True blue 3, DTRT 4, and Infrared 6 still coming out?

Jun 13, 2009
Hay guys can you please let me know when are true blue, HOF 3, DTRT4, AND infrared 6 mostly like coming out. i just want to know if all these are stillavaiable to get my hands on? another thing that i also want to know is any 2,3,4,5,6 coming out soon?
Originally Posted by BaritheKid


Read release dates, check sneakerfiles, put a question mark in your title...All will help ya

By the way, welcome to Niketalk.
I definitely know that the True Blue III are coming out, I'm not certain about the other two though.

Lets wait till next year...
why not look around the forum first open up a couple of threads and find out for yourself...
post #1 = FAIL
you jus openned up a can of worms kid. look around a lil bit and you will get all the answers you need.
Word has it that it's going to be an international release.

There's still two months to go, who knows, Jordan Brand might change their minds.
Why are people hating on nooob to the site? you act like i suppose to know everything on this website! is this how you guys welcome a noobie to nike talk thatis a shame! and how bout let put some info maybe we all can know about these shoes that i want to know? that why i post it up to find out, if i still can havemy hands on it.
Originally Posted by azNKick0330

Why are people hating on nooob to the site? you act like i suppose to know everything on this website! is this how you guys welcome a noobie to nike talk that is a shame! and how bout let put some info maybe we all can know about these shoes that i want to know? that why i post it up to find out, if i still can have my hands on it.
the reason why everyone is "hating" is because if you SEARCH the website the info is there. im sure since you are smart enough to figureout how to start a thread and type up a question and responses you should be smart enough to browse as well.oh and calling yourself a noobie isnt a good look,it jus makes you look stupid(er)
Originally Posted by azNKick0330

Why are people hating on nooob to the site? you act like i suppose to know everything on this website! is this how you guys welcome a noobie to nike talk that is a shame! and how bout let put some info maybe we all can know about these shoes that i want to know? that why i post it up to find out, if i still can have my hands on it.
No one's hating on you for being a "noobie."

It's just that this post and question has already been made before. You aren't required to know everything about this website but with a littlesearching on here you can find threads that have already been made without having to make a new one.

Info will be posted regarding these releases when the info is available, no need for new threads.
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