Vid of Shaun Ellis throwing a snow boulder at Seahawks

WHAT! he got fined for throwing snow back at fans??
wow man.. thats unreal. this league is quite something. dudes better not farttoo loud on the field, the bank account is gonna hurt the day after. smh

but SMH at how that article tries to put something so small like this and associate it to his criminal stuff.
Originally Posted by tylerdub

So lets see Wes Welker gets penalized for making a snow angel, Ellis gets fined for having a snow fight. Apparently the NFL wants players to pretend snow doesnt exist.

He did? That is so ridiculous. It was done in fun and in good nature.
The Seahawks should be fined as well. They need to control their fans, and it's obvious that they didn't make an announcement about NOT throwing snow,since the PA is talking the whole time.

Ellis was waaaaaaaaay out of line to do that though. I don't care how playful he thought he was being, that's just not right.
The fine is justified. If the fan wasn't looking, it could've caused serious injury. That was not delicate snow, that was a damnglacier.

Even a snowball will bloody your nose if you're not paying attention. I don't know why the players were running for the tunnel over some damn snow.
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Even a snowball will bloody your nose if you're not paying attention.
followed by....
I don't know why the players were running for the tunnel over some damn snow.
the logic of your reasoning escapes me.....

but lets put it in terms you can understand... throw a snowball from the upper decks and gravity does the work for you in speeding it up.
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