Train Of Thought > Illmatic

Oct 8, 2003
I remember you... you're the one who made that post condeming the Music forum and calling for it to be deleted... Got a few good dudes banned

Trying to start another uprising I see huh?
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

I remember you... you're the one who made that post condeming the Music forum and calling for it to be deleted... Got a few good dudes banned

Trying to start another uprising I see huh?

 Nah, I made a post saying how much it sucked..Then Odrama made a post saying Method Man was thinking about deleting it..Just a big coincidence...Did MM ever say anything about it?
real talk though ... ya'll hype illmatic waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much ... it's a good album and all but theres only 9 songs and one of them Nas spits one verse ... if anything AZ makes it great with his contribution ... there's 5 songs on that album that cant be denied/debated ... but that's 5 songs ... there have been plenty of better overall albums over the years and because the almighty "illmatic" is "illmatic" no one says anything ...

is it a great album? yes ... but let's not sit here and act like nothing can touch it ... i can think of plenty of albums where if i took them down to 9 songs and 1 intro they'd EASILY be on par ...
Originally Posted by moneyisthemotive

real talk though ... ya'll hype illmatic waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much ... it's a good album and all but theres only 9 songs and one of them Nas spits one verse ... if anything AZ makes it great with his contribution ... there's 5 songs on that album that cant be denied/debated ... but that's 5 songs ... there have been plenty of better overall albums over the years and because the almighty "illmatic" is "illmatic" no one says anything ...

is it a great album? yes ... but let's not sit here and act like nothing can touch it ... i can think of plenty of albums where if i took them down to 9 songs and 1 intro they'd EASILY be on par ...
 start naming bruh!

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