Originally Posted by acidicality

...but this team is gonna get blasted in the BCS bowl they play in.
That's the same exact thing people were saying last year when Boise Junior College....I mean Boise State made it. Then look what happened.

Imua Warriors!!
Originally Posted by jrellcuse10

Originally Posted by jville819

Originally Posted by michaud07

Congratulations Hawaii. You beat the worst team in the Pac-10 Conference by 4 yards. Good luck in the BCS. Way too cocky for how bad the suck.

they came back and scored 28 unanswered points i dont care who its against thats a hell of a football team

Michaud you are the definition of a hater. 28 unanswered points is a hell of an accomplishment. I don't care who it's against. Hawaii could've given up after being down 21-0 after the 1st but they didn't, they kept playing. You my friend are a recipient of this:


Keep trying to defend your boys, but they barely beat the sorriest team in the Pac-10, at home.
Originally Posted by michaud07

Congratulations Hawaii. You beat the worst team in the Pac-10 Conference by 4 yards. Good luck in the BCS. Way too cocky for how bad the suck.

i was born and raised in hawaii.....

.....but i absolutely love my school.....

damn this one hurts.....

yea true....i'm not hating, but this was not the best team in the Pac-10 they beat...and u got Hawaii fans in the stands actin like they just beat USC
. I definitely HOPE they can pull a Boise St. and play a helluva game in their BCS bowl...but I honestly can't see them competing very well...Thatdefense looked porous for most of the 1st half...yes, almost as bad as Cal's
....UW is the worst team in the PAc-10 conf and this will go down as one of their signature wins this year. i was bursting in laughter when i saw the WAC beats on PAC sign....
Wait hold up our entire season has ended this way....I'm not looking to argue but we have been in every gamethis year we just fall apart in the fourth quarter.
Our record doesn't represent the team out on the field... (well maybe just the defense)...
acid, i agree that their defense sucks but offensively they got the best QB in college and they run the system to perfection
Originally Posted by trunks206

....UW is the worst team in the PAc-10 conf and this will go down as one of their signature wins this year. i was bursting in laughter when i saw the WAC beats on PAC sign....
Wait hold up our entire season has ended this way....I'm not looking to argue but we have been in every game this year we just fall apart in the fourth quarter.
Our record doesn't represent the team out on the field... (well maybe just the defense)...

Yeah exactly, UW could have won a BUNCH of games.......including games vs GOOD teams, but they always choking it up hardcore in the 3rd and/or 4thquarters.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by jrellcuse10

Originally Posted by jville819

Originally Posted by michaud07

Congratulations Hawaii. You beat the worst team in the Pac-10 Conference by 4 yards. Good luck in the BCS. Way too cocky for how bad the suck.

they came back and scored 28 unanswered points i dont care who its against thats a hell of a football team

Michaud you are the definition of a hater. 28 unanswered points is a hell of an accomplishment. I don't care who it's against. Hawaii could've given up after being down 21-0 after the 1st but they didn't, they kept playing. You my friend are a recipient of this:


Keep trying to defend your boys, but they barely beat the sorriest team in the Pac-10, at home.

They aren't my boys at all. It's just the fact that people don't appreciate a good game when they see one. Who cares if their the worst team inthe Pacific 10, they put on pads and helmets just like every one else.
Nah I know UW is better than their record, you guys have a nice future of course w/ Locker, and have been in all your games (hung around against tOSU and theircocky fans), and you guys whooped my crappy Bears that are a worse team than the Huskies right now..i just think it's sad that this is arguably their bestwin (other than maybe Boise St.)...
Only thing that I'm worrying about this game, as a UW fan (and a student), is that voice of people who wants Tyrone Willingham to be gone just gottenlouder. I personally want him to stay but what can I do. There are so many people in Seattle that wants this man gone like we just won national championshipthis year and this man came in and screwed our team. We truly are better than what the records show but I guess it is what it is and people tends to look at Wand L column when it comes down to the end. I'm just so mad last couple weeks that so many people wants Tyrone Willingham to be gone and Jim Mora to takeover. I mean really? Will he really take the job?

After getting couple really good recruits signing yesterday, this makes my heart break. Go Dawgs. Go Dawgs. There's always next year, I guess.
they tried to schedule games against USC and MSU if i'm not mistaken. hopefully they will get some respect so teams want play them in the future that waythey wont have to go undefeated to be known as a halfway decent team
1.How many of the people in attendance were actually University of Hawaii students?
I could literally pick out the band wagoners from the student body

2. Why is everybody underestimating this win? If my memory serves me correctly (and it usually does), wasn't this the same UW team that gave USC a run fortheir money early in the season? Isn't this the same UW team that held a lead against tOSU at halftime early in the season? I find it funny that all thepeople hating on Hawaii are clearly salty because their schools are going to be toilet bowling while Hawaii is getting national shine in a BCS game, regardlessof a win or loss.
Just stop it. This team is legit. They fell behindand were caught off guard by the speed but made the proper adjustments and scored 28 unansweredpoints. That is a complete team.

I am mos. def rooting for this team and it's not because I applied to their school for next fall

ps: shout of to my boy lobos on UW. He got himself a few tackles and a fumble recover during this game


being from hawaii originally, i understand how much this meant for ppl back home ~ i just want them to show some class with it.....

