Victor Cruz Signature Shoe

Just testing sneakers and cooked on a size 11 after gettin kicked out for invalid password. First success on sneakers app.
I was on baby duty this morning and didn't get to my phone until 10:05.  Hopefully that doesn't really matter and I can still cop
Got through after having to run to my car to grab my card, and update my card info
Still pending on mine. Wondering if pressing "okay, got it" had anything to do with it and I should've stayed on that page or not. Lol but I'm just waiting on the product screen for it to be pending
Trying to use an IPHONE when you don't use one either.  The IPHONE is absolute ****.  App crashed on me and now I can't even reload the app....
omg yo i tried to cop an 11 and the app gave me the hang tight and ten mins later "wrong password" like wtf that password crap gets me every time like why dont they make you put that info in BEFORE you get in queue im screwed
NDC showing every size is gone but a 10 and 7.5 and lower
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