Trying to decide between 360/PS3...come in and suggest must haves and any tips for both consoles!

Dec 25, 2005
So I'm finally buying a system after I sold my PS3 a couple years ago. I'd only play Madden and MLB the Show but this time around I want to get into the shooting games and stuff.

It comes down to deciding between PS3's bluray player and the 360's online play. I'm leaning towards the PS3 cause I have always been a Sony guy but all of my boys tell me to get a 360 for the online play. I'd just like to see what your opinions are, and what the essential games/accessories are for which ever system you prefer. Thanks!
If you want to play online with your friends, buy what they have. If not and your leaning towards PS3 then just get that. Simple
i will wait in till E3 to see what both systems announce

the 360 might have a slim model coming after E3.

i like both systems but spend most of my time on the PS3

xbox live is just one big daycare
Get whatever your friends have. I got a 360 though, mainly because i wanted to play some fps which i feel the 360 control works better for. But once GT5 finally comes out im gonna get a ps3 since i hate racing games on 360 since im used to playing all the GT games on PS.
If you are getting into shooters, 360 would be the probable choice...

Have a look on a couple gaming sites, see whats coming out/is out for each system, see what you like, and choose that way.
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

If you want to play online with your friends, buy what they have. If not and your leaning towards PS3 then just get that. Simple

PSN is good enough for me, Uncharted 2 multiplayer is
 (get this if you end up with the PS3).

Add a quality blu-ray and the convenience of netflix streaming (free) and I felt the PS3 was a no-brainer.
Originally Posted by larrivee7

PSN is good enough for me, Uncharted 2 multiplayer is
 (get this if you end up with the PS3).

Add a quality blu-ray and the convenience of netflix streaming (free) and I felt the PS3 was a no-brainer.

Not that you don't have good points but the PS3 has by far the worst buffer times for netflix streaming and requires a disk. The 360 does not.
go for the ps3, free online, blu ray, and chargable controllers so u dont have to put batteries in all the time like an old cd player smh
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by larrivee7

PSN is good enough for me, Uncharted 2 multiplayer is
 (get this if you end up with the PS3).

Add a quality blu-ray and the convenience of netflix streaming (free) and I felt the PS3 was a no-brainer.

Not that you don't have good points but the PS3 has by far the worst buffer times for netflix streaming and requires a disk. The 360 does not.

Really?  I've had no trouble at all with Netflix.  Movies load in just a few seconds and I think I've had one buffer mid-movie only once.  And you do have to use the Netflix disk, but it's no hassle in my eyes.  And the interface is awesome.  Just my experience, but that's all I have to go on really.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

here we go...

the current "Nas vs Jay-z post" of Niketalk  (anywhere online actually)

its currently the kobe/Lebron of consoles

ps3 free PSN and blu ray

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