Vick and Burress to miss most of 2009 season vol. Give Mike a break

A lot of nt'ers are going to be

Updated: August 24, 2007, 8:56 PM ET

[h2]Vick suspended indefinitely by NFL[/h2]

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NEW YORK -- The NFL has suspended Falcons quarterback Michael Vick indefinitely without pay following his admission of guilt in a dogfightingscheme.
On Friday, Vick filed his plea agreement in federal court admitting to conspiracy in a dogfighting ring and agreeing that the enterprise includedkilling pit bulls and gambling. He denied making side bets on the fights, but admitted to bankrolling them. Friday afternoon, a letter to Vick from NFLcommissioner Roger Goodell said, in part:
[h4]NFL calls Vick conduct 'cruel'[/h4]

• Read the full text of the letter sent by commissioner Roger Goodell to Michael Vick suspending the quarterback indefinitely without pay from the NFL on Friday. PDF

"Your admitted conduct was not only illegal, but also cruel and reprehensible" and regardless whether he personally placed bets, "youractions in funding the betting and your association with illegal gambling both violate the terms of your NFL player contract and expose you to corruptinginfluences in derogation of one of the most fundamental responsibilities of an NFL player."
Goodell freed the Falcons to "assert any claims orremedies" to recover $22 million of Vick's signing bonus from the 10-year, $130 million contract he signed in 2004.
The commissioner didn't speak to Vick but based his decision on the court filings. NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said Goodell may meet with Vick in thefuture, and Goodell said he would review the suspension after all the legal proceedings.

"You have engaged in conduct detrimental to the welfare of the NFL and have violated the league's personal conduct policy," Goodell told Vickin a letter after meeting in New York with Falcons president and general manager Rich McKay.

"You are now justifiably facing consequences for the decisions you made and the conduct in which you engaged. Your career, freedom and public standingare now in the most serious jeopardy," Goodell wrote. "I hope that you will be able to learn from this difficult experience and emerge from it betterprepared to act responsibly and to make the kinds of choices that are expected of a conscientious and law abiding citizen."
Falcons owner Arthur Blanksupported Goodell's decision and said:
"We hope that Michael will use this time, not only to further address his legal matters, but to take positive steps to improve his personallife."
Nike, meantime, said it terminated its contract with Vick. In disciplining Vick, Goodell said he will "review the status of your suspensionfollowing the conclusion of the legal proceedings. As part of that review, I will take into account a number of factors, including the resolution of any othercharges that may be brought against you, whether in Surry County, Virginia, or other jurisdictions, your conduct going forward, the specifics of the sentenceimposed by Judge Hudson and any related findings he might make, and the extent to which you are truthful and cooperative with law enforcement and league staffwho are investigating these matters." "I have advised the Falcons that, with my decision today, they are no longer prohibited from acting and are nowfree to assert any claims or remedies available to them under the Collective Bargaining Agreement or your NFL Player Contract." The grisly detailsoutlined in the indictment and other court papers prompted a public backlash against Vick, who had been one of the NFL's most popular players.
Animal-rights groups mobilized against Vick -- even protesting at NFL headquarters in New York -- and sponsors dropped him.

"It is fitting that the NFL has suspended him,'' said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States."He's now a role model for something terrible, and it's not appropriate that he suit up in an NFL uniform."

So Nowitness and Wildcat, you guys are telling me that beingsuspended for the entire season, going to jail for almost 2 years, and then being suspended almost another full season isn't OD...gimme a break.
I'm telling you that if I got caught up in some +%+* like that...I'm getting fired, never getting my job back, and it would be almost impossible toland a job comparable to the one I have. I'd be a line cook making $9 an hour.
I understand Goodies' mantra about the NFL being a priveledge, not a right. You don't want dudes fresh out of legal drama, and throwing on an NFLuniform so quick, like it's sexy. Put yourself in Goodies' shoes. Suspend Vick and Plax for 6 games and call it a day.