UW may be craptacular now, but UH still has a lot of ground to cover to attain the accolades that UW's program has accumulated.

best of luck to them in their bowl game tho (maybe my family back home will stop talking smack to me now
^^you could say that the UW team "almost" beat USC, OSU etc. but Hawaii never played them. no one's salty, i do agree they deserve to be in theBCS but i'm not sure they can hang in there with a team like USC, something like that. but it should be very interesting to see how they do against a legitBCS team for the first time in forever.

some of those bandwagoner fans are ridiculous tho...i just find it a little funny how that NOW all the hawaii fans are comin out of the woodworks
. not just on NT but u could see it in the stands in that stadium..
i have a question. so the people of hawaii are supposed to stay home when their team is doing that well? hawaii is a small, fairly close-knit state. chanceslike this don't come often and there are people that want to show support (if only because the team is good this year). so what?!?!

we won. get over it. might not win the bowl game but this is the best we have ever done. let it go already. stop nit-picking.
2. Why is everybody underestimating this win? If my memory serves me correctly (and it usually does), wasn't this the same UW team that gave USC a run for their money early in the season? Isn't this the same UW team that held a lead against tOSU at halftime early in the season?
Add the same team that was blow for blow with a healthy Oregon team with Dixon at QB up until the start of thefourth quarter (31-31) then yes you have the same team. Again I'm not trying to argue with anyone or justify anything I'm sorry but this is just aseasons worth of frustration which started the second half of the Ohio State game.

As for Willingham I really dont want him to go...I think he is the right coach for this team. I dont want Doba anywhere near our campus. Locker will work onhis passing during the off-season, plus from what I read we are getting him some good targets for him to throw to, so all this get rid of Tyrone talk will goaway as the wins start coming in.
Originally Posted by trunks206

2. Why is everybody underestimating this win? If my memory serves me correctly (and it usually does), wasn't this the same UW team that gave USC a run for their money early in the season? Isn't this the same UW team that held a lead against tOSU at halftime early in the season?
Add the same team that was blow for blow with a healthy Oregon team with Dixon at QB up until the start of the fourth quarter (31-31) then yes you have the same team. Again I'm not trying to argue with anyone or justify anything I'm sorry but this is just a seasons worth of frustration which started the second half of the Ohio State game.

As for Willingham I really dont want him to go...I think he is the right coach for this team. I dont want Doba anywhere near our campus. Locker will work on his passing during the off-season, plus from what I read we are getting him some good targets for him to throw to, so all this get rid of Tyrone talk will go away as the wins start coming in.

Ty shouldn't be fired at all. I think this time next year they will qualify for a bowl game. After seeing what he did to 'Cuse I thought that UWwould be good this year. They were decent but had they kept up the tempo when they were playing against OSU, USC and Oregon no one would be saying fire Ty.
Originally Posted by kevin2nd

chances like this don't come often and there are people that want to show support (if only because the team is good this year). so what?!?!
auuurite! way to defend the bandwagoners! with an argument like that, i wouldn't expect you to complain when bandwagoners for any team in anysport come out. but whatever, that's your issue.

ANYWAY, we better not fire ty.
(BUT, a bowl next year shouldn't betoo much to ask for, judging by how "well" we've done this season)
Originally Posted by FRANChISe206

Originally Posted by kevin2nd

chances like this don't come often and there are people that want to show support (if only because the team is good this year). so what?!?!
auuurite! way to defend the bandwagoners! with an argument like that, i wouldn't expect you to complain when bandwagoners for any team in any sport come out. but whatever, that's your issue.

it's pretty obvious that the team is drawing the crowd pretty much because they are doing well. sounds like you're from hawaii and you know thedays when the UH games at aloha stadium were less crowded than windward mall on a weekday
Originally Posted by michaud07

Congratulations Hawaii. You beat the worst team in the Pac-10 Conference by 4 yards. Good luck in the BCS. Way too cocky for how bad the suck.

I bet you never had the balls to put on the pads and helmet. Keep being a sideline cheerleader where you belong. Any given team has a chance to beat a teamon any day. That's the beauty of this game. So much passion and preparation for a single game each week. You will never understand the true meaning of afootball game. Keep looking at your numbers and stat sheet++**+%$.

SMH at all the haters. Talking bout records and %%$!. UW is a good team. Yes, they have a last-place pac-10 record but that doesn't reflect how good theyare. UW has been in every game they have played.

How are we frauds? We deserve to be where we are right now. Why can't you just drop your egos for one second and cheer on the underdogs. We're crashingthe BCS.
hey hey hey now.....

don't get it twisted, i'm glad that this win will do wonders for the UH program.....

i'm just in a unique position because my second favorite team just beat my first favorite team!

EDIT: btw, i'll be back on oahu for xmas break, so holla when you see me... imma rock my UW jersey at all thesneaker spots!
With all said and done great game by Hawaii. If they dont move up to the top ten with the two top teams losing I will be dissapointed. I am not a Hawaii fan byno means but they just keep beating everyone you put in front of them (even if that is a couple of JV teams Boise and Washington)

On the flip side. it was hilarious watching them play a team with legit speed they looked horrible until the realized they wasnt in the WAC anymore.

Anyway good showing Hawaii (my friend is going to chew me out because he loves them so im in for it)
Well this won't happen next year as Hawaii has to travel to the Swamp the first week of the season.
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