Vegetarians: What do you eat for Thanksgiving?

Sep 16, 2003
This being my first year being a vegetarian I was wondering what you all ate. For me I think its going to be collard greens, rice, sweet potato and some otherstuff.
I still don't understand why anyone's a vegetarian... That said, I could get full off the Thanksgiving sides alone.

It's easy for me because I don't really celebrate Thanksgiving. So, nothing special.
I still don't understand why anyone's a vegetarian...
what do vegans eat
A couple of weeks ago we had a thread on veg*anism. You guys can find some answers there:

NT Vegetarians I Have Some Questions
leaves and dirt.
Actually the list of foods I choose to consume as a vegan is far longer than the list of foods I choose not to consume. I won't eat meat,eggs, dairy, honey, or processed foods containing animal products. Compare that to a comprehensive list of fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, and so on. Ieat delicious foods as part of an incredibly healthy, environmentally sustainable, and ethical diet. I honestly don't miss the foods I gave up at all - Ijust wish somebody could make a good basketball shoe free of animal products.
Wat kinda vegetarian asks what vegetarians are eating for thanksgiving
Have you ever asked what someone else was eating for thanksgiving? I don't see what the problem is.
this is my first thanksgiving being a vegan. Its going to be interesting.
Good luck! I hope your loved ones are understanding and supportive of your choice. Congrats on going vegan!
I met a Vegan over the Summer, he was in my Chinese course. I asked him if it was hard being a vegetarian and how long he has done it. He told me about 8 yearsand that meat still looks delicious to him, but the thought of actually chewing it and swallowing it turns him off from consuming meats. There is a differencebetween vegetarians and vegans, make sure you know the difference! Vegans avoid ALL products that have even the slightest ties to meat, such as dairy productsthat come from cows. Vegetarians on the other hand can still drink milk, eat ice cream, etc. He was a vegetarian, so he still ate all kinds of things, just notpure meat. He also said that it is common for vegetarians to eat fish only. You could try eating a lot of vegetables. Don't limit yourself to Thanksgivingstyle food. Go eat some Fettucini Alfredo, a Margherita pizza, etc. It is always a good time to eat good food.
Well, you should be able to eat all the sides and all the pie you want, unless you're a real stickler for ingredients (gelatin, bone marrow, etc.)
But you can always make your own dish to share! I always trick my family into eating my dish and they end up loving it. Them ignorant foolswouldn't eat it if I told them it was quinoa and tempeh. I tell them, "Oh, it's just some grainy dish with seasoned chicken breast." They know about my diet but they don't really know what a vegetarian/vegan eats. They still offer me crap like turkey dogs like I'm supposedto get excited.

Lots of easy recipes here:
I love a dumb first response.
lol one of the best things about this site but yea, I got a co-worker who has been a veggie for 30 years. he says he makes all the sides basicallyand just eats that. this year him and his wife are going to village inn for pan cakes. go figure.
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

this is my first thanksgiving being a vegan. Its going to be interesting.

Same here. I'll probably just have to eat the side dishes. If that doesn't work, I'll just make some vegan fettucine alfredo or cheeseless pizza.
Originally Posted by Method Man

I came across this link by way of a vegetarian friend and thought some of you would appreciate it:

And here's another pair of links which you might find useful as well:

I hope all the veg*ans celebrating today have supportive and understanding friends and family.

Bookmarked. Thanks for the links, and actually to everyone shunning the Tofurkey Roast I've heard pretty good things about it.
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