I do miss Tags though.
So Nowitness and Wildcat, you guys are telling me that being suspended for the entire season, going to jail for almost 2 years, and then being suspended almost another full season isn't OD...gimme a break.
what a punishment. A man not being able to play footballwhen he is in jail. You can pretty much bet in any job if you get put in prison because you are a convicted felon there will be some sort of punishment handedout. The NFL is a business and like any business they have a reputation to maintain. Killing dogs probably doesnt fit with the message they are trying toconvey to the general public.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

why does he feel he is part of the law? I dont understand what shooting yourself with a gun in the leg has anything to do with playing football.

i say good job commish! these arrogant overly-pampered players need to realize its is a privelage to bein paid thousands of dollars for 3 hours of work.
the nfls a product and the players (whether they want to be or not) are the other marketing team for the product. Having a pro-bowl season setting TD records?then ur normally
NFL network-televised games are gonna be aired prime-time ala Tom Brady the GOAT and the final season game in 07 vs the Giants.

Contrastly, shoot yourself in the leg (when u couldve eaily injured sum1 else) then make hospital workers lie about it or illegally fund and operate a dogfighting ring ur gonna have to deal w/ not only your legal sentences but nfl punishment as well. its not being punished twice its just being punishedseperartely by two entities you have offended. The commish. is trying to seperate the NFL from such actions and say 'we're not condoning thisbehavior'. The commish is taking responisibility where these players have not.

i think all the stiff penalites are worthless. everybody knows he strict, but people still doin really bad stuff. dudes dont care. he might as well ease back
I hate Goodell as well he gives into the media so hard. All this police sh*t he really is becoming the no fun league..You have gotten rid ofbasically one of the most exciting players EVER to play the game in vick and he served his time..Not to cause a race thing but if you notice Matt Jones has hadmultiple run ins with the law and got caught with coke suspension just a fine though for his latest act..Pacman Jones got into a fight with hisown security they wanted to kick him out the league for life.
Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

So Nowitness and Wildcat, you guys are telling me that being suspended for the entire season, going to jail for almost 2 years, and then being suspended almost another full season isn't OD...gimme a break.
what a punishment. A man not being able to play football when he is in jail. You can pretty much bet in any job if you get put in prison because you are a convicted felon there will be some sort of punishment handed out. The NFL is a business and like any business they have a reputation to maintain. Killing dogs probably doesnt fit with the message they are trying to convey to the general public.
Is he still killing dogs now? I could have sworn that he was working with the humane society and kids from what I read a few days ago. Also if itwas me, I'm almost positive that I'd be fired and not given an opportunity to return to that job anyway, we all know professional sports doesn'twork that way.

And finally what I really have a problem with is the notion that I heard today on ESPN that Vick has to PROVE to Goodell that he has remorse for what he did.Seriously, how is he supposed to do that? Is Goodell going to read his mind to see, bottom line is that punishing him further for another year accomplisheswhat? Vick will just go play in the CFL or something and then presumably comeback the following season, still with dogfighting attached to him, what is thecomish going to do then? This stigma will ALWAYS be with Vick and PETA and the others who don't want him back will probably still not want him back, so Ifail to see what this is changing.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

So Nowitness and Wildcat, you guys are telling me that being suspended for the entire season, going to jail for almost 2 years, and then being suspended almost another full season isn't OD...gimme a break.
Being suspended for the season he was going through trial and put in prison?
You aren't serious, are you?
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

unscathed? Michael Vick was sitting in a jail cell for the past 2 years. what more is Goodell looking for.. he's just going on another one of his patented power trips.
And him being in a jail cell has what to do with the punishment laid upon him by an employer? Especially an employer that is cracking down onillegal activity and busting dudes for being arrested and NOT convicted? You know damn well what I meant...

