?uestlove vs. Travis Barker

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Carter Beauford FTW
DMB is one of my favorite bands and all...but IDK

DMB is one of your favorite bands and your giving Carter a

Carter is the glue of DMB and can out-drum both ?uest and Travis in a heartbeat.
Originally Posted by mace40


And DMB sucks.

I'm going to have to cosign this, I've never been able to get down with DMB for some reason. There's only 2 or 3 songs I can stand.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by mace40


And DMB sucks.

Whether or not you like DMB has no relation to how good of a drummer Carter is. His ability to read other musicians and incorporation of other styles ofmusic place him above both Quest and Travis alone. That does not even include his skills drumming into it. The original video is nothing spectacular at all.
DMB sucks, but if you could post a track that could convert an anti-DMB head, what would it be?
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

DMB sucks, but if you could post a track that could convert an anti-DMB head, what would it be?

�The thing about DMB is people seem to either love them or hate them.� A place like Niketalk isn't exactly the place I expect to get a lot of people toagree that they enjoy DMB.� Not a lot of people are going to learn to appreciate DMB through a single track, experiencing the live show they put on is whatmakes them great.� With that being said, I would say the song to convert an anti-DMB head would be Two Step.
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