Apr 7, 2007
i got rejected by UCLA, UCB, and UCSD. so these are my top 2 choices because USC is too expensive. i guess people in this subforum might be biased towards UCIbecause its in Socal but then again maybe they won't because they know what its really like. im not going to make my decision on what you guys say, but itwould be helpful to know more about the schools, especially from current students or alumni, and if they enjoyed it.

I like UCI because its in SoCal, (im from NorCal, but would like to go down south). I heard Irvine is a boring town, but at least its close by to LA and othercities in the OC. the thing is, i heard that its a commuter school and everyone goes home on weekends...I dont know if I like that. Is it as big of a deal aspeople make it out to be, because im sure there will be lots of others that arent from SoCal that would have to stay on campus like me?
As for Davis, I like that its much closer to my home only because of the driving distance. i dont like long car drives, but i wouldnt eliminate UCI justbecause of the distance. being close is just a plus, not a requirement. also, UCD is a better academic school (at least the rankings are). but i dont like thefact that its surrounded by cow farms. and Sacramento isnt that interesting to me.

just post anything you know about these schools, anything would help. i dont want this to turn into norcal vs socal though. im undeclared major at both schoolsbtw, but im thinking about doing something in the business field or some kind of engineering. im not a huge party guy that gets wasted every weekend, but iwould like to know about the parties.
You should just visit both schools and see which one fits you best. Academically, it's not THAT much of a difference either way you slice it. Just go toboth, and figure out which environment suits you better.
Yeah, I definitely agree with what acidicality said. You should visit and see what you like. You should also look at the programs they have to offer and seewhich one is better for you. For business field related stuff, Irvine has Business Economics, but I hear it's a joke. Don't know about Davis.

As for the cities, what I have heard about Davis is pretty much what you said.
Irvine, on the other hand, is really nice, close to the beach and LA. Good weather, lots of stuff to do. I haven't heard about it being a commuter school. I know of people that stay there and have lots of fun(I never thought it was a boring school, I've actually heard the opposite). All of my friends thatgo there have a good time and really enjoy it.

The good thing for you is that both these choices have cheap and nice off campus housing compared to Berkeley and UCLA.
irvine is a commuter school but there's always something going on during the weekends, especially if you stay in the dorms freshman year.
awww i got rejected from UCD, but got accepted to UCI. I'm gonna go check it out on its open house on the 19th. I hope its cool.
Well I go to UCI and I'm from San Fran, so I think I can relate to you (OP) pretty well. I got into UCD and UCI, but chose UCI just to experience lifeoutside of Norcal. One of my best friends from high school goes to Davis and loves it, but then again he is affiliated and always doing fraternity stuffsimilar to myself. Personally I love UCI too. It is a pretty big commuter school, and the dorms are DEAD on weekends unless you join an organization it will bepretty eventless; but at the same time weekends are always chill with less people around.

I'm guessing your major is not really your deciding factor here (it wasn't for me), and with that being said both are really good schools..but not SOgood where students are insanely cutthroat and competative to the point where they want you to fail (like say CAL or ucla). The campus at UCI, I would say is alot nicer than Davis, or a hell of a lot more modern/new to say the least. Irvine itself may not be the most exciting town, but it's right next to NewportBeach and such where, if you know the right people, things are always going down.

There are actually a lot of norcal students at UCI...some you will be able to distingush by a first glance (decked out in SF/hyphy gear). You will have fun atboth schools so yeah, like others said just visit both and try to get a feel for which one you like better.
im tryna choose between davis and sd
....people are tellin me that SDgets it poppin way more and the girls are a lot more
. Being from the BayArea, apart of my misses it whenever I'm away from it, but another part of me wants to take advantage of being out somewhere new on my own...unrestricted.I'm thinking I might fair well in SD by myself because I'm a lot more open without the parents around. But on the other hand, I don't know that forsure...and for Davis a lot of my high school friends are going there. It's just hard to weigh out what I want more because I don't know what I wantyet. What would you college guys say you value more upon entering college? The independence and fun factor or having friends and family nearby to make yourexperience more familiar? Or is it all subjective?

And whatever is said of OP applies to me too...im about an hour drive away from davis so i can come home at will. And Parties now and then would sound good.
Thanks for your input. I've already visited both, but I'm going to both of them again for the decision day. I'm still not sure, but I'm leaningtowards UCI because I think I'll like the area better and I dont like the idea of biking around to classes, it just seems like a hassle, especially if yourbike breaks down or someone steals it. I know that I'll have a great time either way, but I'm just trying to decide which one I'd rather go to,which is really difficult for me.

Keepz, I've heard that SD doesn't have that great of parties or that many good looking girls (atleast not significantly better than Davis). I dont knowfor sure though. The campus is REALLY nice though, and its in a good area. You could probably hang out with girls from SDSU and USD too.
Originally Posted by alife epidemix

Well I go to UCI and I'm from San Fran, so I think I can relate to you (OP) pretty well. I got into UCD and UCI, but chose UCI just to experience life outside of Norcal. One of my best friends from high school goes to Davis and loves it, but then again he is affiliated and always doing fraternity stuff similar to myself. Personally I love UCI too. It is a pretty big commuter school, and the dorms are DEAD on weekends unless you join an organization it will be pretty eventless; but at the same time weekends are always chill with less people around.