Goodell is looking for a dude to EARN his way back in the NFL... You don't do that from a prison cell... See this:
I'm telling you that if I got caught up in some +%+* like that...I'm getting fired, never getting my job back, and it would be almost impossible to land a job comparable to the one I have. I'd be a line cook making $9 an hour.
That is 100% undeniable FACT... In any other profession, you wouldn't even face the opportunity of earning your position with a companyback... Why should Michael Vick's situation be allowed to walk out a jail cell and back into a locker room? Why SHOULDN'T he be forced to earn hisopportunity back?
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Is he still killing dogs now? I could have sworn that he was working with the humane society and kids from what I read a few days ago. Also if it was me, I'm almost positive that I'd be fired and not given an opportunity to return to that job anyway, we all know professional sports doesn't work that way.

And finally what I really have a problem with is the notion that I heard today on ESPN that Vick has to PROVE to Goodell that he has remorse for what he did. Seriously, how is he supposed to do that? Is Goodell going to read his mind to see, bottom line is that punishing him further for another year accomplishes what? Vick will just go play in the CFL or something and then presumably comeback the following season, still with dogfighting attached to him, what is the comish going to do then? This stigma will ALWAYS be with Vick and PETA and the others who don't want him back will probably still not want him back, so I fail to see what this is changing.
Bold: It doesn't? It obviously is... Because that's EXACTLY what you're griping about...

Italics: Why SHOULDN'T you have to prove to an employer, through whatever means possible, that you've changed for the better and put your past behindyou? The notion that you shouldn't have to is ******ed. This notion that Michael Vick should just be able to walk out of prison and back into an NFL gig isunbelievably ignorant...

Why is Michael Vick different from any other man or woman walking out of prison fresh off a sentence?

Stop comparing this to your job...

Yes theyr overpaid to most people, but that isnt the point...

As long as people know they make tons of money, theyll always get looked at unfairly...
Nowitness41Dirk wrote:
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Is he still killing dogs now? I could have sworn that he was working with the humane society and kids from what I read a few days ago. Also if it was me, I'm almost positive that I'd be fired and not given an opportunity to return to that job anyway, we all know professional sports doesn't work that way.

And finally what I really have a problem with is the notion that I heard today on ESPN that Vick has to PROVE to Goodell that he has remorse for what he did. Seriously, how is he supposed to do that? Is Goodell going to read his mind to see, bottom line is that punishing him further for another year accomplishes what? Vick will just go play in the CFL or something and then presumably comeback the following season, still with dogfighting attached to him, what is the comish going to do then? This stigma will ALWAYS be with Vick and PETA and the others who don't want him back will probably still not want him back, so I fail to see what this is changing.
Bold: It doesn't? It obviously is... Because that's EXACTLY what you're griping about...

Italics: Why SHOULDN'T you have to prove to an employer, through whatever means possible, that you've changed for the better and put your past behind you? The notion that you shouldn't have to is ******ed. This notion that Michael Vick should just be able to walk out of prison and back into an NFL gig is unbelievably ignorant...

Why is Michael Vick different from any other man or woman walking out of prison fresh off a sentence?


thats exactly what I was thinking
And by your logic, if I were a convicted rapist should I get my job back because Im not longer raping people? Or a murderer or thief?

As long as people know they make tons of money, theyll always get looked at unfairly...
wait so they make more money than us they should get special privileges? They shouldn't be held in the same regard? If I publicly make mycompany look bad by tarnishing its name, should I not face consequences?

I know if I were caught murdering dogs, and everyone of my colleagues found out about it, I would not have a job.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Is he still killing dogs now? I could have sworn that he was working with the humane society and kids from what I read a few days ago. Also if it was me, I'm almost positive that I'd be fired and not given an opportunity to return to that job anyway, we all know professional sports doesn't work that way.

And finally what I really have a problem with is the notion that I heard today on ESPN that Vick has to PROVE to Goodell that he has remorse for what he did. Seriously, how is he supposed to do that? Is Goodell going to read his mind to see, bottom line is that punishing him further for another year accomplishes what? Vick will just go play in the CFL or something and then presumably comeback the following season, still with dogfighting attached to him, what is the comish going to do then? This stigma will ALWAYS be with Vick and PETA and the others who don't want him back will probably still not want him back, so I fail to see what this is changing.
Bold: It doesn't? It obviously is... Because that's EXACTLY what you're griping about...

