Unemployed Nters: vol. what are u doing on the couch at 1 p.m.?

Nov 1, 2009
I have no job.
I'm not broke, but I need to find a gig, but after making it without a 9-5 for like 4 years, its very stressful going through the whole job hunting process again.  I think I've become complacent at not having to be somewhere at a certain time.  The rest of my life is pretty normal.  I dont sell drugs or anything, but I get by, but I know thats not enough.  I just hate job searching, these long *$+ apps, and the rest that job searching involves.

Is anyone in the same boat?  (our boat might sink soon if we dont find a gig)

Share your feelings.
I have no job.
I'm not broke, but I need to find a gig, but after making it without a 9-5 for like 4 years, its very stressful going through the whole job hunting process again.  I think I've become complacent at not having to be somewhere at a certain time.  The rest of my life is pretty normal.  I dont sell drugs or anything, but I get by, but I know thats not enough.  I just hate job searching, these long *$+ apps, and the rest that job searching involves.

Is anyone in the same boat?  (our boat might sink soon if we dont find a gig)

Share your feelings.
i'm suppose to be studying...

i quit my job to finish school but i've never been so bored in my life...
I apply to atleast 3 places every day. 2 months without the stress that comes with a job has been nice and I've been getting by on unemployment and side hustles (nothing illegal). I've actually had fun going everywhere these last 2 months , but I know that steady money is better than anything.
I apply to atleast 3 places every day. 2 months without the stress that comes with a job has been nice and I've been getting by on unemployment and side hustles (nothing illegal). I've actually had fun going everywhere these last 2 months , but I know that steady money is better than anything.
i'm suppose to be studying...

i quit my job to finish school but i've never been so bored in my life...
I was in the same boat.  I got a crappy part time gig to fill some days while I look for something permanent.
I was in the same boat.  I got a crappy part time gig to fill some days while I look for something permanent.
Cosign all of the above... minus the not selling drugs part. I've done that, I just don't DO it...yahmean? I'm more likely to be the guy holding the .357 making sure @$%! goes as we planned it. But I digress...

Let's see what am I doing sitting here...

Well I could be working in my album, but I'm not. I'm waiting for my BFFF to arrive in town in 2 hours, which is right around the time I will have to pick up my girl. Then the three of us will probably blow a loud pack and play catch up since I gotta go out of town thursday night. So I guess it's NT, stumbleupon, FB, and this reggie I got on deck until then
Looking at the deep web post thinking about how much money i could easily make if i learn how to use it correct lol
Cosign all of the above... minus the not selling drugs part. I've done that, I just don't DO it...yahmean? I'm more likely to be the guy holding the .357 making sure @$%! goes as we planned it. But I digress...

Let's see what am I doing sitting here...

Well I could be working in my album, but I'm not. I'm waiting for my BFFF to arrive in town in 2 hours, which is right around the time I will have to pick up my girl. Then the three of us will probably blow a loud pack and play catch up since I gotta go out of town thursday night. So I guess it's NT, stumbleupon, FB, and this reggie I got on deck until then
Looking at the deep web post thinking about how much money i could easily make if i learn how to use it correct lol
That steady paycheck is whats so alluring.  I've just gotten sooooo used to doing what I want, when I want.  But life is not about that all the time.  Its the hunt that kills me.  

probably blow a loud pack and play catch up since I gotta go out of town thursday night. So I guess it's NT, stumbleupon, FB, and this reggie I got on deck until then
so much more exciting than work, no?
That steady paycheck is whats so alluring.  I've just gotten sooooo used to doing what I want, when I want.  But life is not about that all the time.  Its the hunt that kills me.  

probably blow a loud pack and play catch up since I gotta go out of town thursday night. So I guess it's NT, stumbleupon, FB, and this reggie I got on deck until then
so much more exciting than work, no?
Uhhh, just graduated from colllege, trying to get back into school for my masters. . Unemployed and I love it, 9-5 is slave work and i refuse to put myself through that. There are other opportunities to make $ besides working in an office.

Hopefully if/when I get into grad school i can start working on Campus. .

Anyways, besides sitting on my @** I make use of my time by reading, taking classes at the Jr. College, picking up the piano and other activities that involve creativity of the mind.

I don't watch t.v unless I am eating dinner or lunch which last about 30 minutes top, and soon I will be trying to phase out a lot of my internet time which is still way to high.

I'm headed on a trip to Greece in May which should be a blast but to afford this i started selling my shoes and doing little gigs on craigslist.

My advice is to continue to the live th dream.
Uhhh, just graduated from colllege, trying to get back into school for my masters. . Unemployed and I love it, 9-5 is slave work and i refuse to put myself through that. There are other opportunities to make $ besides working in an office.

Hopefully if/when I get into grad school i can start working on Campus. .

Anyways, besides sitting on my @** I make use of my time by reading, taking classes at the Jr. College, picking up the piano and other activities that involve creativity of the mind.

I don't watch t.v unless I am eating dinner or lunch which last about 30 minutes top, and soon I will be trying to phase out a lot of my internet time which is still way to high.

I'm headed on a trip to Greece in May which should be a blast but to afford this i started selling my shoes and doing little gigs on craigslist.

My advice is to continue to the live th dream.
I'm at my girls crib...she's at school

I'd kill for a big paycheck for my company to do branding/marketing for a big name brand

Pretty much got 3 clients...right now?

Doing social media marketing/promotion/research/bumping Wu Tang/Media outreach
I'm at my girls crib...she's at school

I'd kill for a big paycheck for my company to do branding/marketing for a big name brand

Pretty much got 3 clients...right now?

Doing social media marketing/promotion/research/bumping Wu Tang/Media outreach
i work nights but i'll respond cause i'm bored.

i just woke up and am gonna go to the hardware store and get a key made.  then i'll probably play some black ops.
i work nights but i'll respond cause i'm bored.

i just woke up and am gonna go to the hardware store and get a key made.  then i'll probably play some black ops.
Originally Posted by Fly Guy On A G5

That steady paycheck is whats so alluring.  I've just gotten sooooo used to doing what I want, when I want.  But life is not about that all the time.  Its the hunt that kills me.  

probably blow a loud pack and play catch up since I gotta go out of town thursday night. So I guess it's NT, stumbleupon, FB, and this reggie I got on deck until then
so much more exciting than work, no?
Man... the fun gets soooo old though. I go to sleep sometimes like aye #+* am I DOING with myself? I've had the wildest nights and went to bed wishing I could just be a regular functioning adult in the "White world". But nah.. I just gotta be so damn.... hood... all the time. It's not glamorous.
Originally Posted by Fly Guy On A G5

That steady paycheck is whats so alluring.  I've just gotten sooooo used to doing what I want, when I want.  But life is not about that all the time.  Its the hunt that kills me.  

probably blow a loud pack and play catch up since I gotta go out of town thursday night. So I guess it's NT, stumbleupon, FB, and this reggie I got on deck until then
so much more exciting than work, no?
Man... the fun gets soooo old though. I go to sleep sometimes like aye #+* am I DOING with myself? I've had the wildest nights and went to bed wishing I could just be a regular functioning adult in the "White world". But nah.. I just gotta be so damn.... hood... all the time. It's not glamorous.
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