***Transformers 2:Revenge Of The Fallen***

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

It has been confirmed that there will be 40

some will transform into weapons
This commercial saved my day.
also for those who didnt know though i did see it posted, the full trailer will be with Friday The 13th and will be online a week later after its release andwill include the 30 seconds from the first teaser
Optimus ALWAYS took a Bad one from Megatron when they did Battles and then would do the Rocky move (no pun intended) and come back and win...

When the OG version came out they ALWAYS made you feel OP was about to take an L.
Just a lil information if everyone didn't know..

No Dinobots In 'Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen' - Original Film Consultant Explains Why

Transformers fan-favorite characters the Dinobots aren't headed to the big screen in the upcoming "Transformers" sequel, but that doesn'tmean they're headed for extinction.

In an interview with MTV, longtime Transformers comics scribe Simon Furman - who also served as consultant on 2007's Michael Bay-helmed movie - confirmedthat, contrary to initial fan speculation, the upcoming "Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen," will be Dinobot-free.

"I think that possibility was raised briefly and fairly comprehensively shot down," said Furman. "Much as I love the Dinobots, I'mglad."

Fans may see this as a missed opportunity to see the classic Dinobot lineup of Grimlock, Slag, Sludge, Snarl and Swoop, but Furman thinks their omission is apragmatic decision. His belief isn't the product of anti-Bay sentiment, but rather of his understanding of what would best serve the characters and thefilm itself.

"The movie-verse feels quite different to me, with its own audience and far more rooted in the real world, and Dinobots wouldn't necessarily be agreat fit. Sure, if they could come up with an appropriate rationale and integral reason for them being in there, fine, but it'd need to be good, otherwiseit would all start to verge on the kitsch," said Furman.

Early fan speculation called for a Dinobots origin rooted in prehistoric times, with Transformers arriving on Earth in an era of dinosaurs, falling dormant,then awakening in the present day.

"Fallen" screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, who wrote the first "Transformers" film, initially cleared up any confusion thispast summer when Orci explained, "We couldn't quite figure out how to justify a robot that would pretend to be a dinosaur."

Despite its lack of transforming dinosaur robots, Furman maintained his excitement for the new film and affirms his confidence in the future of theaction-oriented franchise. It may not be perfect, but its financial success speaks for itself.

"I think story and character often get submerged in the crash, bang wallop, but who can argue with a $700 million plus box office tally?" saidFurman, "What [the film] does best, I think, is make movie Transformers distinct from classic or animated or comic Transformers. It's very muchit's own entity, and that's how it should be."

While Furman isn't directly involved with "Revenge of the Fallen," fans can expect his strong peripheral presence with multiple literary tie-ins,Hasbro consultant work and the four-issue official comic book adaptation of "Revenge of the Fallen" headed to shelves in 2009.

Furman also recently returned to the Dinobots alongside artist Nick Roche with the five-issue "Maximum Dinobots" comic book series through IDWPublishing. Issue #1 arrived in stores earlier this month.

Even though the dinosaurs in disguise won't appear in "Fallen," the franchise scribe for nearly 25 years is pleased to see the overallTransformers property in great health.

"What I love is that a new generation of kids is being exposed to Transformers in the way that maybe rivals the original '80s phenomenon," saidFurman.

Disappointed about the lack of Dinobot in "Transformers 2″? Feel they made the right choice by leaving them out? Sound off in the comment section!

.....From MTV Movies Blog--------
Damn this thread is REALLY poppin.
I thought most NTers weren't impressed by Transformers 1.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Damn this thread is REALLY poppin.
I thought most NTers weren't impressed by Transformers 1.
Man all of the NTers that say that are just trying to sound "cool becuz they hate to see something popular with alot of hype actually begood....It cracks me up that NT tries so hard to be elite sometimes
As cool as the dinobots are, it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to have them in this film. If I remember correctly, the dinobots were found on somedistant island, and kinda had their own agenda, although they def. fought for the Autobots. Anyway, I'd rather see the writers take their time with thedino's rather than have them thrown in.
Originally Posted by NuMba1KiCkrocka

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Damn this thread is REALLY poppin.
I thought most NTers weren't impressed by Transformers 1.
Man all of the NTers that say that are just trying to sound "cool becuz they hate to see something popular with alot of hype actually be good....It cracks me up that NT tries so hard to be elite sometimes
Yeah, anti-hype is just as bad as hype, your not judging for the right reasons.
[h2]Michael Bay Promises Next 'Transformers 2′ Trailer Will Spoil Most of the Film http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/articl...formers-2-trailer-will-spoil-most-of-the-film[/h2] [h3]He knows what the fans want...[/h3]http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/articl...formers-2-trailer-will-spoil-most-of-the-film
BY: Brad Brevet | February 2nd 2009 at 1:21 PM


Photo: Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks

Michael Bay has revealed that not only is the latest Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Super Bowl trailer just the start of things to come, but it also doesn't spoil the movie nearly enough. "Just wait until they see the next one," he tells us exclusively, "we are going to show so many robots you won't believe how many robots there are!"

