Update: Honestly, How important is one's looks?

Its one part of an equation but ehh...looks fade.

The finest chick I was with was bad in the sack. I'll take an average looking chick over a gorgeous face anyday.
Being beautiful makes life easier but I know ugly dudes who get girls...so I guess money can make up for any physical flaws.
Good looks are important for initial attraction, but looks aren't everything. Looks can't keep someone interested. There's plenty of good lookingpeople out there. Personality > Looks by farrrrr.
But without initial attraction, some people wouldn't ever meet.
Originally Posted by laneysworld

Ima kepp it 100. They're damn near everything. I need a chick who I can take out in public in tha daytime. If I can't look her in the face all day then she's ugly...

Originally Posted by Vivrantchino21

very important, its what you notice first and what makes you wanna wife her or hit it.

my first time seeing you post in general
but looks are very important. Better looking people usually get paid more
In Terms Of Relationships its big For me just because of the fact i am picky.....but in everyday life i dont its a factor.
I think looks matter but only to a certain extent.
Your looks can get you the conversation with the girl, but your personality will carry you from there
Looks aint everything. This dude Shelden Williams got one of the finest girls in Sports History.

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Good looks are important for initial attraction, but looks aren't everything. Looks can't keep someone interested. There's plenty of good looking people out there. Personality > Looks by farrrrr.
But without initial attraction, some people wouldn't ever meet.
physical attraction is merely human's natural instinctual way to subconsciously tell us that a potential mate is healthy and has good genes that will bepassed on to theyre offspring. hence they get sexually stimulated or in other words "want to hit it,"

for example, guys are attracted to big boobs, but what really is so attractive about them, theyre just a fleshy bag with fat in em and a nipple. guys areattracted to big breasts because they indicate the female is healthy and can adequately feed their children.

likewise with women, theyre attracted to big muscular men, this is no different than an alpha male lion getting alll the p*ssy in the lion pride.a good lookingmuscular male indicates he has good genes and if the female were to mate with him he would pass down good genes to their kids ensuring the survival of thespecies. people dont realize it but its jsut our animal instincts that make use attracted to good looks. we're all just animals out in the jungle.

strong win out, weak die out. survival of the fittest. those with the best genes (good looking people) get to reproduce. people with bad genes or who looksickly (ugly or fat or skinny people) dont. its not fair but its the way nature works.
Originally Posted by smallBALL5

physical attraction is merely human's natural instinctual way to subconsciously tell us that a potential mate is healthy and has good genes that will be passed on to theyre offspring. hence they get sexually stimulated or in other words "want to hit it,"

for example, guys are attracted to big boobs, but what really is so attractive about them, theyre just a fleshy bag with fat in em and a nipple. guys are attracted to big breasts because they indicate the female is healthy and can adequately feed their children.

likewise with women, theyre attracted to big muscular men, this is no different than an alpha male lion getting alll the p*ssy in the lion pride.a good looking muscular male indicates he has good genes and if the female were to mate with him he would pass down good genes to their kids ensuring the survival of the species. people dont realize it but its jsut our animal instincts that make use attracted to good looks. we're all just animals out in the jungle.

strong win out, weak die out. survival of the fittest. those with the best genes (good looking people) get to reproduce. people with bad genes or who look sickly (ugly or fat or skinny people) dont. its not fair but its the way nature works.
Thanks small balls.... but there is no reason to be pessimistic. Ugly who cares? Flaunt what you got even if it ain't good.
Originally Posted by smallBALL5

physical attraction is merely human's natural instinctual way to subconsciously tell us that a potential mate is healthy and has good genes that will be passed on to theyre offspring. hence they get sexually stimulated or in other words "want to hit it,"

for example, guys are attracted to big boobs, but what really is so attractive about them, theyre just a fleshy bag with fat in em and a nipple. guys are attracted to big breasts because they indicate the female is healthy and can adequately feed their children.

likewise with women, theyre attracted to big muscular men, this is no different than an alpha male lion getting alll the p*ssy in the lion pride.a good looking muscular male indicates he has good genes and if the female were to mate with him he would pass down good genes to their kids ensuring the survival of the species. people dont realize it but its jsut our animal instincts that make use attracted to good looks. we're all just animals out in the jungle.

strong win out, weak die out. survival of the fittest. those with the best genes (good looking people) get to reproduce. people with bad genes or who look sickly (ugly or fat or skinny people) dont. its not fair but its the way nature works.

True but the afact today is with so many variations in people from wealth to intelligence that all that gets kinda blurred. But all that is still true
Originally Posted by smallBALL5

physical attraction is merely human's natural instinctual way to subconsciously tell us that a potential mate is healthy and has good genes that will be passed on to theyre offspring. hence they get sexually stimulated or in other words "want to hit it,"

for example, guys are attracted to big boobs, but what really is so attractive about them, theyre just a fleshy bag with fat in em and a nipple. guys are attracted to big breasts because they indicate the female is healthy and can adequately feed their children.

likewise with women, theyre attracted to big muscular men, this is no different than an alpha male lion getting alll the p*ssy in the lion pride.a good looking muscular male indicates he has good genes and if the female were to mate with him he would pass down good genes to their kids ensuring the survival of the species. people dont realize it but its jsut our animal instincts that make use attracted to good looks. we're all just animals out in the jungle.

strong win out, weak die out. survival of the fittest. those with the best genes (good looking people) get to reproduce. people with bad genes or who look sickly (ugly or fat or skinny people) dont. its not fair but its the way nature works.
Women are also attracted to males who have access to the most resources....money, cars, houses. If you're not a big muscular pretty man like Iam
you better be making crazy bank.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by smallBALL5

physical attraction is merely human's natural instinctual way to subconsciously tell us that a potential mate is healthy and has good genes that will be passed on to theyre offspring. hence they get sexually stimulated or in other words "want to hit it,"

for example, guys are attracted to big boobs, but what really is so attractive about them, theyre just a fleshy bag with fat in em and a nipple. guys are attracted to big breasts because they indicate the female is healthy and can adequately feed their children.

likewise with women, theyre attracted to big muscular men, this is no different than an alpha male lion getting alll the p*ssy in the lion pride.a good looking muscular male indicates he has good genes and if the female were to mate with him he would pass down good genes to their kids ensuring the survival of the species. people dont realize it but its jsut our animal instincts that make use attracted to good looks. we're all just animals out in the jungle.

strong win out, weak die out. survival of the fittest. those with the best genes (good looking people) get to reproduce. people with bad genes or who look sickly (ugly or fat or skinny people) dont. its not fair but its the way nature works.

True but the afact today is with so many variations in people from wealth to intelligence that all that gets kinda blurred. But all that is still true
i agree. in general this is all true. but we're a highly evolved more intelligent species so looks isnt the end all be all. but this is what itell to all my friends who whine and complain and say "im a nice guy and a caring friend but i dont get no play, all those sleazy prettyboys andmuscleheads get all the action and they dont give two sh*ts bout the girl."

if youre ugly or fat or short, in order to SURVIVE and pass on your genes, you better have tons of swag or a rediculous sense of humor to make up for your lackof looks. and if youre born with good genes you can be damn near ******ed and still get play.
Originally Posted by One Love

Its important.......beautiful people like myself get treated differently than ugly people.
QFT...But, real talk I have noticed an intriguing correlation between lack of physical beauty and smarts (book smarts). I go to a top tieruniversity, and the chicks ain't too banging. There are a few here and there, but out of a freshman class of 1, 500, I can count them on my fingers. Mytheory, which is purely speculative: Pretty girls don't have to work as hard.
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