UFO Mass Sightings are Taking Place Right Now In The World

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

As I understand it, dimensions are layered on top of each other with each lower dimension being unaware of the plane that exists above it...

If that's the case and these ARE extra-dimensional beings, perhaps they aren't traveling very far at all. It's quite possible that they are around us all the time and are completely aware of us while we are oblivious to them. It would make sense then that they only move into our dimension and become visible to us when they want to be seen.

Just a thought.

I think if any theories are right, it would be this.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

As I understand it, dimensions are layered on top of each other with each lower dimension being unaware of the plane that exists above it...

If that's the case and these ARE extra-dimensional beings, perhaps they aren't traveling very far at all. It's quite possible that they are around us all the time and are completely aware of us while we are oblivious to them. It would make sense then that they only move into our dimension and become visible to us when they want to be seen.

Just a thought.

I think if any theories are right, it would be this.
This is why nasa never does live feed no more.

can some one explain what in the blue hell is going on in this video??
This is why nasa never does live feed no more.

can some one explain what in the blue hell is going on in this video??
Originally Posted by Big J 33

@ me turning on CNN when I opened this thread

I got trolled

And we just talked about space and time being one but we perceive it as 2 distinct object in my Intro to Astronomy class - mind=blown.  I wish I knew more about dimensions.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

@ me turning on CNN when I opened this thread

I got trolled

And we just talked about space and time being one but we perceive it as 2 distinct object in my Intro to Astronomy class - mind=blown.  I wish I knew more about dimensions.
Well if space is infinite then evrything you can possibly imagine is out there... And talking about dimensions always creeps me out and is just too hard to understand it all. But with that guy who was talking at the end he sounded really bugged out it coulda been a hoax by the radio station or whatever it was but you never know. I do believe the government and the secret societys are holding out on tons of knowledge that they dont want the public to find out about. Just think with all these "ufos" flying around one of them had to crash or land sometime or have something go wrong. I like how everybody comes in threads like this saying op is a troll and stuff like that when dude is just trying to let you guys know about some stuff thats going on. Believe it or not the government knows whats out there and i have a feeling we will know pretty soon.
Well if space is infinite then evrything you can possibly imagine is out there... And talking about dimensions always creeps me out and is just too hard to understand it all. But with that guy who was talking at the end he sounded really bugged out it coulda been a hoax by the radio station or whatever it was but you never know. I do believe the government and the secret societys are holding out on tons of knowledge that they dont want the public to find out about. Just think with all these "ufos" flying around one of them had to crash or land sometime or have something go wrong. I like how everybody comes in threads like this saying op is a troll and stuff like that when dude is just trying to let you guys know about some stuff thats going on. Believe it or not the government knows whats out there and i have a feeling we will know pretty soon.
Marvel super villains will be here soon to ravage your women and create super human villains to take over the universe.
Marvel super villains will be here soon to ravage your women and create super human villains to take over the universe.
BOBtheHOE wrote:

This is why nasa never does live feed no more.

can some one explain what in the blue hell is going on in this video??

BOBtheHOE wrote:

This is why nasa never does live feed no more.

can some one explain what in the blue hell is going on in this video??

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