Quite excited at the prospect of having a bunch of robots in his film The Bay revealed that the rest of the trailers leading up to the film should give away the majority of the plot, but he will be holding back on showing most of the explosions.

"A movie isn't an actual movie unless things are blowing up and I blow them up with the best of them," The Bay said. "Sure, you can have emotional moments and we have those with Megan and Shia, but when it comes down to it no one goes to a movie for the actual story as much as they go to see robots and things explode and we got that! I am the only director to have a direct line to the Pentagon. The Pentagon. Pentagon. You think Martin Scorsese can just call the Pentagon? Pentagon?"

When asked about the possibility of Constructicons showing up in the film I lost some steam because I didn't know what they were and had not yet watched the Super Bowl trailer, but he did say, "It's all !%*@%%+%. I am just toying with the fanboys." He emphasized "toying" as if to pass a mocking nudge at how the toys from the film have created such an online stir. "Did you see all the articles about the Soundwave toy? Pentagon. So funny, my robots ain't toys, they will kill you!"

I concluded the brief conversation asking Bay if fanboy assumptions were correct and Megatron was going to show up in the film after instead of destroying the Decepticon leader at the end of the first film they decided to dump him into the ocean. The Bay laughed and simply said, "ME-GA-TRON! Hey, that sounds like Pentagon, I wonder if the Pentagon is a robot too."

The next trailer for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will be shown in front of screenings of Friday the 13th in theaters beginning February 13 and will then hit the Internet a week later.

Bay Hinting?
Originally Posted by Bigavelli

[h2]Michael Bay Promises Next 'Transformers 2′ Trailer Will Spoil Most of the Film http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/articl...formers-2-trailer-will-spoil-most-of-the-film[/h2] [h3]He knows what the fans want...[/h3]http://www.ropeofsilicon.com/articl...formers-2-trailer-will-spoil-most-of-the-film
BY: Brad Brevet | February 2nd 2009 at 1:21 PM


Photo: Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks

Michael Bay has revealed that not only is the latest Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Super Bowl trailer just the start of things to come, but it also doesn't spoil the movie nearly enough. "Just wait until they see the next one," he tells us exclusively, "we are going to show so many robots you won't believe how many robots there are!"

Quite excited at the prospect of having a bunch of robots in his film The Bay revealed that the rest of the trailers leading up to the film should give away the majority of the plot, but he will be holding back on showing most of the explosions.

"A movie isn't an actual movie unless things are blowing up and I blow them up with the best of them," The Bay said. "Sure, you can have emotional moments and we have those with Megan and Shia, but when it comes down to it no one goes to a movie for the actual story as much as they go to see robots and things explode and we got that! I am the only director to have a direct line to the Pentagon. The Pentagon. Pentagon. You think Martin Scorsese can just call the Pentagon? Pentagon?"

When asked about the possibility of Constructicons showing up in the film I lost some steam because I didn't know what they were and had not yet watched the Super Bowl trailer, but he did say, "It's all !%*@%%+%. I am just toying with the fanboys." He emphasized "toying" as if to pass a mocking nudge at how the toys from the film have created such an online stir. "Did you see all the articles about the Soundwave toy? Pentagon. So funny, my robots ain't toys, they will kill you!"

I concluded the brief conversation asking Bay if fanboy assumptions were correct and Megatron was going to show up in the film after instead of destroying the Decepticon leader at the end of the first film they decided to dump him into the ocean. The Bay laughed and simply said, "ME-GA-TRON! Hey, that sounds like Pentagon, I wonder if the Pentagon is a robot too."

The next trailer for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will be shown in front of screenings of Friday the 13th in theaters beginning February 13 and will then hit the Internet a week later.
Bay Hinting?

turns out that whole page was a fake, says it on the bottom
that sucks, I thought the full trailer was gonna be released today. Makes sense though since he's producing F13th
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