Update: Honestly, How important is one's looks?

Aug 4, 2004
I know this sounds like an obvious question but looks seem to be very important to society (wait, nvm)Niketalk. If you get ahead in life and achieve more/better things in life, why blame girls for getting plastic surgery?


After 6 pages
Since looks matter, I think you gorgeous people should give back advice.

How can a "ugly" guy or girl suffice? I don't think people should mope around disliking themselves.

Here's my start to advice
- Like I said previously, flaunt what you got, even if its bad
- Don't be aggressive. Ugly aggressive man or female creates for violated feelings.
- Love who you are. Like yourself, and this will progress outwards.
Its important.......beautiful people like myself get treated differently than ugly people.
I believe that looks are emphasized more when you are younger and as you get older the other aspects a person has to offer achieve a greater importance thanlooks.
Character is fate. I do feel that looks can get you through the door, but there is nothing wrong with working harder for what you want.
not that important.
ive met plenty of guys that when i first saw them i didnt think id be interested but then they turn it around with their personality.
Real talk, I do think that dating is 99% based on looks. 9's date 9's, dimes date dimes, 5's date 5's. I'm 19.
as much as people want to say its not, it is, it VERY MUCH is important, just look at babies growing up, the cute little babies always get away witht hings,they get hugged, cheeked squeezed, if a cute baby made a mess with toilet paper the parents take pictures and laugh
if a ugly baby made the same mess he's catching a major %%!-whooping
Ima kepp it 100. They're damn near everything. I need a chick who I can take out in public in tha daytime. If I can't look her in the face all day thenshe's ugly...
Lookks plays a part
But you can be a Handsome broke %*%@+ and you wont get any.
You can be an ugly rich dude and youll get all the females..Look at scott storch (now hes broke..You see him in any videos?)

You can look like Shabba Ranks but be driving a Mercedes and have a Rolex on your wrist and a Louis Vuitton suit and girls are guaranteed to come to you.
Originally Posted by roback1991

a nice body is all you need.

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