TSA hiring "Pedophiles" to pat you down.

Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

They can hire who they want, I guarantee if somebody is "fondled" or touched inappropriately, measures will be taken- especially if its a child, because the parents will be there watching, heck- if i saw it happen i would beat the crap outta the perp. There are sick people working everywhere and probably in places you wouldnt expect. Its a crazy, sick world out there- but that doesnt mean you need to focus all your attention on the negatives dude (seems like thats all you do)

I am really disappointed in this response. That is all I will say about that.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

They can hire who they want, I guarantee if somebody is "fondled" or touched inappropriately, measures will be taken- especially if its a child, because the parents will be there watching, heck- if i saw it happen i would beat the crap outta the perp. There are sick people working everywhere and probably in places you wouldnt expect. Its a crazy, sick world out there- but that doesnt mean you need to focus all your attention on the negatives dude (seems like thats all you do)

I am really disappointed in this response. That is all I will say about that.
Dude needs to retire his SN
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Ya, it does suck DC, but its the reality of the situation. Should I just post "$%$%$%$#" like all these others? Theyre not ONLY hiring those pervs, its not a job requirement

But we need to know this type of information Dirk. You can't just write it off as a, "If it happens to you just whoop the dude" situation 
 . I feel what you are saying but I don't think this info is really a bad heads up..
But I do get what you are trying to say.
Nowitzness41 wrote:
They can hire who they want, I guarantee if somebody is "fondled" or touched inappropriately, measures will be taken- especially if its a child, because the parents will be there watching, heck- if i saw it happen i would beat the crap outta the perp. There are sick people working everywhere and probably in places you wouldnt expect. Its a crazy, sick world out there- but that doesn't mean you need to focus all your attention on the negatives dude (seems like thats all you do)

You miss the point, they hire these people on purpose to fondle you. 

Read the PDF because you don't know what you're talking about. 
God I hate sensationalized headlines.

But this is a legitimate concern. I mean what the hell?

TSA’s recruitment policy which, instead of representing an “intelligent risk-based organization,
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

God I hate sensationalized headlines.

But this is a legitimate concern. I mean what the hell?

TSA’s recruitment policy which, instead of representing an “intelligent risk-based organization,
Big deal! Do you know how little money priests make? A second income isn't a bad idea at all.
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Nowitzness41 wrote:
They can hire who they want, I guarantee if somebody is "fondled" or touched inappropriately, measures will be taken- especially if its a child, because the parents will be there watching, heck- if i saw it happen i would beat the crap outta the perp. There are sick people working everywhere and probably in places you wouldnt expect. Its a crazy, sick world out there- but that doesn't mean you need to focus all your attention on the negatives dude (seems like thats all you do)

You miss the point, they hire these people on purpose to fondle you. 

Read the PDF because you don't know what you're talking about. 

They hire them on purpose to fondle me? Get outta here!
Originally Posted by firmePORvida

Originally Posted by Pig Love

Nowitzness41 wrote:
They can hire who they want, I guarantee if somebody is "fondled" or touched inappropriately, measures will be taken- especially if its a child, because the parents will be there watching, heck- if i saw it happen i would beat the crap outta the perp. There are sick people working everywhere and probably in places you wouldnt expect. Its a crazy, sick world out there- but that doesn't mean you need to focus all your attention on the negatives dude (seems like thats all you do)

You miss the point, they hire these people on purpose to fondle you. 

Read the PDF because you don't know what you're talking about. 

They hire them on purpose to fondle me? Get outta here!

Prove me wrong! Who the @@@+ wants a job grabbing little kids privates while standing next
to high powered death rays. Who do you think is applying for these positions? TSA obviously
doesn't care if they don't do the background checks.
Originally Posted by Pig Love

Originally Posted by firmePORvida

Originally Posted by Pig Love

You miss the point, they hire these people on purpose to fondle you. 

Read the PDF because you don't know what you're talking about. 

They hire them on purpose to fondle me? Get outta here!

Prove me wrong! Who the @@@+ wants a job grabbing little kids privates while standing next
to high powered death rays. Who do you think is applying for these positions? TSA obviously
doesn't care if they don't do the background checks.

Prove you wrong? I've gone through TSA dozens of times and not once did I feel like I was molested. I'm not saying it's never happened or will never happen that a TSA officer will abuse their power, it's clearly stated in the PDF that some do, but I doubt they were hired for the sole purpose to molsst travelers. Plus, they crimes came to light while on the job, not before they were hired.
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Isn't this great? This passenger's 8, the next one is 9, my game just rewinds.



They probably go ham on the "Why do you feel you are the best candidate for this job" section
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