Unexpected nap turned full sleep mode Unappreciation

Saturday, had a long night Friday and around 7 p.m. I lay down and close my eyes.
Wake up at 8 a.m. Sunday 
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

hold a empty bottle or something that will make loud enough noise if you were to drop it.
sleep while holding that object in one hand, so that when you are really alseep, you'll drop it and it'll wake you up.

This could work, lol..I used to set my TV's alarm but wake up, turn it off, the back to sleep. Now I put the remote someplace far so I have to get up, lol.
This happened to me last night. I slept while reading my textbook in bed around 6PM (big mistake) and after I read 4 pages I started dozing off, so I decided that I should take a quick nap 30min - 1 hour....and I didn't wake up til 11 PM!

Also, when I wake up, I feel so delirious and out of it that I don't even realize that I decide to go back to sleep when I should be studying!

From here on, no more naps.
I had class yesterday at 630.
At 540 i decide to take a 15/20 min nap. "Wakes up at 715"

Where did I go wrong!? 
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

That's why I can only nap if I know I don't have work or class the next day. I'll set the alarm on my phone for 30 minutes later. I will wake up, turn off the alarm, and go right back to sleep

I hate when I have to get up early in the morning..and I wake up- turn off the alarm-body ignore alarm and goes right back asleep-
Co-signing wit' OP.

The worst is when your watchin' a basketball game and you wanna take a nap during halftime, then you end up missin' the rest of the 2nd half!
Originally Posted by amel223

Sounds like you guys don't get enough regular sleep in.

I'll admit that. I probably average about 4 hours of sleep a night. I catch up on the weekend and sleep in til like 2 or 3 but then my sleep schedule remains @@@@*! up.
decided to take a nap one time after the workplace let us out early. woke up with the sun still out glaring through the windows and almost crapped on myself thinking it was already tomorrow and i was late for work
this happened to me on saturday. the power went out in my apartment around 6, so i laid down and took a nap. woke up at 630 the next morning for work.
i used to fall a sleep when i was watching tv after all the hard work i did at my job , then i would wake up at 8pm my eyes would still feel tired and then i end up not going to the gym..

Being laid off made this nightmare disappear and i since then haven't had issues with being too tired
Originally Posted by shiznut123

Read a text book, that usually puts me to sleep. If it fails to do so, at least you learn something. Win-Win situation

hahaha i feel you. reading a textbook in bed gets me sleepy quick
happening a lot lately, but this use to happen when I was younger too. Set my alarm for 1 or 2 hours...thinking I'm going to get back up and move on with the rest of my day and soon as I get up I'm looking like Judah after Zu caught him flush.

soon after that happens I just go back to sleep.
This happens to me a lot after I come home from the gym and I just want to lay down on the bed.
this is how all my naps turn out

takes me forever to fall asleep no matter what time it is, but once I'm out its game over
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