Trying to bulk up...

work out ... i know you think im being simple but it really is that simple ... eat 3 pbj's per day and a full breakfast lunch and dinner with snacks inbetween and work out 3-4 times per week ... thats it ... im on that regimen and ive gained 5 lbs in 10 days
DJ Williams, LB Denver, claimed he'd eat one or two before working out in high school and like one after or something....crazy...
PB&J is good because its a good, easy, and cheap source of protein (PB) and carbs (bread). I dont use jelly personally tho....
Dont buy anything. Start by doing pushups every day and increase your amount every few days. And eat.

If you dont have a gym membership you can google "home workouts" (or similar) and find a lot of stuff u can do at home.
PB and J's are ok, but prolly not right before or after workouts. Try to get lean proteins like turkey or chicken, or whey before/after working out. Butyes, peanut butter is good for putting on size. Also, when bulking don't shy away from good carbs(milk, ww bread, brown rice, fruits, veggies, etc.)
Originally Posted by Reginald Noble

how many push ups should I be doing a night on average?

I used to do as many I could to failure and then increase it by 1 veery night or every other. Might not seem like a ton but it definitely adds up.
Originally Posted by Newbs24

Originally Posted by Reginald Noble

how many push ups should I be doing a night on average?

I used to do as many I could to failure and then increase it by 1 veery night or every other. Might not seem like a ton but it definitely adds up.

seriously, push ups help out a lot.

i put my feet up on my bed and do push ups that way.

ill have my feet at the very edge of the bed and change hand positioning to work different areas.

4 sets of 15 in the morning/afternoon/night
i try to increase these as every day passes.
Originally Posted by Reginald Noble

how many push ups should I be doing a night on average?

I try to do 120 a night but now im doing 120 in the mourning and 120 at night
You need to eat heaps and heaps.. not junk but the right foods.. you might want to see a dietician.

You should also workout 2-3x a week.

You may also want to use a supplement of some sort. But personally I don't like them.
Eat more than you ever thought your body could handle. If you're bulking it doesn't necessarily have to be super-clean...
at all these weak workouts...

Buy that gym membership, hit that bench, hit the lats and shoulders hard. Eat 6 times a day.
haha this funny quote came to mind when reading the title...

"Bulk is so 90's Drama, its all about flexibility now, dont you agree?"

"Uh, no i dont"
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