Italics: Why SHOULDN'T you have to prove to an employer, through whatever means possible, that you've changed for the better and put your past behind you? The notion that you shouldn't have to is ******ed. This notion that Michael Vick should just be able to walk out of prison and back into an NFL gig is unbelievably ignorant...

Why is Michael Vick different from any other man or woman walking out of prison fresh off a sentence?
But Vick will be given the opportunity at some point presumably to return to the NFL, which is different from other professions and jobs that nonprofessional athletes have. You or me aren't getting offered our jobs back after being sent to federal prison.

And you still didn't answer how is he supposed to prove that he's changed; Vick is the only one who truly knows if he's changed as a person. Youdon't think he's had time to think about what he did the past two years in a jail cell and that if he hasn't changed, somehow being out of footballfor another year is going to lead to an epiphany or something? Goodell can do all the interviews and inquiries he's just sounds like powerhungriness to me.

And I really don't know why you guys are arguing well if I did this....cause you know very well that pro athletes and celebrities get special treatment, isit fair? No, but that's the way it is.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

why does he feel he is part of the law? I dont understand what shooting yourself with a gun in the leg has anything to do with playing football.

ya seriously, and it's not like burress shot someone ELSE, he did it to himself, he paid for his mistkae already by suffering
they were just dogs.... 2 years in jail...for that??? and being suspended potentially for 2 years as well... donte stallworth is getting 30 days injail for killing a HUMAN.... people have their priorities wayyy mixed up.... PETA is such a joke.... let him play
Originally Posted by celtixhalfshell

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

why does he feel he is part of the law? I dont understand what shooting yourself with a gun in the leg has anything to do with playing football.

i say good job commish! these arrogant overly-pampered players need to realize its is a privelage to bein paid thousands of dollars for 3 hours of work.
the nfls a product and the players (whether they want to be or not) are the other marketing team for the product. Having a pro-bowl season setting TD records? then ur normally
NFL network-televised games are gonna be aired prime-time ala Tom Brady the GOAT and the final season game in 07 vs the Giants.

Contrastly, shoot yourself in the leg (when u couldve eaily injured sum1 else) then make hospital workers lie about it or illegally fund and operate a dog fighting ring ur gonna have to deal w/ not only your legal sentences but nfl punishment as well. its not being punished twice its just being punished seperartely by two entities you have offended. The commish. is trying to seperate the NFL from such actions and say 'we're not condoning this behavior'. The commish is taking responisibility where these players have not.

Yes Kudos.

Makes those overpaid showoff bums think twice about doing something stupid. Good for Goodell.

Originally Posted by ElijahDukes

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

why does he feel he is part of the law? I dont understand what shooting yourself with a gun in the leg has anything to do with playing football.

ya seriously, and it's not like burress shot someone ELSE, he did it to himself, he paid for his mistkae already by suffering
Yeah but he also broke the law too.

Roger Goodell is a piece of s*** micheal vick just got out of jail the man has paid his dues to society let him make a living sheesh
Yall make it seem like playing in the NFL is Mike Vick's right. We all knew that he would be suspended, so why is there outrage and surprise? I do thinkhe's paid his debt to society with the jailtime etc, but I am not in the least bit upset about him facing suspension when he's allowed to return.

*As a hypothetical question to those with fulltime jobs...if you get arrested and serve a year or two in prison, do you honestly think that same job is goingto be waiting for you after your time has been served? Does your job owe it to you to save your position?

Also....Stop comparing Vick to Stallworth...they are two totally different cases/circumstances.
Also....Stop comparing Vick to Stallworth...they are two totally different cases/circumstances.
exactly, Stallworth committed a more heinous crime than vick... not only was he driving drunk, but he KILLED A PERSON....michael vick killeddogs.... a dogs life is nothing compared to a person....
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