I'm guessing your major is not really your deciding factor here (it wasn't for me), and with that being said both are really good schools..but not SO good where students are insanely cutthroat and competative to the point where they want you to fail (like say CAL or ucla). The campus at UCI, I would say is a lot nicer than Davis, or a hell of a lot more modern/new to say the least. Irvine itself may not be the most exciting town, but it's right next to Newport Beach and such where, if you know the right people, things are always going down.

There are actually a lot of norcal students at UCI...some you will be able to distingush by a first glance (decked out in SF/hyphy gear). You will have fun at both schools so yeah, like others said just visit both and try to get a feel for which one you like better.

if you don't mind me asking where you living? I went to UCI freshman year (last year) but i still come down almost every weekend to visit friends in VDC
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

im tryna choose between davis and sd
....people are tellin me that SD gets it poppin way more and the girls are a lot more
. Being from the Bay Area, apart of my misses it whenever I'm away from it, but another part of me wants to take advantage of being out somewhere new on my own...unrestricted. I'm thinking I might fair well in SD by myself because I'm a lot more open without the parents around. But on the other hand, I don't know that for sure...and for Davis a lot of my high school friends are going there. It's just hard to weigh out what I want more because I don't know what I want yet. What would you college guys say you value more upon entering college? The independence and fun factor or having friends and family nearby to make your experience more familiar? Or is it all subjective?

And whatever is said of OP applies to me too...im about an hour drive away from davis so i can come home at will. And Parties now and then would sound good.

that couldn't be further from the truth
. We have "Triton Eye" for a reason, and the old saying of 9 out of 10 SD girls are hot, the 10th goes to ucsd, unless ur talkin about SanDiego in general...dunno about Davis' girls tho

there are some hot girls here....but...they are not common at all. and half of those hot girls are already taken.
And to me, college really depends on whoyou get to know, so try to know as many people as you can.
if you don't mind me asking where you living? I went to UCI freshman year (last year) but i still come down almost every weekend to visit friends in VDC
I live in vdc as well. It is a freaking resort for kids lol.
I know I'm dumb for this one but what is a commuter campus/school? I'm guessing it means they have no dormitories.
^nah, it means that most of the students don't live on campus....or that most of the students just go home on weekends. a combination of the two basically
UCSD with hot girls

if you're going for hot girls...go to San Diego State my man...

and just to add to the UCD and UCI debate....

College Board has ranked UCD 3 spots higher than Irvine this year i believe..

personally..i've been around the Irvine area too much so i'd just add in that it gets boring...but the beach is always a nice alternative.

i'd go to Davis just to explore new grounds...so i mean i guess it'd be the same for the OP...curiosity(sp?..that looks so wrong.) plays a big factor.

but you can't go wrong with either...so good luck on your decision!
I'm in the same dilemma as well, although I'm a transfer student.

For those that attend UCI, as a transfer which would you reccomend - dorming or apartments (either the on campus or off campus). Also, for those who live inVDC, how long is the wait list? What are my chances of getting a spot there for this summer/fall if I barely mailed in an application?
Definitely try to make a trip to both campuses before making your choice (at least come out to Davis), it's a huge decision. I'm from SF and had tochoose between UCI and UCD and ended up in Davis. I'd suggest that if you have a friend at UCD, to have them show you around to get a better feel for itthan some cheesy campus tour.
but i dont like the fact that its surrounded by cow farms.
I wouldn't let the "cow farms" (probably the biggest UCD stereotype that gets to me) get to you considering there's one farcorner of campus they have devoted to cattle and no farms that I've noticed along I-80 (you'd probably drive by more passing Stockton than Davis).Really though you won't be concerned about Sac unless you're trying to make a trip to a mall once in a long while (Arden). But UCD has a pretty goodfrat scene that offer plenty of parties since you asked. Either choice I think you'll be in good hands, seems like it's going to come down to youwanting to get out of NorCal or not.
Weigh your pros and cons..I got accepted to USC and UCI but chose UCI, kinda wish I chose USC though...the price and downtown LA scared me away, but its apretty good education and a nice campus. i've never been to davis so i can't say. uci is ok, it is dead on the weekends in the dorms though cuzeveryone goes home but u'll find a group of ppl that stay back on weekends and chill...u can get down with clubs, groups, greek life and chill with em..ijoined a fraternity to make the most of college..or if u have a car, go to various cities, eat out, clubbing, etc. if i could choose any college, i'd go toberkeley cuz its a good school and close to home, if i could i'd like to go home every weekend to chill with my friends n stuff, get mama's homecooking lol

UCD: Closer to home, college town, can go home every weekend to visit friends if they're still around and not in college outta town. mostly house partiesevery weekend, if u go clubbing gotta go to sacramento

UCI: Farther, 1 hr away from LA/Riverside/SD/Mexico, 50% asian, nice city..bubble though, not much to do in irvine but a lot to do outta irvine. in orangecounty, next to beaches. got all kinda clubs out here, vsa, kaba, bboy club, ca. nice campus...if u go to uci go to mesa court, if u get assigned a topic forur dorm, pick general. i picked technology and got stuck with nerds.
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