that if JFJ doesn't take this years teams to the playoffs he will not be back next year, and to think he's spending big $$ to renovatehis house right now
Walked by his crib today and what he did to the house was

Anyways, the Leafs just need more depth and some better D-men because frankly Kubina/McCabe/White aren't going to cut it. Steen/Stajan aren't living upto their "hype" if you can call it that
We need to get rid of themASAP IMO.......There were 3 scenarios for this whole Sundin trade debate going on, and i think we need to get rid of him and bring in some quality guys thenre-sign him in the summer. Same thing as Keith Tkachuk did.....
The title of this thread makes so sense homie. How can you appreciate something that sucks as hard as the Mapleleafs. It's kinda like starting a threadentitled......Gettin kicked in the balls appreciation. Not saying...Just saying.
You want me to dumb it down for you? I appreciate the Leafs being aterrible team, the title is self-explanatory.

JFJ + Peddie are a complete joke, the dude missed the playoffs 2 seasons in a row and they still brought him back for a 3rd year. I agree about pulling aKeith Tkachuk/Doug Weight type of thing, trading Sundin for 2 1st rounders+a couple of throw ins and then resigning Sundin in the summer if it makes sense. Itook a quick glance at the free agent class of this summer and it doesn't look too pretty.
If the Leafs don't ensure they get Jonathon Tavares.....they wil continue to bring in overpriced scrubs....and we will not see a Cup before Ottawadoes...also a decent goalie would help as well........
I don't think the problem is Peddie per se. He's made the Teachers Pension fund a truck load of money and it's not stopping. By nature they (thefund) are very conservative in terms of investment and likely aren't prepared to reliquish the control to a proper hockey mind. This is the requirement forsuccess. Hopfully for the Homers, the pension fund buys bell and sells mlse. This will allow for a hockey guy, rather than a money guy running the show.

I couldn't care less though. The product is far too expensive for the amount of entertainment. 3 hrs to watch 1.5 hrs of play? No thanks, I'll takereal football any day of the week.

P.S. Carlos, nice goal yesterday.
^This man speaks the truth, the Leafs need an independant owner to run the team because MLSE is purely out for the money and they don't care if the teamnever makes the playoffs. Although, they make a lot more if they DO make the playoffs, sooo....

John Tavares is NOT the answer for the Leafs, we will only set him up for failure in a market like this. Plus, he isn't what everyone thinks he is, IMO heisn't "great", he's only good for his age. I've played against him numerous times and he's no saviour......I'd rather takeStamkos or Doughty over Tavares in terms of who the Leafs should take.
carlos had a nice goal but cristiano ronaldo got that first career hat trick on man u!!! ^^^^^

Toronto Maple Leafs - John Ferguson Jr = Success.
Toronto Maple Leafs - Richard Peddie = Success

A Major shake-up is expected tomorrow, although if nothing happens it wont be the first time MLSE has let us down
Anyone else get the feeling that we are the New York Knicks of the NHL?

P.S. I wish Tevez hadn't gone to Man. Utd (I made this SN before he came to England, and I'm an Arsenal fan anyways
^Nah, we're not quite the NY Knicks of the NHL because the only players worth anything IMO would be Sundin, Toskala and a very big maybe on Blake. Ooops Ialso forgot Kaberle the best and most consistent player next to Mats. Other than that, the rest of the team is just a bunch of scrubs......Ahh I guess I shouldsay Tucker/Wellwood aren't scrubs since I like them lol........

Hopefully something happens soon though because at this rate we're not going to make the playoffs this year or next. We're currently the 3rd worst teamin the league points wise, and a shakeup is needed ASAP
trade and fire every one in that organization other than Sundin.

I dont understand how everyone can turn their back on this guy after he carried this team on his back for soo many years. Ever since the raptors came here, myinterest in the leafs has decreased to nothing but even so i dont find it right to trade away Sundin.

How can all u guys give away a player who was and is so loyal to this#*$%$$# organization?

No one wants to "give him away".

Sundin is an un-restricted free agent this summer, so it would be better for the teams future to get a couple of high draft picks+some young players in returnfor Sundin. Even if we traded him, we could still resign Sundin in the summer so it would be a win-win situation.
U played against him and how many points u have in the OHL? We need to get rid of these old trash dudes and bring in young talent...Not saying Tavares is thesole answer but since they changed the rules the game is more geared towards young legs....Look at Pittsburgh w Crosby and Malkin...Toews and Kane arent badeither...Let's be realistic Sundin alone cant get us to the playoffs...And please tell me what is better than an Original 6 market for hockey?
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